Are CRT pushers racist?
This is a simple yes or no question
Yes, they are.
So what does that statement "racists are the good guys" make of them?
Because there's a difference between discernment and irrational spergery - CRT is the latter, discernment is a natural, healthy response to being wronged by fuckwits. And a good, healthy person will not tolerate bullshit and will instill personal boundaries.
Yes, non-Whites are all racist (as they should be).
From the OP: "racists are the good guys"
And do you agree with that statement?
yes. ALL people are racist. Its a hard wired survival mechanism that predates the written word.
Yes. Racists are the good guys for their own race. Black racists are the good guys for blacks. White racists are the good guys for Whites.
yes. its anti white communist propaganda meant to use blacks as a weapon against whites.
Well then following OP's statement, "racists are the good guys", I guess CRT pushers are the good guys now? /s
(post is archived)