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Use the term "Falsegender" rather than "Transgender". People can't really change their gender. Example "Joan (really John) is falsegender"

Accepting the word transgender assumes the change of gender and that it can happen thus logic is lost from the start of any discussion.

Falsegender correctly describes the situation.

Use the term "Falsegender" rather than "Transgender". People can't really change their gender. Example "Joan (really John) is falsegender" Accepting the word transgender assumes the change of gender and that it can happen thus logic is lost from the start of any discussion. Falsegender correctly describes the situation.

(post is archived)

[–] 13 pts

“Gender” is a term made up by a pedofag jew to separate sexual identity from biological sex.

[–] 7 pts

You are right; so there is only one way to call them: mentally ill fags.

[–] 2 pts

Sex “change operations” is treating a mental illness with a knife.

[–] 3 pts (edited )

Appearance change operations.

1000 years from now the archeologist digging up its bones will still classify it as male.

Falsegender is a great word.

[–] 0 pt

Ah, you watched that video too?

[–] 4 pts

This is why you use the term sex. Especially with regard to pronouns. They say you misgendered someone. Say, No I didn't. Pronouns are tied to sex. I properly sexed them. If they argue that no, pronouns are tied to gender, tell them that gender wasn't used until the 1950s, and since pronouns have been used since well before then, that pronouns are clearly tied to sex.

[–] 0 pt

Finally someone who knows how to make a strong argument

[–] 1 pt

Gender use been around for decades and is a synonym for sex.

They are trying to redefine it like they did the word gay bit they didn't create either word.

[–] 4 pts

The term was invented decades ago by the jew pedo fag who compelled parents to turn their little boy into a little girl and made the kid engage sexually with his brother.

[–] 1 pt

Well not really, it’s a linguistic term that was co-opted and misused a jew paedo fag. It’s how you differentiate masculine and feminine nouns in gendered languages. The fact nouns are defined as “masculine” and “feminine” when any sort of differentiation could be used is a bit odd, and is why the term could be co-opted with relative ease.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

synonymous for sex


Not even trannyfaggots themselves think that. This is why they want to force things to say gender rather than sex. They aren't trying to change the definition of sex, that's a nigger-IQ claim. They're trying to disappear the use of sex and replace it with gender.

[–] 0 pt

Was John Money a kike? I dont think he was. A pedo child abuser yes.

I avoid "gender" because its use is affirmation that sexual dysphoria is acceptable behavior when it's an illness.

[–] 1 pt

The giveaway is that kikes think their jew magic works when they put commodities in their names. Goldberg, Silverstein, Diamond, Money.

[–] 0 pt

source me on this

So "non biologically incoherent male" believe he's a female.