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I'm past 50 under 70. I've seen society go through drastic change. As a child in my grade school, there were 2 kids out of about 300 of us who's parents were divorced. No kid had parents who were not married. Most mothers stayed home some worked part time while kids were in school.

Faggots/ trannies who approached children would most likely been beaten and held until police showed up to arrest them. They most certainly would not be invited to read stories to grade schoolers.

Niggers mostly kept to their own parts of town and kept their niggershinez there. In the mid 70s they "integrated" my grade school and unleashed the niggers upon us, bussed em in. Predictable results. Theft, serious physical assaults , even some sexual assaults. We working class White kids were blindsided.

Niggers were not really in most advertising and decent girls would never ever date or be alone with niggers.

It was a far from perfect world back then, but in one lifetime everything changed. I'd say that jew owned media and legal system is mostly to blame for our current clown world shit show.

I'm past 50 under 70. I've seen society go through drastic change. As a child in my grade school, there were 2 kids out of about 300 of us who's parents were divorced. No kid had parents who were not married. Most mothers stayed home some worked part time while kids were in school. Faggots/ trannies who approached children would most likely been beaten and held until police showed up to arrest them. They most certainly would not be invited to read stories to grade schoolers. Niggers mostly kept to their own parts of town and kept their niggershinez there. In the mid 70s they "integrated" my grade school and unleashed the niggers upon us, bussed em in. Predictable results. Theft, serious physical assaults , even some sexual assaults. We working class White kids were blindsided. Niggers were not really in most advertising and decent girls would never ever date or be alone with niggers. It was a far from perfect world back then, but in one lifetime everything changed. I'd say that jew owned media and legal system is mostly to blame for our current clown world shit show.

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts

Well... that's a damn shame that was taken away from us. y'all probably don't need to hear this because you already know, but if you want to listen I'll give you my experience from a newer generation. I am between the ages of 25 and 35.

My mom was born to a woman who was heavily abused by her different partners over the years. She had a crippling disease, I only ever met her once and she was a miserable looking woman. Her last husband was my mom's dad, my grandpa I grew up knowing. He married a woman that he will probably die with, they've been through alot together and it's a little inspiring watch them be dysfunctional together but use the Bible to help motivate them to stay together. Now that they're older I can tell it was worth it.

When they were younger and just starting out, my grandpa had already graduated a trade school and used that to help him and his new wife (my gramma i grew up knowing but not biologically related to) start a business together. They were fairly smart hard working individuals, and their business plan worked out great. They ended up making alot of money and worked at their business for the rest of their lives till retirement where they sold it for a pretty penny.

There was a huge trade off though. They were so focused on making money and didnt notice that the babysitters they hired to watch their kids (my mom, my step-uncle) were evil pedophiles. My mom and her brother were molested from a very young age till they were like.... 13? It was like 5+ years of torture. When they finally pulled their head out of their ass and noticed, they took the two babysitters to court and i think they won the case, but the damage was already done.

My mom was a highly dysfunctional woman. She married a guy young, divorced him, married my dad, divorced him after three kids, then married the first guy again, who turned out to be a faggot so she divorced him, then later married a guy she could use for land and money, then divorced the dysfunctional man after sucking the life out of him, then married another guy who was a fellow nerd like her kids, then divorced him for being a creepy stalker to his ex-family and now who the fuck knows what shes up to.

She tried to homeschool us kids, but was not very good at it. She eventually just kinda.... stopped homeschooling and pursued a career by taking online college courses. My siblings left her because this was around the time we should be getting ready for highschool but she was married to that angry old man with property. I was going to go with them but she threatened to kill herself if i left so i stayed. She was into the diversity agenda so i didnt know niggers as niggers, i knew them as black people who were victim to white supremacy.

I went to a regular local highschool that had a couple blacks, alot of spics and of course white people. Didnt really notice much since I had my head in a book, only had a handful of friends and I was hard to bully because there wasnt much i cared or talked about. I was a very strange person that didnt know how to socialize.

I was a devout Christian, starting back as far as i could remember. But the more i studied the Bible, the more i realized, none of our churches we visited really focused on the word of God, and my mother would always use the Bible to bully me. So I studied the Bible till i could defend myself. One day I finally stood up to her in one of our first out of hand yelling matches when i was like, 16. I realized she was misquoting the Bible to gain power over me. Suddenly I felt a great sadness that the church and my mother only cared about having power and money and would use the Bible to perform any level of manipulation. Suddenly my foundation shattered, I threw away my bible, left the church, left my mom and spiraled into an even deeper depression.

I pursued a career, telling myself that if i want to be worthy of a good man I would have to be a good woman and I had to reconstruct what that even meant. It really felt like I didnt know anything. So I pursued a field dominated by men. I really didnt trust woman at this point in my life. My other hope was that by watching and learning from men, i would figure out what the big imbalance between genders were that people were talking about. Maybe i could figure out what the problem of society is by learning from men. My mom always talked about men like they were worthless animals that were only useful if you could farm a resource from them. I didnt like that perspective.

Well, I did learn alot about the dysfunction between genders from those hardworking men. Men were not like what I was told they were at all! They were all getting divorced, but mostly by women who treated them like useless cattle. I would see strong, smart men work themselves to death for a woman who hated them. I even saw one man during lunch burst out into tears when the guys asked him how he and the wife were doing, because she turned cruel, divorced him and used the kids as leverage. I started realizing, woman with too much power in the court system were the evil ones, not the men.

One day I got a new roomate at the house i was staying at who gave me the redpill. After being molested by a black person, threatened by a different one, and only seeing black people fight on jobs, I was so happy when the redpill gave me permission to call them a nigger and not think of them as exactly equal. I mean, i fell into the blackpill hole for a long time, but I ended up marrying my redpiller.

things have been very difficult, especially since my family doesnt like him lol. We had a kid together on purpose when COVID hit, but when things started looking bad my family implied it would be great if i got married to him through the state and divorced him to force him to earn money for me and the kid. That fucking enraged me. But now life is on track and going very well, and I'm so glad we didnt split up.

The harder we work to stay together, the better i feel about the future for us, and humanity. Our little toddler loves his daddy so much, I love him so much, why would anyone want to weaponize that love? Fucking evil jews made growing up so confusing, but now I feel like I kinda get it now.

[–] 1 pt

There is only Victory or Death . Glad you overcame so much !

[–] 1 pt

Thank you! It was hard work but I think I finally defeated chronic depression. I really appreciated reading your story this morning, thank you for sharing :)

[–] 1 pt

Hope it in some way inspires others to fight for what is ours.

[–] 1 pt

"God bless the child who can say I got my own".