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The law may say no to CRT, but these teachers will subvert and teach it anyway.
NO public school is safe. Get your kids out NOW.

The law may say no to CRT, but these teachers will subvert and teach it anyway. NO public school is safe. Get your kids out NOW.

(post is archived)

[–] 4 pts

Yep, and growing up around adults, including working around them, will give you much more well adjusted kids...hanging around peers all day (besides what you point out) is just to extend adolescence, keep them childlike, and make them incapable of critical thinking, etc. etc. Proof is in the pudding i.e. the eating thereof, and I'm living proof.

We more 'unschooled,' nothing rigid. Traveled with them. They learn when they're interested, you don't have to push them ('better late than early'). And they're all different of course.

People waste their time shoving things down preschoolers' throats. It turns them off. It's too soon. Kids love to read and will learn and absorb a tremendous amount if the stuff is interesting. On their own. And if it's something they love (like history) watch out, they'll never go outside (some I mean). For example, they loved the Civil War, and we got to visit the battlefields when it wasn't busy.

They are all quite successful, you can imagine how proud we are. My wife and I were rebels and she quit in tenth grade. We had a family business and they all worked in it, wife too. Now my kids have tons of kids (great marriages) and they all homeschool. Crazy world. They are building their own homes on acreage. They really smoked my wife and I, sometimes I'm jealous lol. Oh well. We are all very close, God has been good, and we deserved none of it.

[–] 1 pt

fuckin congrats man

[–] 1 pt

We are definitely grateful, thank-you.