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Mother was coming down with flu-like symptoms two Thursdays ago. She had a low fever for two days, and then I began to suspect pneumonia- so I had her call her doctor. Her primary doctor told her to come to the office and get a rapid covid test.

We go to the doctor's office, we are told to wait in my car. A nurse comes out and does the nose swab on my mother. Ten minutes later, we get the phone call, revealing that my mother is "covid positive". Okay, so what next? Chest X-ray to look for pneumonia? Maybe check for bronchitis (she has a chronic history of this)? NOPE. These assholes didn't examine my mother. They didn't run any tests or take any data except that bullshit rapid test.

The doctor wanted to make my mother get a fucking blood transfusion- the idea is that they give her blood from someone who has covid antibodies, which will then help her to fight the disease. This was fucking absurd to me. There was a wait time for this procedure, so surely, I thought, we could try some antibiotics in the meantime? NOPE. The doctor tells my mother she has the fucking world-killing virus on Friday last week. And all weekend we were trying to get ahold of someone and get a prescription for Ivermectin, HCQ, or some other antibiotic for the lungs. They finally got back to us today... saying "We can't give you any of those meds, when do you want your blood transfusion?"

Fortunately, I have an angel of a neighbor. I was outside, on the phone with my buddy explaining the situation. I was saying how I absolutely will not allow my mother to be hospitalized, because people only die from covid while in the hospital. My neighbor, who was preparing to go to work, overheard, and shouted "Yeah that's because they're killing them!" Then he asked me "Who is it?" I hesitated, but I revealed it was my mother and I was very concerned.

A few minutes later, a knock on my door- it's my neighbor. He's got a blister pack of Ivermectin tablets. I thanked him, did some research and math to determine a dosage for my mother, and began treating her on Friday last week. She had a low fever, a bad wet cough, was achy, ears all stuffed up, sinuses swollen... it looked really, really bad. I was genuinely scared at this moment.

4 days later, my mother is almost fully recovered from whatever the fuck she had. She has been taking Ivermectin daily, along with Zicam and some other vitamin supplements. And it fucking fixed her. The fever is gone, cough is gone, her lungs sound clear, no aches; she's still a little stuffy in the nose, but she's full of energy, up and about. I am absolutely amazed, I have never seen someone go from being so sick they couldn't get out of bed, to healthy in three fucking days.

So what's the moral? The doctors don't give a fuck about my mother- they wanted to perform an expensive operation, take advantage of my mother's insurance. This also may be a sly way of getting clot-shot blood into my mother (she is staunchly anti-shot, because she is my mother) with the blood transfusion. The doctors didn't even want to try these drugs that are proven to be effective and have minimal side effects!! They left my mom hanging. Both of us have been subjected to the constant fear mongering. And it got to us, I won't deny it- I was full covid-faggot for a day or two there, because I thought my mother was in mortal danger.

It appears a short cycle of Ivermectin will help a person to get over covid quite quickly. Doctors will not give it to you. I'd suggest acquiring some in any way you can, just to have on hand- it's truly amazing how well it worked. I have absolutely ZERO faith in doctors. I'm sure there are some good ones out there, but the majority of them have no fucking morals- they're so terrified of losing their jobs, that they cave into pressure from the FDA. They ignore things like I used, a study on Ivermectin which was published on August 31, 2021. This study found that patients with covid, when treated with Ivermectin, recovered around 3-5 days faster than the control group, and had less severe symptoms. This was the study I used to determine dosage. You can find it with a quick search.

So if you or someone you know tests positive for covid, just have them take Ivermectin for a few days. DO NOT GO TO A HOSPITAL- BEING HOSPITALIZED WITH A COVID DIAGNOSIS IS A FUCKING DEATH WARRANT. How many people felt a little shitty, had to get tested, found out they had covid, they become hospitalized... and suddenly their symptoms worsen! Suddenly they're not just a little shitty, they're fucking DYING. And then they die. Nobody is dying at home in their beds with covid. Homeless people aren't dropping dead. Africa hasn't been devastated. I firmly believe covid is simply the flu, rebranded and sold to us as something different. I believe the "new symptoms" are a manifestation of psychological activity- if you convince a man that he is dying, and he genuinely believes it.... he could actually physically begin to die.

Stay healthy, people. This whole pandemic hoax has fucked our already fucked medical system to new heights. Doctors believe they are fucking gods now because they spent the last two years being told how they're fucking superheroes and whatnot. I saw another submission about a Marine suing Walmart because their pharmacist refused to fill his VALID PRESCRIPTION for Ivermectin. These motherfuckers want to control us with sickness, keep us dependent on them. WE DON'T NEED THEM THAT MUCH. My mother is living, walking proof of this.

