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Hello all,

I am Boobs’ younger brother.

Boobs was my idol and role model growing up, he taught me so many things about computers and cars and honestly, life itself.

unfortunately, Boobs and I had a falling out 6 years ago. however, he reached out to me 6 months ago, I got to see him back in July, and we talked daily up until the day he passed. I got to meet his kids with him there, and I could tell that made him extremely happy.

I’ve been scrolling through and seeing what an impact he had on everyone here.

to hear that your brother was one of the highest regarded individuals regarding free speech is amazing. Boobs was a genius when it came to technology, to see that he created all of this is nothing short of one of the most incredible things I’ve ever had the privilege of witnessing.

thank you to those of you that helped him when he was at his lowest. even in his darkest days, when he was most alone, he always had you guys.

I’m going to be more active here, as I know that’s what Boobs would’ve wanted. I hope you’ll welcome me just as you guys welcomed each other.

please, if you have any stories or memories, I’d love to hear them. I’m happy to share what I remember too.

take care, and stay strong.

Hello all, I am Boobs’ younger brother. Boobs was my idol and role model growing up, he taught me so many things about computers and cars and honestly, life itself. unfortunately, Boobs and I had a falling out 6 years ago. however, he reached out to me 6 months ago, I got to see him back in July, and we talked daily up until the day he passed. I got to meet his kids with him there, and I could tell that made him extremely happy. I’ve been scrolling through and seeing what an impact he had on everyone here. to hear that your brother was one of the highest regarded individuals regarding free speech is amazing. Boobs was a genius when it came to technology, to see that he created all of this is nothing short of one of the most incredible things I’ve ever had the privilege of witnessing. thank you to those of you that helped him when he was at his lowest. even in his darkest days, when he was most alone, he always had you guys. I’m going to be more active here, as I know that’s what Boobs would’ve wanted. I hope you’ll welcome me just as you guys welcomed each other. please, if you have any stories or memories, I’d love to hear them. I’m happy to share what I remember too. take care, and stay strong.

(post is archived)

[–] [Sticky] 13 pts

Nevermind the local Mossad trolls. Their hatred for themselves spills onto other users and they are sworn enemies of free speech and proponents thereof.

Poal is, seemingly, the last place for free speech on the Internet.

Personally, I've been censored and banned virtually everywhere else that purports to foster free political discussions. I spent a lot of spare time over the years creating automated posting across multiple platforms so that I was able to monitor what issues were being censored and in what ways. My apparatus has been shredded a bit, since the election, but I'm limping along.

In trying to force discussions on those censored topics, I have learned a lot about the world. Sadly, the noose on free speech has been tightening for years. Poal is truly the last bastion.

A few examples I am grateful for being allowed to post are ones that are still having lasting effects on the world.

Hunter Biden's login credentials.


While the media ignores them, the emails prove corruption beyond a shadow of a doubt.


His iCloud account also revealed a great deal of degeneracy; tied up women, "pizza dick", a constant campaign of crack and hookers (NSFW);





There is no place you can really get away with posting this type of politically sensitive material without bad actors inserting themselves into the discussion to muddy the waters.

Wuhan Institute of Virology login credentials.




Nowhere on Reddit are you allowed to discuss the idea that the SARS COV 2 genome sequence is a simple parlor trick, a digital forgery. I posit that the negative control list (controlled by Microsoft) and the Wuhan Reference Genome (the white list for nucleotide sequences that has never been double checked) are the only two data points anyone needs to control in order to fool even the lab techs, who can do everything right in sequencing the genome, but relies on trusting the FASTA sequence generated by the computer during the process. Maybe I'm an idiot, but it's weird that the questioning conversations are not even allowed to take place in other forums.

I maintain that COVID is a propaganda weapon (a word play game where COVID is merely a set of symptoms and SARS COV 2 is the virus.) Notice nobody calls the vaccines a "SARS COV 2" vaccine.

There is no place on the Internet besides Poal where this discussion is allowed to happen.

Poal's predecessor, Voat (which purported to be a free speech site), was heavily infiltrated and controlled in a lot of ways that aren't quite as obvious as happens on Reddit. The creation of Poal was a sigh of relief because actual Mossad agents and bad actors have repeatedly been exposed, here. Your brother had to put up with their constant harassing, haranguing and myriad of crap tactics.

Shadowy forces created the Q Anon trope to "bad jacket" the alt-right as crazy conspiracy theorists and discussing this on Voat was met with absolute rage and autistic screeching. On Poal, we were allowed to discuss names like Coleman Rogers or Jim Watkins. We are allowed to discuss the Carlyle Group and their pet psyop project aided by elements within the DIA. (Like the CIA, but with less rules.)

The Right narrative and Left narrative are crafted by "narrative science" algorithms, these days. Trying to escape outside the bounds of goalposts set by the powers that be is very difficult anywhere else on the Internet.

