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For the last week I have been going through an interview process for a new job where I would run the dinning facilities for one of the biggest University hospitals in the midwest. I currently run kitchens in the healthcare field but this would move me way up, upwards to $100k/yr., Full health & benifit package, 3wks paid vacation, 35 employees under me, and lots of potential to do it on a national level. When we got to the final part, I informed them that I was willing to take a nose raping once a week, but no jab. The guy said I could talk exemptions with H&R but full vax is required. Today I respectfully declined the job! This was the greatest opportunity of my career, but I couldn't justify taking the jab for money. Its slightly bitter sweet as I may never be afforded an opportunity this big again, but I dont think had I broke my morals, I could look at myself....So I'll just remain a "second class citizen"

For the last week I have been going through an interview process for a new job where I would run the dinning facilities for one of the biggest University hospitals in the midwest. I currently run kitchens in the healthcare field but this would move me way up, upwards to $100k/yr., Full health & benifit package, 3wks paid vacation, 35 employees under me, and lots of potential to do it on a national level. When we got to the final part, I informed them that I was willing to take a nose raping once a week, but no jab. The guy said I could talk exemptions with H&R but full vax is required. Today I respectfully declined the job! This was the greatest opportunity of my career, but I couldn't justify taking the jab for money. Its slightly bitter sweet as I may never be afforded an opportunity this big again, but I dont think had I broke my morals, I could look at myself....So I'll just remain a "second class citizen"

(post is archived)

[–] 22 pts

This is the way to go. Think of all the people making great salaries so they can pack their 401k, only to have it go up in smoke from hospital bills and eventual death. You won't be second class for long, because healthy skilled workers will be in high demand.

[–] 11 pts


Money doesn’t solve all of your problems, especially if those problems are ticking time bombs inside of you waiting to explode.

Since you were talented enough to be considered for this job, another one will come along, especially when these jab ingredients start activating inside of their hosts.

Even though the pro-jabbers are frustratingly tedious and potentially dangerous to those of us with more common sense than fear, I hope there is an antidote in the pipeline.

[–] 5 pts (edited )

Money's purpose is to solve problems. It is better to think of money in terms of problems solved, and not problems solved in terms of money. If your mode of pursuing money produces more problems you are effectively making negative money when we look at the real currency of life.

Under value equivelence theory any metric of value can be converted to another and we can think in terms of time, money, gold, energy, or risk. We can convert all value into one and think in those terms. Risk is honestly the best one to convert to. How much risk does 100k a year exstinguish. All else being equal it's quite a lot for most people. But if it introduces a serious risk, then it is negative money. If instead we found a job for $80,000, how much risk would the $20,000 on top of a 80k salary solve? There may not be enough risk left over in an 80k life that any additional money could ever make up for it.

[–] 2 pts

Part of the reason why this job might have been so enticing was because other people rejected it due to the vaxx mandate as well. A lot of times when discussing offers (both job and other stuff) I like to ask "What's it worth to you?" I tend to believe there is always a number. For this job offer you probably had to be fully vaxxed before starting. A certain amount of people die within weeks or a month after the vaxx. Some die later with probably more pain. Some are permanently debilitated. Some likely get a placebo and aren't harmed at all.

Therefore, @Rickety_Cricket what's it worth to you? There is added risk because even if you're lucky enough to get two placebos for the vaxx, you'll still be forced to get the booster.

For me, I'd take the risk for $1 billion. I could probably be talked down to $10 million. I think the numbers would change if I couldn't buy food and somehow all the weapons I lost in a tragic boating accident were confiscated. There is a certain amount of risk I assume every time I climb a ladder or drive to a work site, so it really is just a numbers game. However, maybe I'm just so used to being a corporate whore I don't think about it anymore and am just worried about haggling over the price.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

I am of the belief that a great many of the jabs that went out were placebos. Saline. or other such with no chemicals.

How the hell did they produce so many doses so fast?

There will be a pop drop over the next couple years, but its not going to be as massive as many seem to think. 10-20%. Losing 3.5M in America isnt that much of a big deal, If we were to get rid of the right 3.5. But this lottery shit except for the wealthy has to go.

The Jab is more to push the NWO than it is to reduce the pop initially.

They are doing the laundry in reverse - Its the softener. The bleach will come later.