Also, I probably had covid as well. The week before my mother got sick, I came down with a fever suddenly and a strange headache. My sense of taste was all messed up. After 3 days, I felt fine, just congested in the nose for few more days. Then about a week later, my mother got sick. I think this may be the THIRD TIME I've had "covid", and the second time my mother did.

Mother was coming down with flu-like symptoms two Thursdays ago. She had a low fever for two days, and then I began to suspect pneumonia- so I had her call her doctor. Her primary doctor told her to come to the office and get a rapid covid test. We go to the doctor's office, we are told to wait in my car. A nurse comes out and does the nose swab on my mother. Ten minutes later, we get the phone call, revealing that my mother is "covid positive". Okay, so what next? Chest X-ray to look for pneumonia? Maybe check for bronchitis (she has a chronic history of this)? **NOPE.** These assholes didn't examine my mother. They didn't run any tests or take any data except that bullshit rapid test. The doctor wanted to make my mother get a fucking blood transfusion- the idea is that they give her blood from someone who has covid antibodies, which will then help her to fight the disease. This was fucking absurd to me. There was a wait time for this procedure, so surely, I thought, we could try some antibiotics in the meantime? **NOPE.** The doctor tells my mother she has the fucking world-killing virus on Friday last week. And all weekend we were trying to get ahold of someone and get a prescription for Ivermectin, HCQ, or some other antibiotic for the lungs. They finally got back to us today... saying "We can't give you any of those meds, when do you want your blood transfusion?" Fortunately, I have an angel of a neighbor. I was outside, on the phone with my buddy explaining the situation. I was saying how I absolutely will **not** allow my mother to be hospitalized, because people only die from covid while in the hospital. My neighbor, who was preparing to go to work, overheard, and shouted "Yeah that's because they're killing them!" Then he asked me "Who is it?" I hesitated, but I revealed it was my mother and I was very concerned. A few minutes later, a knock on my door- it's my neighbor. He's got a blister pack of Ivermectin tablets. I thanked him, did some research and math to determine a dosage for my mother, and began treating her on Friday last week. She had a low fever, a *bad* wet cough, was achy, ears all stuffed up, sinuses swollen... it looked really, really bad. I was genuinely scared at this moment. 4 days later, **my mother is almost fully recovered from whatever the fuck she had.** She has been taking Ivermectin daily, along with Zicam and some other vitamin supplements. And it fucking fixed her. The fever is gone, cough is gone, her lungs sound clear, no aches; she's still a little stuffy in the nose, but she's full of energy, up and about. I am absolutely amazed, I have never seen someone go from being so sick they couldn't get out of bed, to healthy in three fucking days. So what's the moral? The doctors don't give a fuck about my mother- they wanted to perform an expensive operation, take advantage of my mother's insurance. This also may be a sly way of getting clot-shot blood into my mother (she is staunchly anti-shot, because she is my mother) with the blood transfusion. The doctors didn't even want to *try* these drugs that are *proven to be effective* and have minimal side effects!! They left my mom hanging. Both of us have been subjected to the constant fear mongering. And it got to us, I won't deny it- I was full covid-faggot for a day or two there, because I thought my mother was in mortal danger. It appears a short cycle of Ivermectin will help a person to get over covid quite quickly. Doctors will not give it to you. I'd suggest acquiring some in any way you can, just to have on hand- it's truly amazing how well it worked. I have absolutely **ZERO** faith in doctors. I'm sure there are some good ones out there, but the majority of them have no fucking morals- they're so terrified of losing their jobs, that they cave into pressure from the FDA. They ignore things like I used, a study on Ivermectin which was published on August 31, 2021. This study found that patients with covid, when treated with Ivermectin, recovered around 3-5 days faster than the control group, and had less severe symptoms. This was the study I used to determine dosage. You can find it with a quick search. So if you or someone you know tests positive for covid, just have them take Ivermectin for a few days. **DO NOT GO TO A HOSPITAL- BEING HOSPITALIZED WITH A COVID DIAGNOSIS IS A FUCKING DEATH WARRANT.** How many people felt a little shitty, had to get tested, found out they had covid, they become hospitalized... and suddenly their symptoms worsen! Suddenly they're not just a little shitty, *they're fucking DYING.* And then they die. Nobody is dying at home in their beds with covid. Homeless people aren't dropping dead. Africa hasn't been devastated. I firmly believe covid is simply the flu, rebranded and sold to us as something different. I believe the "new symptoms" are a manifestation of psychological activity- if you convince a man that he is dying, and he genuinely believes it.... he could actually physically begin to die. Stay healthy, people. This whole pandemic hoax has fucked our already fucked medical system to new heights. Doctors believe they are fucking *gods* now because they spent the last two years being told how they're fucking superheroes and whatnot. I saw another submission about a Marine suing Walmart because their pharmacist *refused to fill his VALID PRESCRIPTION for Ivermectin.* These motherfuckers want to control us with sickness, keep us dependent on them. **WE DON'T NEED THEM THAT MUCH.** My mother is living, walking proof of this. Also, I probably had covid as well. The week before my mother got sick, I came down with a fever suddenly and a strange headache. My sense of taste was all messed up. After 3 days, I felt fine, just congested in the nose for few more days. Then about a week later, my mother got sick. I think this may be the THIRD TIME I've had "covid", and the second time my mother did.

