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Many years ago, a small local radio station had a call-in segment (which I'm sure was axed immediately) devoted to people mentioning their favorite "conspiracy theory." One woman called in and simply said "that the Sandy hook shooting never happened." I'd never heard that before, and started digging. A whole world of ideas came out of that one sentence for me. The host awkwardly mumbled and hung up, but the seed was planted. I've woken up many friends and family, after I'd done my research, about politics, Jews, vaccines, and any number of other things I'd never have thought about had i not heard that lady and her one sentence.

You may never get a chance to write a book or be interviewed by Alex Jones, but the truth you speak could impact thousands down the road. Become informed, then be bold, in whatever context the Lord has put you in.

Many years ago, a small local radio station had a call-in segment (which I'm sure was axed immediately) devoted to people mentioning their favorite "conspiracy theory." One woman called in and simply said "that the Sandy hook shooting never happened." I'd never heard that before, and started digging. A whole world of ideas came out of that one sentence for me. The host awkwardly mumbled and hung up, but the seed was planted. I've woken up many friends and family, after I'd done my research, about politics, Jews, vaccines, and any number of other things I'd never have thought about had i not heard that lady and her one sentence. You may never get a chance to write a book or be interviewed by Alex Jones, but the truth you speak could impact thousands down the road. Become informed, then be bold, in whatever context the Lord has put you in.

(post is archived)

[–] 16 pts

I'm older, so mine started with "a shooter on the knoll" in Dallas when JFK was shot.

[–] 6 pts

Did you ever see the frames that appear to show JFKs driver shooting at him with a pistol?

[–] 4 pts

Yes and out of all the theories it fit the best.

[+] [deleted] 1 pt
[–] 1 pt

Jfk was never killed he faked his death. It was all staged and the Zup film had two different videos spliced together, the rehearsal (staged video) and the alleged event showed two different cars that JFK was allegedly riding in

[–] 2 pts (edited )
[–] 2 pts

I saw this video on TV in the 90s before there was an internet that everybody uses; so no, I don't have any links.

[–] 1 pt

They say the zepruder film was edited to remove the gun, then released

[–] 1 pt

I saw a video in the 90s that appeared to show the drivers right hand going around his body, shooting backwards and a muzzle flash is seen just before JFK reacts to a bullet impact.

[–] 1 pt

Did you ever watch James Fields video taped confession?

[–] 2 pts

No, I don't believe I have.

[–] 1 pt

No. Do you have a link to a video showing that? I'd be fascinated to see it.

[–] 3 pts

But, magic bullets are real!

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

They taught the "Magic Bullet" theory for JFK's assassination at my school.

[–] 4 pts

It's been awhile, but back in the 70s and 80s I remember reading about big shooting ranges get togethers that would build a tower and have a dummy in a car towed past and have have people shoot the same model rifle. Some of the best shooters in the country were unable to replicate the number of shots or accuracy in the time frame of Oswald.

[–] 3 pts

Yup. Specifically, I once had some money back in the late '80s and was perusing a book store when I saw, Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy (amazon.com) and bought it on a lark. Oh shit, that was the beginning.

[–] 2 pts

Didn’t believe the magic bullet they found on his gurney?

[–] 1 pt

He faked his death.

[–] 0 pt

I heard he's on Jimmy Hoffa's yacht, off the coast of France with Elvis and Epstein.

[–] 0 pt

I heard he later became Jimmy Carter. The teet and ears match. Otherwise they are just pumping out duplicates of certain people like in Hollywood.

[–] 9 pts (edited )

This is my exact strategy for being on Poal. I'm not about accumulating points, rather I think of myself as a drive by idea spreader. Some of my posts get no attention, some do. But if I trigger someone to think about something in a way they had never considered, I'm satisfied that I made a difference.

(Ps) of course it works both ways. I've had plenty of times I read some fascinating posts that caused me to pursue more investigations.

[–] 7 pts

I joined Voat because of the 13 month calendar. Every month was 28 days and every 4th year you get an extra holiday. The current dominant calendar had never really made sense to me - why is October the 10th month when oct means 8? September is the 9th month but septem is Latin for 7? The calendar, as we know it, is completely stupid and pointless.

[–] 3 pts (edited )


I read about this. I too want a 28 day / month calendar.

[–] 3 pts

romans added in two month names to honor two politicians, causing the shift you see.

