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For pregnancy =)

For pregnancy =)

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 23 pts

Congrats, here's hoping the skin color isn't a surprise.

[–] 15 pts

Congrats! Find a midwife.

[–] [deleted] 8 pts

Yeah, I'm really going to want to stay out of every hospital and probably do a home birth. If the doctors and nurses pressure me like I've heard they do to other parents about vax, it will not be very pretty for anyone involved. Imagine a guy yelling at hospital staff that is from OLD Voat...

[–] 8 pts

You wont have time to wait finding a midwife. The good ones are booked out. I'd move on it asap.

[–] 2 pts

This is something I have not anticipated having no children yet. Thanks for the tip.

[–] 2 pts

Congrats on the news! As has been said, get your reservation in now and find a qualified midwife.

With decades of front line medical work, the most amazing birth i was on scene at was a home birth. Not giving medical advice. The baby came out with a freaking APGAR of TEN. No exaggeration. The midwife said this is NORMAL for those folks that she has attended to. It was fantastic. Mom no pain meds but comfortable, more than you ever would have imagined possible. Years later (recently) some stranger said to me, oh you were there when that baby was born. Growing up healthy and happy.

The VALUES that this family had were evident in how they were able to approach this event. Glad they had the means to do it.

Had some other frens that yeah she had the baby at the hospital. Some extremely frightening points during that birth. They almost lost the mom. Then i found out later how they held them hostage until an MD signed them off to get out of there without the normal regimen of vaccines.

I spoke with them later, as i was not there during that event. I said, they WERE holding you hostage. I did visit during their stay but was not fully apprised of what was going on. I do know that place inside and out and where there is a will there is a way. Fortunately, a doctor stepped up to the plate.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

My cousin hr their baby at the hospital, talked them into c section, like they did my sister. But my cousins girlfriend got sewed back up and had internal bleeding for a few days before they noticed, she almost died. These doctors are so irresponsible

[–] 7 pts

Congratulations! It's not too early to think about home-schooling.

And consider you need at least three children, to replace yourself and your wife and take a step to race recovery.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

Yeah really want homeschooling but I'm in Idaho, so I don't think it will be too bad. I'll be on top of all these teachers asses if they try to commie my kids

[–] 1 pt

3??? Those are rookie numbers. 6 at LEAST.

[–] 6 pts

Don't listen to him! Congrats! Have you picked a name? Tyrone's been done to death. Jamal is nice or maybe a hyphen or apostrophe. Le'dontrayvoreous is very popular! 😂

[–] [deleted] 9 pts

If it's a girl, I like Bongkeisha but if it's a son, we name him after my wife's boyfriends name, J'Qwondarius

[–] 8 pts







La' Sha

















[–] 1 pt

I know a really hot farm girl type chick named Mercedes. Really is a shame the niggers appropriated that German name.

[–] 6 pts

Seriously though, congratulations, another beautiful White baby!!!

[–] 5 pts

Well, Whiter than the father, anyway...

[–] 4 pts

Got another one on the way. My wife told me 2 weeks ago

[–] 4 pts

Congrats fren! May we all celebrate the birth of all of your children!

[–] 3 pts


Do you think the baby will look like the mother? Or the Black guy?


[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Congratulations! Welcome to the party (4 kids, too old for more but raising ours is a ton of fun.)

[–] 2 pts (edited )

Important things to remember:

1) Don't assume the gender of your theyby. Assuming and raising your theyby as either male or female instead of letting him/her/they/ze/zir tell you is harmful.

2) Racism is learned early on. Don't ever (you shouldn't ever anyway) talk about certain ethnicities, nationalities, etc. as inferior.

3) If you need a list of good books, let me know. Make sure to focus heavily on books that have positive messages about other races, orientations, etc. For example, there are a ton of excellent books out there on the LGBTQAIPK community.

4) Don't enforce white, patriarchial, colonist roles at home or anywhere. Let your theyby know that daddies can get pregnant and mothers can be fathers.

5) It's never too early to discuss systemic racism with a theyby. Conversations centered around how Black people have been and are discriminated against by whites and the plethora of murders of Black men and women by whites is a good place to start.

These are just a few things to remember as you welcome the arrival of your theyby. Congratulations.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Yeah those are all pretty complicated but not as progressive as a full term abortion. Full term abortion is the most progressive, maybe we do that instead

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