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts

The zinc seemed to play a large role in all of this. I was taking Zicam when I came down with it- sublingual delivery method gets more of the goods into your bloodstream than eating a tablet or capsule. My mother was also taking Zicam, milk thistle, Mucinex (questionable), and slamming liter after liter of water.

She remained extremely hydrated. I also had her come outside each day and bask in the sunlight for at least 20 minutes. Idk how much this helped, it seemed to make her feel better- lifting her spirits. While that is sort of pseudoscience, there is absolutely something to "having good spirits may lead to faster recovery" for almost any ailment. My thinking was this: sunlight is needed to process Vitamin D, but it has also been shown that many viral infections do not fare well in sunlight. Specifically, the Spanish Flu- a real, DEADLY pandemic that hit in the early 1900s. They found that patients who were exposed to a lot of sunlight tended to recover much faster, so they adopted it as part of the treatment.

I'm just operating like "this is just any other sickness, it will pass and we will fight it".

[–] 3 pts

You need a Zinc ionosphere to transport it to your cells that’s what hcq dose, ivermectin dose but has other actions also or Quercetin Along with Bromelain otherwise zinc just floats around. You need a zinc transporter.

I use Thorne Quercetin Phytosome since it absorbs almost completely with a lips added compared to 3-5 percent absorption of regular Quercetin and superior labs Bromelain

[–] 1 pt

Yeah I was doing 80 with the hcq and the rest of the stuff. Then a middle dose 8 hours later with just a low dose of everything(minus hcq and then the final dose was huge dose with ivermectin.

Within 8 hours she was better oxygen went from 87 to 96 or 97 and fever dropped from 103.2 to 99.9 then final 98.6.

I tried doses every twelve hours but she would get congested and more tired, the three courses worked for her but she’s 80.

She was out of bed on day two and trying to clean, I forced her to stay in bed for 10 days because of her age and I gave her melatonin to help with it.

Also one study said cut all carbs/sugars and only use saturated fats because it they can drive inflammation. So eat zero carbs except for the fillers in the pills she was taking.

[–] 0 pt

She was out of bed on day two and trying to clean,

Woah, almost exactly the same scenario played out with my mother. She wanted to sanitize everything suddenly on day 2; the lethargy had begun to pass and she was anxious to try and solve this "problem".

I've heard that about sugar- viruses, cancer, bacteria, and basically all things that harm us feed on the sugar that we consume. We are literally fueling them as our immune system fights them- so if you reduce your sugar intake by 90%, any infections present in you will "suffer" from starvation. That's how it was explained to me, at least.

[–] 1 pt

Exactly. It drives inflammation, by insulin etc and you drop it to practically zero and that stops an additional pathway for the cytokine storm that kills, there’s many pathways so you want to try and block them all.

Supposedly alpha lipoic acid regulates insulin and diabetics have to be careful when using it since there insulin can drop and they need a shot or whatever. She has no co-morbidities she I hit her with a three time dose of that for a few days then just a normal dose 3 times a day. With no sugars.

Yeah my mom had been acting strange for 3 days before I was wondering if it was a blood clot and I was covertly giving her stroke tests lol. The last night she couldn’t open a precut English muffin and was shaking and every day she had a different excuse but this was extreme. She said I’m in pain, anyone with this amount of pain should be allowed to die. I said you just turned the heat up to 90 on a 80 degree day and it’s still 78 in the house(it was 11pm) and said you were shaking because you were supposedly cold, then she said, she just need to eat something that’s why she was so shaky(what you don’t have any conditions that cause that)

Then it clicked. I grabbed my “kit” pulled out the Oximeter and a glass thermometer. And went from there.

[–] 0 pt

It says not to do this on the label, but when I feel something coming I put Zicam homeopathic in my ears. Clean them with alcohol, then peroxide, then Zicam. Full 180 every time.