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Today I saw this post from @QueensNYGuy. The gist of the video is that military service members have to get the vaccine by Friday, or they’re kicked out, losing all earned benefits. Effective Friday, the military will no longer contain any individuals who are willing to disobey an order and lose everything they’ve worked for in order to defend themselves.

Then I was reminded of this post from the other day from @LakotaPride. The gist of this article is that the house just passed HR4350, a red-flag gun law aimed at military service members, wherein a military court can deem any member, active or past, unfit to own or possess a firearm. It also includes this text:

Additionally, military court protective orders issued on an emergency basis are exempted from providing the recipient with the standard “right to due process.” Instead, “notice and opportunity to be heard” must only be provided after an order was already issued.

So within a span of less then two weeks, they will have removed every soldier who would have been likely to defend liberty AND have the ability to strip their personal gun rights away at any moment due to an “emergency.”

I hope you all are stocked on ammo.

Today I saw [this post](https://poal.co/s/CoronaVirus/443226) from @QueensNYGuy. The gist of the video is that military service members have to get the vaccine by Friday, or they’re kicked out, losing all earned benefits. Effective Friday, the military will no longer contain any individuals who are willing to disobey an order and lose everything they’ve worked for in order to defend themselves. Then I was reminded of [this post](https://poal.co/s/QStorm/441685) from the other day from @LakotaPride. The gist of this article is that the house just passed HR4350, a red-flag gun law aimed at military service members, wherein a military court can deem any member, active or past, unfit to own or possess a firearm. It also includes this text: > Additionally, military court protective orders issued on an emergency basis are exempted from providing the recipient with the standard “right to due process.” Instead, “notice and opportunity to be heard” must only be provided after an order was already issued. So within a span of less then two weeks, they will have removed every soldier who would have been likely to defend liberty AND have the ability to strip their personal gun rights away at any moment due to an “emergency.” I hope you all are stocked on ammo.

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 16 pts

Dude, this is all biblical, so it must get worse before anyone gives a shit to change.

As in the days of Noah, people are too fat and happy, and God is a myth.

If I were a betting man, I would bet on the return of Christ to be happening at any moment.

Maybe it already has, and that’s why they are in full blown panic mode, illegal as hell mode.

(Insider knowledge says He’s already returned)

[–] 9 pts

Christ returns after the world has ended. Everyone alive at that time will definitely know and the final judgement will begin.

[–] 5 pts

Christianity was a scheme devised by filthy middle eastern kikes to control the goyim. The only reason any of you are even aware of it is because your retarded ancestors fell for the trap and all those opposed were brutally murdered. You are no different than the spics in Mexico who had all their history/ancestry wiped out, it just happened to your ancestors in Europe first.

Go look up a family timeline, about 100,000 years of ancestors who never heard of some kike god and then about 1,000 years ago all of a sudden god is #1 (or else). Super jesus jew is going to come back and save you about as fast as trump is going to win in 2 more weeks. How the fuck can all of you be on here, read all this real shit and still believe because your ancestors were tricked by some kikes that their kike god is the only possible real one. Zeus? Hercules? Odin? You had gods, you had history, you had your own culture until the kikes took it all away from you.

Jesus is a myth, stories written about some kike 80 years after he died, all based on some desert sand scribble nonsense. Grow the fuck up and wake the fuck up. Nobody is going to save any of us but ourselves.

[–] 2 pts

Jews love you for believing this. 100 years of atheism aka anti Christian propaganda is paying off.

You are a good little member of Satan's synagogue

[–] 1 pt

I used to think Jesus was a myth, too…

[–] 1 pt

You can't reason with slaves. All these weaklings can do is obey their Jewish masters.

[–] 0 pt

A "scheme" that is the foundation of Western society...

[–] 0 pt

I understand it must be frustrating to be unchosen. Sorry about that.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

The entire 7 years are possibly a trial period to see who's worthy and who just watches the world go by and doesn't say a word or goes with the evil flow. I try all the time to inform people since I do give a fuck about people that are not living purposely scummy lives surviving or at least saving their families. You don't have to believe me but at least don't toss my views away since IF I am right you'll have a better chance and the ones you love will also.

[–] 2 pts

Our entire lives are the trial period. It's not the end of the world we have to be worried about but the end of our lives. I don't think the end times will happen any time soon. I believe we are just in the beginning when things will start to get very bad. It will get much worse. Then possibly in the next 50 to a 200 years if we are lucky almost all people on earth will convert to Christianity. Christianity will reign once again on earth and more glorious then ever before, but it will not last long. Then the end times will come and everyone will apostatize. Then the end of the world and Christ will come for the Last Judgement.

[–] 4 pts

yep the trick will be/is recognizing Christ

You will know Christ when he speaks to you. Your DNA will instantly just know his voice and manner.

It will get much worse sadly before people bothered enough to fight back.

[–] 3 pts

Any white man that still believes a God damn sand nigger based religion is what will save the day deserves what they get.

I like Christian values I like the moral code Jesus laid out I don't like the fact jews started the core beliefs and are considered the choosen people by many white Christians. Fat fuck piece of shit pastor hagee comes to mind

[–] 5 pts

One of the worst things about being a Christian is being lumped in with all the Christians that worship Israel above God. They're worse than the 'and the meek shall inherit the Earth' pacifist Christians that will turn the other cheek until they're dead, thinking their cowardice and weakness are virtues. And they're about as bad as the superstitious Christians, who think that Pokemon cards and Lord of the Rings are 'of the Devil' because Pikachu is secretly a demon that also evolves and Gandalf is a wizard and magic and imaginative fantasy storytelling is evil. I can't stand them.

God damned Christians. They make us Christians look like jackasses.

[–] 0 pt

Reminds me of life or Brian. When ya really try to figure out who the real Christians are you end up with about 10,000 people maybe... the Mennonites and Amish are pretty close to real Christians in my book but they are just the biggest suckered to the old testament aka the Jewish Torah aka white Europeans tricked into worshiping a fundamentally sand nigger god.

Prime example.

[–] 3 pts

Pearls before swine, brother. There's a lot of deaf-blind people around here. They took their teenage angst out on God and never learned to think past the level of a sixteen year-old. It's sad and not worth your time.

[–] 0 pt

White Christians have to be considered traitors. They will always put foreign Christians above non-Christian members of their own people.

[–] 2 pts

Israel is working on the third temple now. It is not done yet...

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

God never demanded a temple. Mankind did.

Your DNA is your direct connection to God. No admission needs to be paid, that’s Jhoo talk.

[–] 2 pts

That's cool, I don't care. I'm just reiterating what the jews are trying to do.


[–] 0 pt

Wait, what? Since when? Where are they building it?

[–] 0 pt

In Jerusalem, at the temple mount on top of King Solomon's temple.

I was thinking that myself. I know he wouldn't take me in the first run or two, my mind is just to much we'll say. I was thinking it might have been a few years ago and this is the hell on earth they were referring to in the bible with the hells minions running loose running the show.