[–] 0 pt

I agree entirely. This first batch is a test for both social controls and mRNA (gene-editing) tech.

[–] 1 pt

As it has happened many times throughout history, inflation could make all the jew paper money absolutely worthless. You would have felt like shit taking the jew jab after cucking to them for worthless paper.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

That's already well under way. Real estate, raw materials, crypto, gas, and food are all way up, and the money printer still goes brrrr. https://brrr.money/

[–] 0 pt

i hope youre right. i see no end in sight to this madness

[–] 10 pts

So they get stuck with a sub-par employee. You won.

[–] [deleted] 9 pts

I'd rather be poor and healthy, than wealthy and sick.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Unfortunately the later seem to be the controlling class.

How we allowed that to happen I'll never know.

It's the equivalent of letting that obnoxious asshole pussy rich kid call the shots when we could have just bitch slapped his ass and moved on.

But for some reason we are still listening 'to the experts'

[–] 0 pt

The op is a fool.

He should of done what my pregnant step daughter did. Trade her and her babies lives for a few shekels soon tax spent and forgotten.

Jesus wept. :(

[–] 7 pts

Much respect and good luck!

[–] 6 pts

"Those who love their life will lose it." Has so much more meaning in today's context with the vaxxed loving their lifestyle so much that they lose their lives over it. The more you love your money and possessions and distractions the greater danger you are in.

[–] 6 pts

Dude, right on.

Instead of using the word jab you have to use the word "forced medical experiement".

There is a large cognitive difference between using the words vax/jab and forced medical experiment. If not for them, for you. The reason for that is that you ARE NOT GIVING UP AN OPPORTUNITY. What you are doing is turning down becoming a medical experiments enforced by private agencies on behalf of a government that cannot force you to participate in FORCED MEDICAL EXPERIMENTS.

This is a large difference.

Otherwise, really great to see you take a stand on this. It is far more important than it seems on the surface.

[–] 1 pt

Or forced drug regime. This is what I call it.

And if they ask for elaboration hit them with both barrels. No liability mega corporation experimental drugs that are totally unnecessary as covid us curable safely and effectively

[–] 0 pt

And sheep painkiller too aka aspirin

[–] 4 pts

What good is money if you are too sick or dead to spend it?

I dedded 2wice

[–] 0 pt

muh dik is dead, i can't feel the head

Stop visiting @maroonsaints meth dealer?

[–] 3 pts

Money is fake, your body is real. Always remember that.

Some women may disagree on that one.

[–] 1 pt


[–] 3 pts

12 Years enlisted E-6 here, with a career on track to make E-7 and then officer. Already told them I'll throw it all away before I take their needle. Put in for Religious Accomodation, don't expect approval. Still waiting on how they're planning on processing separation for this of us who refused the "lawful" order. It's now 15 days past their deadline and there's still no official guidance on how they'll send 40,000 or so of us home, just from my branch.

Stick to your guns, brother. God bless.

[–] 1 pt

Never cave. Push their shit in.


Also remember there's another life ready to be made outside of military.

[–] 0 pt

Thanks brother. And I know. I've been looking forward to it since getting told to "Grow up" by my NCO during tranny training when I had a "Senior Enlisted Leader" say the time would come when we'd see "a male in a male berthing with a vagina and a female in a female berthing with a penis."

Lost all faith in the military at that moment. Then got jewed into an "extension" so that I could get orders to stay in the PNW, where I already was for family reasons, but the gaining command shifted and now I'm on the fucking east coast wanting the burn things down.

Don't blame you.

Enjoyed my time in the PNW.

But this was at the beginning of gayafication of the male.

The metro sexual book was just released and everyone was like what the fuckis this gay ass shit.

Sure enough 20 years later.

[–] 3 pts

Absolutely the right decision. Something as good or better will come along. Stay the course!

[–] 3 pts

Money is just a means to pay the bills (and even then, not really), and anything else is a bonus. You can always get another job - you cannot get another body or your health if it's fucked by the jab.

[–] 1 pt

Money is a means to start a family.

[–] 0 pt

You can do that without money. Just look at all the shitholes of the world - they pump out kids like rabbits.

[–] 0 pt

I’m not going to do it in a developed country without any.

[–] 1 pt

Indeed, that money won't do anyone any good if they're dead or incapacitated.

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