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Now jewgle is getting on the bandwagon as far as mandating employees get the jab. The people at jewgle and other private organizations need to be afraid for the lives of their children and loved ones before they will stop this.

I wish there was another way but it looks like this is the last resort. Tell me I’m wrong.

Now jewgle is getting on the bandwagon as far as mandating employees get the jab. The people at jewgle and other private organizations need to be afraid for the lives of their children and loved ones before they will stop this. I wish there was another way but it looks like this is the last resort. Tell me I’m wrong.

(post is archived)

[–] 11 pts

There is a reason so many globalist leaders don't have kids.

[–] 4 pts

That you know of. They usually use their kids as vectors for bribery so not having a public connection to them allows them to conceal that even better. I don't have any proof that these kids exist, but I wouldn't believe the lying bastards when they say they don't.

[–] 2 pts


Stop being a stupid fucking cuck. Name the jew you insidious faggot.

[–] [deleted] 7 pts (edited )

Your intentions are probably good but your anger is misdirected. Every 3rd word on this site would be jew if we followed what you're saying. Safe to say, if you're a member of this site you're aware of the small hat situation we face. With that said, talking about globalism is important. This attack on us is coming from many different directions, and awareness of this is beneficial.

[–] 1 pt

let jews control your language because a few dozen users on a small website know what you're talking about.

No. That's retarded as fuck.

[–] -1 pt

This is why you are called cattle. You don't even understand your enemies, let alone respect them.

[–] 0 pt

Apparently I don't understand jews because I name them, call them out, beat them at their own subversive language game regularly.


[–] 1 pt

Ate them?

[–] 0 pt

Oh, they HAVE kids...hidden in bunkers.

[–] [deleted] 6 pts

Wait a minute...are you saying that we can’t vote our way out of this?

[–] 4 pts

We just need Trump to run in 2024, make Q the Attorney General, and then have him order the FBI to arrest Nancy Pelosi! That will fix this! Maybe make Ben Shapiro ambassador to Israel so we can finally start helping our friends over there!!

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Then we can open the JFK files n stuff. I can’t wait to collectively sigh with my fellow countrymen, with a bourbon in hand, and say man, we really kicked their butts...and then fall asleep on the couch...with popcorn all over me.

[–] [deleted] 5 pts

Say what you want about ((( antifa/blm/etc ))). They were outside people's houses and in their neighborhoods. These people should never get a good night of sleep again. We should be outside their house all night. They go to work? Follow them. They want dinner? Fuck it up. Make their lives a living hell.

[–] 4 pts

Beyond what xRicknMortyFan69420x said - our side is not permitted to organize in this fashion. The System is perfectly capable of crushing any attempts at violent uprising, but they choose to allow antifa/blm/etc to organize and activate. That’s the whole idea behind selective enforcement and anarcho-tyranny. The options available to our enemies, are not available to us.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

We're all not leeching off of the state and other taxpayers, we have shit to do.

That's fair. Jobs, kids, etc. It still seems like we should be smart enough to organize something. Hell I would take a shift once in a while. Either way they would probably lock us up for doing the same shit.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

I remember when conservatives said “wait until they come to my town” and I guess there were zero conservatives in any of the towns or cities where BLM and antifa burned things down! What a coincidence, right? I mean not a single conservative! Not one single tough shit talking Republican lives in any of those places! It’s amazing!

[–] 3 pts

This is what antfia has going for them. When they don't get what they want or get arrested they threaten politicans and judges.

[–] 2 pts

I kind of feel though, that there is a double standard.

Antifa seems kind of protected, because I regularly hear on the news, that their charges get dropped nearly every time.

But if you're suspected to be a right winger, get ready to be imprisoned in solitary confinement without being charged at all.

[–] 1 pt

Antifa seems kind of protected, because I regularly hear on the news, that their charges get dropped nearly every time.

The judges, police commissioner, city council, mayor and prosecuting attorney in most cities in the United States are minority and/or anti-white. It is on the local level that these charges are being dropped. There is also an issue because the feds could likely charge a lot of these people and convict but they choose not to for some reason. Maybe the FBI and other agencies actively subvert movements when told to, out view of the public eye.

[–] 1 pt

That was my point. The right is abused because they're perceived as weak. Do you think they'd punch Richard Spencer if he stomped their guts out?

[–] 2 pts

The right probably is perceived as weak, because they are weak. I don't know any other group that is discriminated against as we are by the (((media))), big tech IRS, FBI, CIA and the education system.

We are banned from organising and our last remnants are infiltrated by glowniggers.

The day we organize, is the day we'll strike fear into the jew, which is the day they will come down hard on us.

Sorry, but I see no hope. Our ideas are fine, but we are outnumbered financially and personnelly.

