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It's happening; My job is forcing me out due to the "vaccine" mandate. I will be fired or whatever in early December.

Anyone know anyone around the Pittsburgh/Erie area that needs help? I'm an electronic technician, a veteran, great with my hands, and willing to learn whatever.

It's happening; My job is forcing me out due to the "vaccine" mandate. I will be fired or whatever in early December. Anyone know anyone around the Pittsburgh/Erie area that needs help? I'm an electronic technician, a veteran, great with my hands, and willing to learn whatever.

(post is archived)

[–] 11 pts

Man, throughout this whole thing, I've been wondering: WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE LAWYERS?! WHAT THE HELL ARE THE UNIONS DOING?!

There are billions to be made in lawsuits. But suddenly all the lawyers are MIA or unwilling to take on the absurd, totalitarian bullshit we're being subjected to. Why are lawyers no longer litigious!?

You should have lawyers lining up around the block to take your case. This is flat out discrimination and nobody can say otherwise- you are being discriminated against because of your "medical status" of "not being vaccinated".

We fucked up when we surrendered HIPAA. When we gave ground on that, employers took a fucking mile and now they get to know about every goddamned cell in your body. The slippery slope began with "pre-employment drug screenings", where your employer is entitled to your bodily fluids in order to make sure you're not using drugs. Simply enforcing these tests IMPLIES THAT THEY BELIEVE YOU COULD BE A DRUG USER. Drug testing a guy who shows up to work all fucked up is one thing; drug testing everyone that comes aboard is an overreach. We're only comfortable doing this because it's piss, we don't need it anyway.

But now, YOUR FUCKING EMPLOYER IS GIVING YOU MEDICAL ADVICE. Wear a mask, get this test done, etc.- this is medical advice that is supposed to come from doctors, not fucking human resources.

[–] 3 pts

I appreciate the camaraderie. I just hope our future generations finally learn from us this time.

[–] 1 pt

Jews didn't try to stop jewry?

[–] 1 pt

They didn't try to profit off of it. That's why I'm so baffled. There's billions in civil lawsuits to be made.