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The law may say no to CRT, but these teachers will subvert and teach it anyway.
NO public school is safe. Get your kids out NOW.

The law may say no to CRT, but these teachers will subvert and teach it anyway. NO public school is safe. Get your kids out NOW.

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts

To these government teat suckers, we are all owned by the state. Its quite simple "logic", but is flawed from the premise:

  1. All Whites are racist
  2. Western world was created by Whites.
  3. Ergo, all western society is "systematically" racist.
  4. The only way to "fix" is to "destroy and rebuild" without Whites.

Absolutely the wrong way to go about enacting change, especially because what they want is technically going backwards.

[–] 3 pts

Its ok to be supreme fellow white person.