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It may be possible that one dimension of the craziness going on now is foreign destabilization.

Examples: One rogue employee makes a donation to Bernie? Boycott and wreck the company.

Employers require vaccination? Quit and wreck the company.

If you are fired it'll help the destabilization sure, but not every company will fire its employees for non compliance. Additionally, the more who stay and stand their ground, the more will be inspired to do so also.

So, if you are in a position to resist, then resist. There's a chance that we all will weather the storm, and still have something left standing if we do.

It may be possible that one dimension of the craziness going on now is foreign destabilization. Examples: One rogue employee makes a donation to Bernie? Boycott and wreck the company. Employers require vaccination? Quit and wreck the company. If you are fired it'll help the destabilization sure, but not every company will fire its employees for non compliance. Additionally, the more who stay and stand their ground, the more will be inspired to do so also. So, if you are in a position to resist, then resist. There's a chance that we all will weather the storm, and still have something left standing if we do.

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 4 pts (edited )

Another thing you can do is drag it out. Time is on your side and the longer you can keep your job the better off you'll be. A lot of lawsuits are being filed right now that will decide whether or not employer can actually fire you for not getting the vax.

You can always just tell your employer that you are vaxxed. If they ask for proof, just stall. Ignore their emails and pretend like you never received them.
This alone fundamentally changes the nature of the dispute. It's no longer "get the vax or you're fired" but "show us proof that you were vaxxed or you're fired". It might seem like the two are similar but they are not. You can always say you got the vax early on and never received your vax card. If they ask you to go and get another card tell them you don't recall where you got the vax. It was a drive up vax type of thing.

If they ask you to get another vax you can tell them that getting double vaxxed carried unknown health risks.

You see how this changes your position for the better? Now your employer, if they fire you, they will have to fire you not for failing to get the vax but for failing to show proof of getting the vax. You will have a much stronger argument if your unemployment benefits are in jeopardy.

If you have a problem lying, remember that your employer is trying to force an experimental medical procedure on you that could kill you.

[–] 1 pt

IIS. Also you're being fired for violating company policy. That policy being showing proof of vaccination.

Would be interesting if people get the jab but refuse show proof based on HIPA rules. They have 4 Aces and folding.