15 people at my work are out with “covid.”
13 are vaxxed.
That happened at my office 2 weeks ago. I didn't get it, and according to their rantings and ramblings, I should be dead.
I'm so far behind in the jewDNA replacement therapy I dedded 10x
At this point, there's no point in trying to catch up.
i crii evr tiem
I got really sick last year from the bio-weapon they released on us they refer to as "covid". This year I think I had it. Felt shitty for a couple of days and took two ibuprofen in total. Loving that natural immunity!
Oyyyyy veyyyyyy immunity can't be trusted with its superior built in thwarting mechanisms it needs the help of sub par jewDNA to boost your goy anti bodies!! Anything else is systemic anti semitism!!!
Ibuprofen is a bad choice in general- naproxen or even aspirin are better alternatives.
I do my best to avoid any medication, but I'd like to hear more about this. Never heard anything necessarily bad about ibuprofin.
why is ibuprofen bad?
I usually use acetaminophen.
Same fren. I actually ran out of honey! Do you know what it's like to be so sick you drank enough tea watching movies for 4 days yet were capable of going to purchase more? I don't know how I survived.
no you didn't get really sick last year from the bio-weapon they released on us
You got a cold or the flu
covid19 or any of its variants literally do not exist
I could tell who's vaxxed at my company when a handful all got sick at the same time.
1 person is un-vaxxed at my work, he runs around telling everyone else of the dangers of the jab, refuses to wear a Marxist tampon over his mouth and won't go to lunch or buy parts anywhere that participates in this retarded medical tyranny.
If it wasn't for the buying parts bit, that would probably be me, and I can't technically go into the office without my boss being liable to a $25k (I think, might be more now) fine. I'm the only un-vaxxed at my work, manager just got his "booster" on monday.... still off sick. Another "fully vaxxed" guy just came back after getting the coof coof. Literally telling people to get the booster, despite no evidence that it does anything for you. He was not in a particularly high risk category, other than a likely Vitamin D deficiency as he was a pasty, flimsy soy being. These people are paranoid about getting the coof coof, the less effective the jab, the more they want it and want to stick it in everyone else, they literally told me that people should get the booster to be protected from it. Fucking brainless.
I thought it was a comical way of saying I'm self employed.
Same at Walgreens here in town, everyone jumped to get the shot, they still have it again! Hahaha
(post is archived)