[–] 2 pts

The un-vaccinated will soon be facing financial ruin, imprisonment or death. Most will agree to take the jab to save their families. We will be marked and attacked relentlessly. Fight or die.

[–] 1 pt

We are living in the end times.

We are promised not to suffer the 2nd death, but the first will come to most.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

That won't happen until people start having nothing to lose. As long as the people who actually matter when it comes to these things have full bellies, employment, and comfortable lives.. the elites can do damn near anything they want to the peasants.

[–] 2 pts

No jew is getting the jab. They are all pathalogical liars and have zero empathy for anyone who isn't a jew. They idea that they would get it to protect others instead of just lie about it is absurd.

Naturally they will advertise that they got it to manipulate others into getting it because the misfortune of others puts them ahead relatively.

[–] 1 pt

This will help, I forget the rabbis name but, "If we have to sacrifice even tens of thousand of jews to create a sympathy for the rest, so be it"

[–] 1 pt

key words "have to". With their level of propaganda they don't need to.

Most of them are getting the jab, they don't know any better.


[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Let God decide who lives or dies. Concentrate on preparing yourself to wear the armor.

The hour is very close. Be patient and have faith. We have won, they are in full blown panic mode.

If the hour is "very close", why do you ask for patience?

SImple, because if you act to fast then you'll be alone or in a very small group that is easily overwhelmed. Don't use tech or have a phone or anything wireless if you are planning anything since you will be recorded even with a phone you shut off and if you do anything be away from wifi towers "out of range" and don't put you cars together or park all at the same time. The cars all have GPS traffic signals often have camera's and so do stores.

Watch Enemy of the State also, this is like where China is now with their surveillance state.

This answers why it might be a good idea to be patient.

But this guy also said that "The hour is very close".

I don't need much patience to wait for an hour. We already waited 4 fucking years for something to happen.

So which is it? Arrests start next week? Or wait another 4 years for nothing to happen?

Paitence is a virtue, one you should always have with you. Why did you ask?

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

That doesn’t really answer the question and your empty platitudes do not substitute for wisdom.

You seem like a great guy, but please drop the preacher act. It’s tired.

One doesn't need a lot of patience for something that is just about to happen.

And a certain community on this website told us for 4 years now that Trump/Q/God will arrest our enemies any moment now.

I guess if the "hour is very close" we will finally see that happen. Since you are talking about hours and not years, months or even days, I suppose we finally see it before next tuesday.

[–] 1 pt

Definitely doesn’t feel like we won. Is losing all freedom, your bodily autonomy, and rights to raise your own children, winning? If so, can we stop winning so hard?

ARe YoU tiReDoF WinNinG yET?!?!?


ANd mexIcO wiLl pAy For TEh waLL!!!!

[–] 0 pt

Lol I wants to gives you updoots but the cunt aou won’t let me because he is a glowie faggot

[–] 1 pt

They wouldn't need to go into full overdrive with their plans if they didn't feel threatened.

[–] [deleted] 1 pt (edited )

Why would they feel threatened?

No offense, but are you drunk right now?

They have ZERO reason to feel threatened.

There are up 52-0 at the half and scoring at will. NO ONE WAS PUNISHED AT ANY TIME FOR ANY REASON. So why should they take their foot off the gas? They are enjoying this.

People have been saying “we’re over the target!“for FIVE FUCKING YEARS when the hopium parade of Trump’s failures and false promises first started this “we’Re winNinG eVeN thouGh wr’RE losinG KEK!!! Kek, pedes!!!!!!!” bullshit first became tiresome.

They have all the reason in the world to continue pounding the living daylights out of America - it’s called winning. They don’t need to make up fantasy conspiracy scenarios where losing is actually a sign of winning because we are tricking the bad guys with 4D chess.

They have our republic on the ropes and they are finishing the job. I don’t know what part of that you don’t understand. They are winning, in a massive landslide, and are going to push until the job is done.

They have absolutely no reason to fear any reprisal or punishment or accountability for the things they’ve done. Honestly, what in the world about the last five years makes you think they are afraid? No offense to you personally, but that’s absolutely stone cold retarded. Afraid? Of what? Winning some more?

[–] 0 pt

How do they feel threatened? They are going into full overdrive because they have total control of everything and they are drunk on the power

[–] 1 pt

Nobody ever won before they won. Stop giving people a false sense of hope. We can fight is all we can do. Winning is irrelevant.

[–] 1 pt

If that were ever gonna happen, it would already have happened. White men will continue to hoard guns and ammo, and do NOTHING.

[–] 1 pt

More people need to come to this realization. The plebs are still too comfortable.

[–] 1 pt

If google wasn’t on team vaxx then I’d be surprised. This is normal.

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