the straw that broke youtube's back was the fake Xiden administration. At first they let you comment but the comments were just trashing his illegitimacy so they probably got a memo from the White House saying "stop allowing comments".
So they did and every single video was downvoted into oblivion so hey had to stop the downvotes too.
It was completely destroying the fake narrative of 81 million votes yet one video cannot get more than 1000 upvotes while getting 10000 downvotes.
The fake Xiden administration knows it is illegitimate but it's just part of the plan:
Open borders, globalism, police state, the end of private bank accounts, the end of capitalism, the end of the Constitution and the beginning of a communist totalitarian USSA:
the Ununited Socialist States of Americunt.
hence their plandemic and creation of paranoia and fear. The Dear Leader will protect you though. You just stay in front of the camera in your pod and do what they say.
they have seen how the people don't care about freedom. Give them an inch, they take a mile.
I am not saying it is the case with Biden but public perception can be manipulated on an international level so internet points might not be the litmus test for popularity. I mention this more about how Americans viewed Saddam, Ghadafi, Osama, and Assad. These men were massively popular in their time. The "centipedes" and "qanon" crowd have a large cyber footprint and are interacting with content they would otherwise never engage with which is leading to a ratio that is slightly skewed and not everyone who votes on the video is guaranteed to be an American.
But yeah Biden probably has an approval rating of low 20's.
I agree he is probably low 20s and Kamaltoe is lucky if she is in the low 10s.
(post is archived)