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The law may say no to CRT, but these teachers will subvert and teach it anyway.
NO public school is safe. Get your kids out NOW.

The law may say no to CRT, but these teachers will subvert and teach it anyway. NO public school is safe. Get your kids out NOW.

(post is archived)

[–] [Sticky] 6 pts
[–] 21 pts

“Our kids.” What they really think. The kids are “theirs” in their twisted, deluded minds.

[–] 19 pts

That’s what Marxism teaches them. The family unit doesn’t exist—only the state. It takes a village and all of that bullshit.

[–] 2 pts

To these government teat suckers, we are all owned by the state. Its quite simple "logic", but is flawed from the premise:

  1. All Whites are racist
  2. Western world was created by Whites.
  3. Ergo, all western society is "systematically" racist.
  4. The only way to "fix" is to "destroy and rebuild" without Whites.

Absolutely the wrong way to go about enacting change, especially because what they want is technically going backwards.

[–] 3 pts

Its ok to be supreme fellow white person.

[–] 1 pt

Loving but naive parents send kids to school. 'Please teach my kids math.'

Barren, unlovable harpy math teacher. 'You mean our kids.'

'Um, no? But...you'll still teach them math, right?'

'I'll teach them to hate themselves and you.'

[–] 10 pts

What a fucking nasty, little Kike.

[–] 9 pts

I did it in the mid 80s, pulled my two boys out after they came home singing rock and roll and Michael Jackson (the fag crotch grabber).

When homeschool wasn't cool.

It's worth the sacrifice, if there is one, and they're now all productive members of society, high paying jobs and two with masters.

Your kids are your greatest responsibility, and only one chance to do it right. Peer pressure will destroy them.

[–] 2 pts

Been saying this for years. A few people are finally listening.

[+] [deleted] 1 pt
[–] 8 pts

Unhinged looking Kunt

[–] 12 pts

(((kunt))), i'd wager.

[–] 3 pts

fat, ugly, foul-mouthed, anxious, angry, probably hates all men and whites

[–] 5 pts

She's a kunt of the 1st degree. I want to smash that jew nose into the outer limits.

[+] [deleted] -3 pt
[–] 3 pts

A demented jew. I'm shocked.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Glad im not the only person who noticed that nose.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

She's starting to breathe heavily just from walking. Fucking commie fat cunt.

[–] 1 pt

that thing is complaining yet it still gets to breath

[–] 0 pt

Barely, that short little walk had her wheezing

Any idea on the school she works for?

[–] 2 pts (edited )

Edit: She's from Ames, Iowa. The psychopath is also tarot card reader and sells tarot card merch.

This is exactly the sorts of crazies you want to keep your kids away from.

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