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Wish us luck. I told her ideally I want White quintuplets but that's unrealistic and dangerous so I'll settle for just one if it keeps her safe.

This was the first time our anniversary fell on this day so we dove right in.

https://youtu.be/IW-gerAdxpY?si=exoitjsm5mZufL1h Wish us luck. I told her ideally I want White quintuplets but that's unrealistic and dangerous so I'll settle for just one if it keeps her safe. This was the first time our anniversary fell on this day so we dove right in.

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts

Congratulations and felicitations Fellow White American! May your children grow up to be strong and fertile. We are the only saving grace for the White race.

[–] 2 pts

Thanks Brother. I always try to keep busy and the wife will be 30 in a couple of years so hopefully 1 or more. Multiculturalism is total cancer and my children will never be subjected to it unless they decide to as adult, but I think the way we will raise them will show how disgusting leftist, liberal thought and race mixing is.

[–] 5 pts

Reading and family discussions are vital to raising a child who is aware of his or her heritage. Avoid the TV as much as possible and same with internet until the children are aware o fthe dangers of the (((judenscheiss))) infiltration and subliminal inculcation. I was reared in a very family oriented farm family place. Learned to read at a very early age (Classic Comics, back in the day). When I became a Marine I was not necessarily naive, but surprised by how "young and immature" my fellow Marines were at age 18. I think the description wold be "clueless" today. Bottom line, if I had been able to have children they would have been reared ina God-Fearing and conservative White farm atmosphere as I was. When the children of yours begin to socialize with others their age, make sure you engage in conversation abot their friends in a constructive manner. Sorry to sound Preachy and I apologize, but now, at the end of my days on this Earth, I still fear for the future of the White Race. I know that young folks as you are will continue the be strong no matter what the future may bring.

[–] 4 pts

You're not being preachy. You're echoing what I want. My family is a fully White, non jew family and we intend to keep it that way.

[–] 3 pts

Congrats. I'm sure the child will be in good hands, maybe the future "John Connor " 🤔

[–] 2 pts (edited )

I'll raise him or her (only 2 genders/sexes are possible) in reality or in my house.

Shooting, foraging and farming/planting/harvesting are all crucial lessons they will learn. The wife is a literature/history BoA and based so she'll teach the kid well. Exciting to think about.

If you've read my posts or conversed with me you know my viewpoints. This kid will be blue eyed (since we both are) and based as fuck from day one.

I can't wait take him or her hunting and teaching them to shoot and be patient and aim calmly, how to butcher an animal, harvest and farm.

[–] 2 pts

Excellent. My Grandson is 5 and just started his outdoor kindergarten. He'll be homeschooling as well, he's also in Judo.

[–] 2 pts

Nice. My children will never live in or around despicable multicultural, leftist, libtard, femorat kike culture.

I'll never allow them to be corrupted.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

That's great footage of Jim and the Boys. You could name your firstborn Jason to keep the Friday the 13th theme.

On second thought . . . nah.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Lmao no.. that would be funny but me and the wife were joking about let's conceive on Friday the 13th since it was our anniversary but it was a Sunday.

Fredrik if it's a boy or Amelia if it's a girl we think. Maybe we'll know soon.

[–] 2 pts

Have at least 4 kids, 7 is better. If you can do more, you should.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

I said since it was our 5th anniversary I wanted 5 but I think it comes down to her, she's pretty petite and I don't want her being harmed physically. This is all a big step but after my father passed we inherited the farm basically so we have an ideal White European setup.

She would never even consider an abortion so I just hope her 100lb frame can handle one easily.

[–] 2 pts

The subsequent children aren't as hard as the first. That's a myth spread by jews to cull our population imo.

[–] 2 pts

"In the name of Jesus" I pray for your success.

[–] 2 pts

Congrats. One babby for each year my brother!

[–] 2 pts

Congratulations on making the best decision you ever made. How come you guys waited 5 years

[–] 1 pt

Good question. I think we both just needed to have security. My father passing and inheriting the farm gave us that and we want to use it to its full potential.

[–] 1 pt

Good luck and best wishes!

[–] 1 pt

Best of luck to you and yours, may God bless your family.

Wife and I are 18 years married and loving it.

[–] 1 pt

Excellent! Hopefully you can have a couple kids, all in due time. They will be your best teachers.

[–] 1 pt

Well said. One thing I like to tell new parents is babies are sponges. They watch and absorb everything. Be kind, be patient, be loving, be intelligent- be White.

[–] 0 pt

Yes. They will pick up on everthing. Even though I was a single dad, we ate at the table every night, except Friday. Movie night.

[–] 1 pt

All the best to you and yours Wil. I'm sure you'll do us proud.

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