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Today I saw this post from @QueensNYGuy. The gist of the video is that military service members have to get the vaccine by Friday, or they’re kicked out, losing all earned benefits. Effective Friday, the military will no longer contain any individuals who are willing to disobey an order and lose everything they’ve worked for in order to defend themselves.

Then I was reminded of this post from the other day from @LakotaPride. The gist of this article is that the house just passed HR4350, a red-flag gun law aimed at military service members, wherein a military court can deem any member, active or past, unfit to own or possess a firearm. It also includes this text:

Additionally, military court protective orders issued on an emergency basis are exempted from providing the recipient with the standard “right to due process.” Instead, “notice and opportunity to be heard” must only be provided after an order was already issued.

So within a span of less then two weeks, they will have removed every soldier who would have been likely to defend liberty AND have the ability to strip their personal gun rights away at any moment due to an “emergency.”

I hope you all are stocked on ammo.

Today I saw [this post](https://poal.co/s/CoronaVirus/443226) from @QueensNYGuy. The gist of the video is that military service members have to get the vaccine by Friday, or they’re kicked out, losing all earned benefits. Effective Friday, the military will no longer contain any individuals who are willing to disobey an order and lose everything they’ve worked for in order to defend themselves. Then I was reminded of [this post](https://poal.co/s/QStorm/441685) from the other day from @LakotaPride. The gist of this article is that the house just passed HR4350, a red-flag gun law aimed at military service members, wherein a military court can deem any member, active or past, unfit to own or possess a firearm. It also includes this text: > Additionally, military court protective orders issued on an emergency basis are exempted from providing the recipient with the standard “right to due process.” Instead, “notice and opportunity to be heard” must only be provided after an order was already issued. So within a span of less then two weeks, they will have removed every soldier who would have been likely to defend liberty AND have the ability to strip their personal gun rights away at any moment due to an “emergency.” I hope you all are stocked on ammo.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

You are most definitely brainwashed. How do I know, because I used to be brainwashed as well. They got me as a little kid, told me if I had doubts of god, even for a second, I could spend an eternity in hell. Then every sunday school they talked about the horrors of hell, talk about fucking brainwashing. Do you "fear" god? Do you "fear" to question whether he is real? Why? Why so much fear? It's brainwashing, you have been tricked. Just another dumb goyim whose strings are pulled by the kikes. But wait, you feel "good" about yourself. You actually believe that magical sky daddy chose you above others. Have you never thought this shit through? You sound like an idiot. You were tricked, your ancestors were tricked. The fucking jews took everything from us and you get on your knees to suck their idea of gods dick because you were tricked. It's pathetic, time to grow up.

Also, here's a fun fact. Do you want to know the real reason for jew god? The entire concept was designed to place "god" before your own family and even yourself. Think about it, they stuck this all powerful mythical figure right in there. Right above your own fucking children. God is always first right? God before your own flesh and blood. God is above all else. It's horrifying what they have done. Your family, your bloodline, your children are all that matter. They come before ANYTHING, specially mythical jewish sky genie. Time to become a man and leave your childish beliefs in jewish fairy tales behind. Honor your true gods, your ancestors and product a strong bloodline of white children and teach them to be strong in both flesh and mind so they can avoid the kike trap that you fell into.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

They got me as a little kid, told me if I had doubts of god, even for a second, I could spend an eternity in hell

Yep, I suspect that most people that think this way are not actually chosen. I can’t coerce you into legitimately believing that your car is blue, so you can’t legitimately coerce someone into believing in god. If I said, “I’m going to whip you until you believe your car is blue,” could you ever believe that your car is blue? You might say you believe your car is blue out of fear, but I cannot change what you believe through intimidation.

I do believe that many people out there just “try to be good Christians” for fear of going to hell. Some of them may be chosen and they’re just misguided, but I suspect many of them are not

No. I do not fear god or hell. I do not feel guilty if I don’t take what might be considered the most Christian course of action. I am at peace because I understand that faith in Jesus grants salvation, and I have been given that gift by God. There is literally nothing you could ever say that would convince me that God does not exist, in the same way that there is nothing I could ever say that would convince you that your car is a different color than it is. I don’t hope God is real, I don’t think he’s real, I know he is. And I understand why someone would be so bitter about not having the chance to experience that knowledge, but that’s life, you know?

Everything else you said pretty much still lies behind a wall of coercion, so, same same.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

You give everything to a fictitious mythical jewish figure and shit all over tens of thousands of your ancestors who are the only reason you exist. Let's pretend there's a heaven, what exactly is the plan when you get their, find jew god and suck on his cock 24/7 for eternity? If an afterlife does exist, the only people who will care even one bit that you are there are your ancestors. They will all want to speak to their offspring, to see what kind of life you lived. Almost none of them will have ever heard of the jewish god nor care. If an afterlife exists, those are the people you will face, those are the ONLY people who will be interested in your life. All you'll be able to say to them is you spent your life on your knees praising a jewish desert god. They will be disappointed in you and see your life as a waste.

Think of life as a funeral, all these smooth brains worshipping celebrities and politicians. No matter how much they love or adore them, NONE of them will ever show up at their funeral. Even if you have a funeral, most of the people that show up won't really care that much. Possibly your direct family will care, maybe a few friends, but that's it. You could go to church and the entire church could show up to your funeral, but 99% of them aren't going to lose any sleep because you are dead. This is the afterlife, if it exists. When you get there, the ONLY people who will care that you ever lived or died are your ancestors. Those are the people you should honor and respect. They are the only ones that matter, not jewish sky genie. God won't be at your funeral and even if the afterlife existed, wouldn't give a shit about you after you die.

[–] 0 pt

Lol. Thank you for explaining to me what the afterlife will be from your perspective of zero knowledge or experience. Your projection of what you expect from your death has completely changed my mind.

Keep confirming that you’re bitter for being excluded. Like I said, sucks to suck. But try not to take it out on Christians, we’re not the ones that didn’t choose you