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It's happening; My job is forcing me out due to the "vaccine" mandate. I will be fired or whatever in early December.

Anyone know anyone around the Pittsburgh/Erie area that needs help? I'm an electronic technician, a veteran, great with my hands, and willing to learn whatever.

It's happening; My job is forcing me out due to the "vaccine" mandate. I will be fired or whatever in early December. Anyone know anyone around the Pittsburgh/Erie area that needs help? I'm an electronic technician, a veteran, great with my hands, and willing to learn whatever.

(post is archived)

[–] 17 pts (edited )

Not in your region so I'm no help. But good work, brother. It's a fucking shit hand they've been dealing us. Thanks for not caving to the pressure like so many already have.

[–] 21 pts

Thanks, man. There's so many red flags and unfortunately, in my experience, I'd say about 70% of the people I talk to are "vaccinated". I show them a few videos that, to me are ace-in-the-holes and say, that they wish they saw this earlier but shrugs nothing happened to them. They already got the shot so they are keeping their job. I don't 100% blame them, this is socialism and they can still feed their families. Sigh. Our mistake, men, was not teaching enough history, actual fucking history. I am a 90s kid and pretty much can only remember the holocaust from all of my history classes.

Honestly, I'm not worried though. My wife is amazing and supportive (she listens and understands when I talk to her), I am in great health, and I'm resourceful. I'll find a way.

[–] 21 pts

Make them fire you. I cannot stress this enough.

[–] 15 pts

Yes. They will have to.

[–] 8 pts

I'm glad you have a supportive wife. I truly think that having a good support system is the key to weathering this shit storm that is coming.

I want to say thank you for not caving, too. Few will withstand. Thank you for being a true ally.

[–] 6 pts

Thanks, man. Have a good night!

[–] 2 pts

Based on rate of esculation I predicted weeks ago that the Enemies plans would reach crux point in late November early December.

Whatever they have planned they aim to get everyone jabbed by then. They are on a time schedule

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

They better hurry up. My part of the state are less than 50% vaxed and I don't see anyone changing their minds. They would have to cut off access to food and fuel, and even then I don't know anyone who will get the vax especially under duress.

[–] 0 pt

I think they'll begin panicking very soon and double down on mandating the injections.

[–] 2 pts

I feel like something is going to come to a head by winter as well.

[–] 1 pt

It makes sense. Flu will be up. That will look like Covid. They will get the most political justification for what they want to do then.