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[–] 10 pts

True, one look at Weimer and you see why people had enough of this.

[–] 16 pts

Hitler was bad. He destroyed the publishing house responsible for printing Das 3. Geschlecht, setting trans people back almost 90 years. He also promoted physical fitness which is another branding of toxic masculinity and super fat-phobic. He also killed 6 gorillian jews, as testified by the millions who survived his death camps.

[–] 2 pts

And their descendants. All all other who share this very particular genetic memory. They all entitled to compensation.

[–] 0 pt

He was far from perfect and did have some degenerate views like wanting to ban sick children from eating meat, which could come from a deranged modern communist. But revisionist history is so hysterical it ignores the many good things the Nazis achieved and the initial public will to reverse Weimar era degeneracy and bring its organisers to justice.

[–] 1 pt

"What the actual fck , you bigot. You don't want mother and daughter tag teams hanging out on the street ??. Or underage kinder 'selling' their malnourished bodies for food just to survive another day ??." Oh vey, you genocidal maniac ....

[–] 1 pt

the dude started out as an artfag, give him some slack. the fact that he made such a radical improvement in a world without internet is absolutely ubermensch. imagine a hitler with internet access.

[–] 4 pts

And we are full Weimar now in most American large cities and most media.

[–] 3 pts


>The Russian Revolution has gone down in history as the victory of the workers and peasants over the czarist rulers. Few people realize the German kaiser was also involved: He gave aid to the Bolsheviks in 1917.

>The Russian communist, with his journalistic background in Germany and business success in Constantinople, wrote the script of a revolution for the Foreign Office. It was a roadmap for what actually happened just a few months later. Over 23 typed pages, Gelfand detailed how a foreign-backed coup could be successful. For him, it was a question of money, sabotage, and toppling the government. One month later the German imperial treasury approved 2 million marks "to support revolutionary propaganda in Russia."

Oh the irony, imagine that


The last kaiser backed the bolshtards and it bit him in the ass a couple of years down the road...

It's a bit like those corporations going woke, and then they get broken into...

[–] 1 pt

Why would the Kaiser do that? Was he beholden to the jews who were trying to take over White Christian Russia?

[+] [deleted] 3 pts
[–] 1 pt (edited )

How was Kaiser Wilhelm II. negatively affected by the bolsheviks? He was in exile when WW2 started, and died in 1941. And he got what he wanted. He backed Lenin, because he wanted the russians to be taken out of WW1. Which they were. The soviets delivered.

For Kaiser Wilhelm II. the Soviets were good news all around.

[–] 0 pt

What goes around comes around...

[–] 1 pt (edited )

yeah, kinda.


The last kaiser backed the bolshtards and it bit him in the ass a couple of years down the road...

This statement is objectively wrong.

[–] 2 pts

Communist jews were sweeping Europa with narcotics, child prostitution, drag shows, gay saunas, live sex shows...Hitler got elected largely because he promised to stop it, which he did. Few leaders were ever so beloved.

[–] 2 pts

When I mention "we haven't been told the whole truth about Hitler, holocaust etc." I get "Oh my gosh he's going insane what is the matter with this guy?"

I mean duh, there's many things we haven't been told the truth about. But this Jew stuff and Hitler has escaped?

[–] 3 pts

Don't be autistic and you'll have better luck. Always start with something the normie can agree with you on. If you're talking to a republican, start with Trump, and what will happen to Trumps legacy if we don't do anything. What the left will say about Trumps detention centres, his wall, his executive orders.

Trump will be painted as a crazed dictator who was genociding non-whites in concentration camps, yet he was beloved by millions for his great rallies and improvised speeches.

You get the point. Stop trying to browbeat people with your opinions, and make the case for why you think the way you do.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts (edited )

Yes, that was the one thing they didn't lie about. lol

[–] 2 pts

Nazi is a slur (((they))) branded the National Socialists as. Anyone can correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think the Germans used that term for themselves.

[–] 0 pt

And it's gonna just be normal people trying not to destroy their lives this next time as well. Here withing the decade I'm thinking, maybe.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Nazis were all Masons.

[–] 0 pt

Didn't Nazis purge the masons?

[–] 0 pt

No they belonged to the Masons. They all used the hands up, elbows out to surrender. But that is also a universal sign to a fellow Mason for help, and they are obligated to help no matter what.

[–] 0 pt

Sounds like a coincidence, not a cohencidence. Or a useful tactic

[–] 0 pt

Well most founding fathers like George Washington were masons.

Of course Masonryapparently got a radical leader in the 1800's or sometime and he really changed things I think. Became much less good guy.

[–] 0 pt

What about the Nazi scientists who were doing psychological experiments on people, those who were brought in under Operation Paperclip and which spearheaded the MKultra program? Or how about IBM's punchcards being used to track people? IBM now operates as a NWO globalist company using Commonpass to digitally track vaccination status of citizens.

Sure the people of Germany might have been completely on board to end the sickening Weimar Republic perversion, usury economy, and degeneration of their lives. However, how do you come to terms with the rest of the party and their actions? Do you think they were 100% pure and righteous?

[–] 0 pt

NAZI means Askinazi, as in Jews.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts (edited )

You're the type who would go to a dentist to get a driver's license.

B.bu...but I-dentification, that's like a dentist thing right?