Normies refuse to think about it seriously. I had a guy that knows the government and news lies all the time tell me today that the internet is one big lie and I should watch tv to get some real news while admitting CNN is bullshit at the same time. The disconnect is insane in normies or they have no way of being open minded at all and worry more about being associated with crazy talk than the crazy talk being 100% accurate and their view being 100% wrong meaning they die and could have lived. The entire picture must be viewed through unfiltered unbiosed lens.
Sure my lens has pessimist and fuck off motherfuckers stamped on the side but I try to ignore that altogether and most of all ADMIT to myself and others like a confession when I am wrong when new valid information is added showing me without doubt that it is the real truth and I was WRONG, not proud just curious and want truth and facts even if they suck to hear I want it.
I guess when the popular and normal crowd have pushed you away young you tend not to give to fucks what the popular or normal thoughts are and think, this is to stupid and conflict with points E,G, and M so what is the real truth and not the one they want me to accept without thought.
when I am wrong when new valid information is added
Jews made it a talking point in Presidential elections (wishy-washy) so that normal people would stick to their cozy world view regardless of the evidence under their noses. Like I said in the OP:
Fuck these kikes and what they have done to this gay earth.
(post is archived)