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Today I saw this post from @QueensNYGuy. The gist of the video is that military service members have to get the vaccine by Friday, or they’re kicked out, losing all earned benefits. Effective Friday, the military will no longer contain any individuals who are willing to disobey an order and lose everything they’ve worked for in order to defend themselves.

Then I was reminded of this post from the other day from @LakotaPride. The gist of this article is that the house just passed HR4350, a red-flag gun law aimed at military service members, wherein a military court can deem any member, active or past, unfit to own or possess a firearm. It also includes this text:

Additionally, military court protective orders issued on an emergency basis are exempted from providing the recipient with the standard “right to due process.” Instead, “notice and opportunity to be heard” must only be provided after an order was already issued.

So within a span of less then two weeks, they will have removed every soldier who would have been likely to defend liberty AND have the ability to strip their personal gun rights away at any moment due to an “emergency.”

I hope you all are stocked on ammo.

Today I saw [this post](https://poal.co/s/CoronaVirus/443226) from @QueensNYGuy. The gist of the video is that military service members have to get the vaccine by Friday, or they’re kicked out, losing all earned benefits. Effective Friday, the military will no longer contain any individuals who are willing to disobey an order and lose everything they’ve worked for in order to defend themselves. Then I was reminded of [this post](https://poal.co/s/QStorm/441685) from the other day from @LakotaPride. The gist of this article is that the house just passed HR4350, a red-flag gun law aimed at military service members, wherein a military court can deem any member, active or past, unfit to own or possess a firearm. It also includes this text: > Additionally, military court protective orders issued on an emergency basis are exempted from providing the recipient with the standard “right to due process.” Instead, “notice and opportunity to be heard” must only be provided after an order was already issued. So within a span of less then two weeks, they will have removed every soldier who would have been likely to defend liberty AND have the ability to strip their personal gun rights away at any moment due to an “emergency.” I hope you all are stocked on ammo.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

Says the guy who thinks other people will do this for him

[–] 0 pt (edited )

kek You're making a poor assumption, I'm afraid. What you ought to be doing, instead of trying to convince idiots to kill each other, is telling them to unplug from "society", to break ties with the wage slavery system, to become independent for their own gain and to stop depending on faggots and assholes that don't serve them. What does that entail? Let me guess, you have no clue. I'm sure you're just like the other parrots you're mimicking: You just want idiots to kill each other because you'd rather not be alone in your misery. You blame everyone else for not easing your problems. You think it's up to some collective to save you, which is hilarious because you accuse me of this. I would bet my whole portfolio on you being another moran who says shit like, "we need to save the white race!" but your first inclinations in this situation is "kill the niggers and the jews!" like an absolute brainlet. Instead, what you need to be doing is having as many babies as possible, building up communities of white men, like church groups or gun clubs. You should be encouraging your wives to get together and teach their daughters how to be good wives and mothers. For some reason though, when people like I'm guessing you are get confronted with this kind of advice they make all kinds of excuses. They say they can't move because they're close to family, because they have a cushy job, because they've invested so much time or money in a profession or project that hasn't seen them gain. They can't have more kids because X or Y. They can't persuade women to do anything because women are just degenerate whores that can't be helped. Any time they try to form clubs, it'll just get infiltrated by "jews" or feds.

Instead, what you need to be doing is getting fit, spreading good values to people around you, finding out how to be more competent and intelligent, how to abandon your wage cage and be your own boss, how to properly invest and initiate projects that build you, your family and community up. People like (I'm guessing) you always say they can't run for local office for some reason and they can't go to school board meetings or sit on the board. Besides, it's the "jews"' fault or the niggers that drag society down, all of the immigrants that take away opportunities... despite you being smarter and more competent than them... which is coincidentally paradoxical and full of sophistry.

Just admit it - you're helpless and can't figure out how to correct self-errors, how to overcome hardships, how to be a better man. You need help and you can't do it on your own. You'd rather be violent than do what's hard and improve your situation because it feels like a quicker conclusion. Well, too fucking bad. Time to grow up you big baby.

[–] 0 pt

This is literally from your top-level comment.

They're doing this because they stole the election. It's pretty obvious. Just be patient and let /ourguys/ do their thing.

Yes, you ARE depending on other people to do this for you. You are encouraging people to “unplug,” i.e. pretend that none of this is happening, hope that they’re allowed to live their lives in peace and harmony with their white neighbors while raising children, and then hopefully, HOPEFULLY, one day they’ll be able to turn around and find out that all their problems have been solved for them.

I’d rather be violent because violence is what overcomes tyranny.

[–] 0 pt

I'm not trying to talk you out of being competent or doing things that help. I'm trying to talk you out of convincing retards to kill each other. I just gave you a giant list of things you can do to help and you choose to ignore it because it's more convenient to cast blame against me. You're a fucking child sucking his thumb and you lash out at anyone trying to calm you down. How about you go pout in the corner while the big boys do the heavy lifting until you're done with this pubescent tantrum of yours.