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So: thanks, kikes. Your constant efforts to demoralize and humiliate the goyim actually hardened us against your usual trickery, and made us capable of fighting you off. Much the same way as you claim that your vaccine works, but like— actually. Once the population of Israel dwindles in to irrelevance, I'll send you some flowers, as a thank you.

So: thanks, kikes. Your constant efforts to demoralize and humiliate the goyim actually hardened us against your usual trickery, and made us capable of fighting you off. Much the same way as you claim that your vaccine works, but like— ***actually***. Once the population of Israel dwindles in to irrelevance, I'll send you some flowers, as a thank you.

(post is archived)

[–] 22 pts

it's kinda stunning how transparent the entire thing has been.

i'm dumbfounded by how many people are still able to be successfully gaslit by these jews, though.

[–] 15 pts

It’s painful to watch, really

[–] 5 pts

My favorite is how the left have done a complete xbox360 and moonwalked from their 60 year anti-government skeptical individualist stance into mass conformity in less than 6 years.

[–] 5 pts

Exactly, I’m still trying to wrap my head around that one…

[–] 2 pts

What is that flair lol

[–] 9 pts

It’s the Golden Turd of Zion, the most coveted of all symbols…

[–] 1 pt

Dollop of honey for the honeypot


(Maybe not joking but I'm not even that sure)

[–] 5 pts

Problem is they have partners in crime, like Fauci the wop, Xi the pooh, Daszak the slav, et al. But only one group controls media and the bank.

[–] 4 pts

He's a kike before a wop.

[–] 5 pts

Yea sure, I get it. But try explaining that to a normie. He realistically he takes his marching orders for the juden however ultimately he's a wop. You don't have to be a jew to be a traitor.

[–] 4 pts

They are living in a completely different world to us. In their world homosexuals are innocent victims, blacks dont commit crime and are underrepresented, women are literally as strong as men, trans women are real women and all sins of blacks, gays and feminists lie solely on the shoulders of white men. In our world up is up, down is down and kikes tell lies. it is jarring when these worlds collide, it is just so strange to me that people trust the vaccine, that they trust the govt, that they BELIEVE in the media! It makes no sense to me but i dont make sense to them. They are examples of what happens when you do not think critically, and the effects are abhorrent.

[–] 3 pts

the only power theyve ever been able to wield is yelling at people to put a. mask on.

they don't want to lose that authority

[–] 1 pt

Because it's close to impossible to call them out on any forum that isn't by proxy(?)*, labeling you as an anti-semite, racist, etc.

They have done a very good job to cause all the problems but not be implicated in what they are done.

  • what word would be best use to describe what i'm implying?
[–] 2 pts

I don't know if it is the best word, but jews are like rust. They hide behind the scenes and decay and spoil every they touch, but only the awake and alert can see it happening.


[–] 0 pt

No, I mean like. Let's say were talking about being able to see something over 6ft wall and everyone is 4ft tall, therefore, if you can see over the wall, you are by default? By definition? Tall.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

These are also skills that were once useful for earning a college degree but now merely get you put on gov't lists as an enemy of the state.

[–] 0 pt

One of the first things that communists do, when obtaining power, is eliminate all of the "intellectuals." There's as reason for that.

[–] 3 pts

the glasses (static2.srcdn.com)

[–] 3 pts

It's only natural. This is how life finds a way.

As a culture we're extremely susceptible to kikery. Those of us here are somehow not as susceptible (to varying degrees) and we're also driven to protect others from what they can't see. We are the immune response.

To further this analogy - I think there's limited returns in redpilling people. Most normies don't have the capacity to actively fight kikery and we instinctively know this and you can see that reflected in our memes. But they might have varying capacities to be immune to parts of it. Like they'll never grasp the idea of a pandemic as a power and control structure, but they might be able to accept it as a greedy big pharma money grab.

If true, this means it's on us and it's alone to actively fight it, and our strategies need to reflect this reality rather than being frustrated that most people are blind to it. That would be like a white blood cell getting mad at a red blood cell for just sitting there while it gets eaten by bacteria.

> This is how life finds a way.

Jewrassic park?

[–] 1 pt

This might be the most insightful thing I've read, in the past 24hrs. Thanks for that. Tough times ahead, all-around.

[–] 2 pts

Who says spending time on Voat was a waste?

Haha! You are right.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Or grow up in South Florida

[–] 3 pts

My husband grew up there while I grew up in a different, less jewish part of FL. The first time I visited his hometown and went out and about going grocery shopping, etc, I was like "wtf is going on around here."

The people were sooooo fucking hostile, EVERYWHERE. It was bizarre and this was before I was redpilled. My husband clued me in that it was a bunch of angry NY jews that think they own FL. Beautiful place but the people.... holy shit.

[–] 3 pts

Isralies are notoriously shitty to meet while traveling.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Yep it's rampant. Never noticed it til I went back home and visited.

But the mentality remains. It's so jewy.

[–] 0 pt

Here on the coastal panhandle it's the opposite

That's because it's more like the White south than NYC.

[–] 0 pt

Tampa is nowhere near as bad either. It's a whole different place in Palm Beach county.

[–] 2 pts

Precisely. That's because, at their base, they aren't very smart - but they try to uphold the illusion that they are.

[–] 3 pts

I've known from the start that the jabb signalled that time has run out for normies. Either they had learned that a conspiracy was underway to harm them or it was too late for them

[–] 5 pts

Pretty much. It's getting pretty fucking obvious at this point that there's fuckery afoot, even if you took the hypothetical assumption that this jab might be the best thing ever (which we know to be false) - the fact they are mandating it at certain points should make anyone with half a brain think "Hang on one minute here..."

[–] 2 pts

It's obnoxious to see all the shills and/or fat fucks;

hurrrrrrrrrrrr I was sick for like 8 weeks not long ago and it was totally miserable!!!!

When in reality they're just unhealthy fat fucks or immune-compromised (AIDS ridden faggots).

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

You have intelligence and rationality. These skills are just tools to help you use what you have.

The other people out there don't use facts, evidence, or reason to inform their actions - they go by social pressure. If everyone else out there is doing it, it must be good.

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