On Voat, I was mercilessly censored by layers of manipulation, hatred and gang stalking. On Poal, it is just another Tuesday.

On Poal, it is possible to discuss the specific bad actors behind the great race baiting machine.


Literal Mossad agents and other intelligence community stooges come to Poal, attempting to use their standard tactics to stifle political discussions. It is a constant and draining battle, but @PMYB2 and @AOU have stood tall through all of it. Poal scares very rich and very powerful people and that is why you see the whining, moaning and concern trolling regarding @AOU and @PMYB2. It also reveals that the tactics employed by powerful people are those of cowards.

This isn't just a memelord board, this is a hub for international politics where actual good people who want to make a difference are finding each other.

That is what your brother provided. It is far bigger than the concern trolls would like to let on. He approached me a few years ago after this post https://poal.co/s/conspiracy/42571 and we'd been friends ever since.

Beyond politics and humor, it is also a place where creative minds can share their art, their stories and their knowledge. In the rest of the heavily censored world, the only things that are launched into popularity are done so in a controlled manner where anything that goes against the grain, even if it is great art, is buried and left to obscurity. It is my hope that Poal will continue to grow and foster a community of like minded people who can generate creative and intellectual works that don't require propulsion into the mainstream by Big Tech algorithms and pedophile gatekeepers.

I was always trying to get your brother to pick up a guitar. He had high hopes, but managed to only glance at it, once in a while, I think.


Every Friday is a guitar sharing thread. Check it out.


I doubt I could go back to them, but he is memorialized in a number of Poalcasts. Plenty of them were absolute train wrecks, but some of the best of your brother lives on in some of those recordings. Some are available in the sub, maybe.


Maybe @AOU has access to recordings? Somebody does.

Your brother was, indeed, capable of bringing all types together. He had a thirst for knowledge that he knew the world was keeping from him; something that drew us all here, in the first place. That commonality is an important one because it is an existential problem for humanity, civilization and quality of life for all people. Allowing all sides of an argument to play out naturally is as important to us modern day Americans as it was to Ancient Greece or Europe during the Renaissance. Poal allows us to see past the layers of manipulation that have been used for thousands of years to prevent people like us from seizing the reins to our own destinies; and that is what I wanted for your brother... to seize the reins of his own destiny.

I hope that his contribution will allow others to learn and take control of their lives from the unseen manipulations and that your brother's contribution to the world will last long enough to provide the right trail of bread crumbs to others seeking truth and liberty where the culmination of progress in our individual lives will become something greater than the sum of its parts.

Of all people in my life, your brother knew I've seen more than my fair share of fire and rain and that it came with it's fair share of pain. Still, it hurts more than usual knowing that I'll never see him again.

Take care of those kids. I mean that. They are going to need all the love you can give them. Build whatever bridges you need to. It sounds like there is a plan, moving forward, and plenty of support, for now... at least, enough to make me feel better after being troubled by their prospects. However, if it looks like that support will run out or their situation changes, please let me know.

God bless your family and your sister-in-law's family in these trying times. My family sends along their truly sincere condolences. We mourn the loss in our home, as well, despite being far away. We are with you, in spirit.

[–] 1 pt

Extremely based post. Glad to see you still around.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Who are these mossad trolls you speak of?

Edit: So, none. So many you can't even point one out. @thepurge2020 blocked me, so I can't reply. oy vey, shut it down!

[–] 5 pts

Shut up kike, go back to eating foreskin

[–] 2 pts

Just take a look a the people sitting around you...

or at the one that is literally doxxed in the comment?

Your choice.

[–] [Sticky] 10 pts

I can confirm this is PMYB2's brother.

[–] 8 pts (edited )

Your Brother was a great connector of men, and one of the most personable humans I have ever met.

He really could talk to anyone.

I miss him immensely.

Still pretty faggy, tho.

[–] 8 pts


Thank you for this post!

Condolences on our loss!

[–] 7 pts

Thank you! My condolences as well

[–] 7 pts

welcome. wishing you & your family peace

[–] 7 pts

Most upvoted post in poal history incoming

[–] 6 pts (edited )

@picman I imagine you have some stories lol

[–] 5 pts

Dedicate yourself to achieving your brother's vision. Free speech. If he created Poal alongside AOU, get in touch with AOU and ask what you can do to promote free speech. Ask AOU about Voat.

I hardly encountered PMYB2 except to ask him how to contribute to this site, but he always answered and his answers were optimistic.

You would do well to follow in your brother's path. He was a good man.

[–] -1 pt

I can teach him his brother's theories on Free Speech. Boobs' mentored me a bit on Free Speech

[–] 5 pts (edited )

Thanks for this post and a tidbit more info into who the creator of this glorious site actually was.


[–] 2 pts

Voat salute 🐐 o7

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