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Today I saw this post from @QueensNYGuy. The gist of the video is that military service members have to get the vaccine by Friday, or they’re kicked out, losing all earned benefits. Effective Friday, the military will no longer contain any individuals who are willing to disobey an order and lose everything they’ve worked for in order to defend themselves.

Then I was reminded of this post from the other day from @LakotaPride. The gist of this article is that the house just passed HR4350, a red-flag gun law aimed at military service members, wherein a military court can deem any member, active or past, unfit to own or possess a firearm. It also includes this text:

Additionally, military court protective orders issued on an emergency basis are exempted from providing the recipient with the standard “right to due process.” Instead, “notice and opportunity to be heard” must only be provided after an order was already issued.

So within a span of less then two weeks, they will have removed every soldier who would have been likely to defend liberty AND have the ability to strip their personal gun rights away at any moment due to an “emergency.”

I hope you all are stocked on ammo.

Today I saw [this post](https://poal.co/s/CoronaVirus/443226) from @QueensNYGuy. The gist of the video is that military service members have to get the vaccine by Friday, or they’re kicked out, losing all earned benefits. Effective Friday, the military will no longer contain any individuals who are willing to disobey an order and lose everything they’ve worked for in order to defend themselves. Then I was reminded of [this post](https://poal.co/s/QStorm/441685) from the other day from @LakotaPride. The gist of this article is that the house just passed HR4350, a red-flag gun law aimed at military service members, wherein a military court can deem any member, active or past, unfit to own or possess a firearm. It also includes this text: > Additionally, military court protective orders issued on an emergency basis are exempted from providing the recipient with the standard “right to due process.” Instead, “notice and opportunity to be heard” must only be provided after an order was already issued. So within a span of less then two weeks, they will have removed every soldier who would have been likely to defend liberty AND have the ability to strip their personal gun rights away at any moment due to an “emergency.” I hope you all are stocked on ammo.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

Why else would I suggest moving to somewhere else?

We don’t call that a defense, we call that a retreat. An escape.

I think all you have are bad faith arguments and are shrinking back on your retarded diatribe because you realized I was right and that you can get in trouble for calling for mass violence on the internet

I have made like 50 comments in this post. Quote me anywhere calling for mass violence. That’s what YOU mistook me for doing and you are unable to admit your mistake and keep saying that’s what I’m doing.

But you will not be permitted to go on some hanging spree and I'm not sure how you seem to think there's room for negotiation.

See? What the fuck is this? Hanging spree? I’m literally in here discussing methods to ration food and water and move about in a society with corrupted roadways.

You’re full of shit.

[–] 0 pt

You speak of stockpiling ammo, taunt me for not being a revolutionary like you and even look down on me for not "defending what's mine".

So within a span of less then two weeks, they will have removed every soldier who would have been likely to defend liberty AND have the ability to strip their personal gun rights away at any moment due to an “emergency.”

It's okay, man. You can admit that feds are trying to mind fuck you by taking advantage of your emotions. You're right to want to "defend liberty" and stand up for your values and property. But I think we both know what you're really accusing me of: you think I'm unwilling to "do a revolution" with you. I am, but not some bloody one where we don't exhaust other options first, options you don't appear to be aware of or receptive to. I'm just doing this to hammer the point home: stop letting feds back you in to a corner in a time of heightened emotions, which result in you getting pissed and going on the internet and saying things you'll regret. Sure, call me a concern troll and tell me I'm too willing to "trust the plan". I'll just laugh and maintain that you still don't even know what the plan is.

I know it's hard to shoulder the burden of patience, but you should be mature enough to understand that the wheels of justice turn slowly, especially compared to their inverse.

[–] 0 pt

You speak of stockpiling ammo, taunt me for not being a revolutionary like you and even look down on me for not "defending what's mine".

In what sense is ANY of this a call to violence? YOU LITERALLY QUOTED ME SAYING THE WORD DEFENDING.

But I think we both know what you're really accusing me of: you think I'm unwilling to "do a revolution" with you.

No, faggot. I’m accusing you of running away to live a life in the hopes that someone else defends you and your people

I'll just laugh and maintain that you still don't even know what the plan is.

Neither do you. Because there isn’t one. Every single person like you has been publicly embarrassed on an almost weekly basis for the past five years because you keep saying something will happen and then nothing happens but that’s because it’s going to happen later now for really real for real.

I know it's hard to shoulder the burden of patience, but you should be mature enough to understand that the wheels of justice turn slowly

Guinea-Bassau removed their tyrannical government in 10 months. Why is Q waiting 5 years to even put a single person of importance in jail?

[–] 0 pt

You must be super bored... Hell, you're even boring me somehow. Have a good night, man.