[–] 0 pt

Was it Julius July and Augustus August?

[–] 0 pt

Not to mention that Romans made February the shortest month because they thought it was unlucky.

[–] 0 pt

I just reread your comment. Interesting facts. But, as we all know, facts don't matter in this world.

[–] 1 pt

Yea, all because 2 months are named after Roman emperors, July is named after Julius and August after Augusto (spelling?).

[–] 4 pts

The problem I have with the rabbit hole (while I totally agree that the plandemic hoax, global warming hoax, to name a couple), is that you have schlomos orchestrating the false narratives to make people look like idiots/crazy. The helicopter "hanging " in Afghanistan makes me think that was either an idiot savant or a malicious plant to get people to push false narratives. I really love that about Poal in that for the most part people do a little bit of research before insta posting the blather. Though I did see the helicopter hanging posted here more than once.

[–] 4 pts

Questioning basic things is healthy for perception. Doesn't mean everything is fake, but being able to question something and really dig in is critical. If you're invested in a certain conclusion and mentally can't even try to prove it wrong, your eyes are already closed.

So someone stating such a ridiculous-sounding idea makes the curious person ask "Wow, that would be amazing and disturbing if there was no shooting. Let's look into this..."

[–] 4 pts

This absolutely is why I remain vocal when I go out and speak with anyone who will listen.

[–] 2 pts

Totally agree. The plandemic was orchestrated to limit those discussions both with limiting social interactions and restricting church/gatherings. If not, it was a truly happy coincidence, but I believe less and less in coincidences at a govt level anymore.

[–] 3 pts

havent browsed local radio in awhile, tried this past week and it's all gone. its all iheart radio out of california talking about california and nothing local. they dont accept call ins or talk to anyone outside the studio.

local radio used to be the shit, cant find anyone to listen to anymore.

I've been listening to WRKO Boston on iHearthRadio app during the day at work. It's Grace Curley from 12-3 and Howie Carr from 3-6 or 7. They take tons of calls from listeners throughout the day.

Before that I'll tune into 710 WOR New York or 770.

I heart radio is owned by clear channel radio which is the largest radio owner in the country.

In my home state they now own the station that comes in strongest for me and it’s all MSNBC propaganda commercials and at least one boy George song every hour.

Bonus info: I heart radio openly stated a number of months back that they will not hire white people. Yay us!

[–] 2 pts

The worst part now is being able to find anything not approved, correct think.

I feel sorry for anyone digging these days. Must be near impossible.

[–] 2 pts

The crises actors were a dead giveaway

[–] 1 pt (edited )

As embarasing as it it there was a gamergate stream and a person calling himself kingofpol stated talking about the holocaust and me being the little ignorant bastard at the time just said to myself,' Why is this conversation so contravestial?'

The rest is history really.

Also when I was really young in the UK we got rid of sports days and instead had some really gay group activities insted so that started to activate my almonds at the time but in this country everyone is bordeline spiritualy retarded.

[–] 1 pt

I watched the coverage of Sandy Hook live. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The interviews appeared fake. No real mourning by parents whose kids had just been murdered. It was the strangest thing I'd ever seen. I asked if others noticed this too. Nada. A few years later I also did some digging......now all of that evidence appears to have been erased from the internet.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

if Adam Lanza was found dead at the scene why was his brother arrested living 2 hours away with his father completely innocent?

Oh yeah.. Adam never existed.

In 1999 cameras captured most of the Columbine shootings. How in the fuck did a school not have cameras in 2012?

It makes no sense. Where is the footage? Why did the medical examiner on site giggle and make no sense in his press conference? Why did the same group of people walk in circles around the fire station? Why did multiple parents laugh or contradict themselves in interviews and press conferences?

The whole thing was Hussein Soetoro attempting a gun grab. Oddly, most of the parents of the "children" were actually actors and comedians.

Seems legit?

[–] 1 pt

The killer was a cgi of that fbi fag pillow kid david hoggg.

[–] 1 pt

This wasn't a gun grab. It was an experiment to see how far the Deep State can take their fake news propaganda. They hoaxed a school shooting on live TV. No kids died and the shooter didn't even exist.

It was such an outstanding success they could start planning to hoax a world wide pandemic.

[–] 0 pt

Yep... and now unless I'm strange or different I'm one of tens of millions that want vengeance NOW. 2 years of this unnecessary fascism these motherfuckers.

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