I just need you to setup the crypto wallets and pay for it
I'll handle everything else lol
Got a crypto wallet. Now what?
Wait for PMYB2 and or AOU to make one to raise funds for this
Would you be so kind as to post crypto instructions, preferably for people whom can't get fired up about crypto?
I may share some shekels for billboards but won't get over the crypto jump without some direction.
Get the Coinbase app. Buy some crypto with your shekels.
I downloaded the Coinbase app. You deposit some US dollars using your debit card. Now, you can buy, say, $20 worth of Bitcoin, Etherium, or whichever type of crypto you want. They even have USC which is the US Crypto Coin. Do some reading (crypto for dummies) on which type you want. You don’t have to own a whole bitcoin, you can earn $5 here or there. It’s like investing in stocks. Do a little research, don’t take investing advise without doing a little research. Right now is a good time to own silver. Go to a pawn shop and buy some silver coins or bars. You can buy different is size bars, but 1oz bars are a common size. I just made the leap recently, so I’m probably not the best person to give financial advise. I just stared reading a little about crypto and tried a couple crypto wallets. You’ll need one of those too. Good luck.
I think the biggest thing is getting the word out to raise funds.
You are a gentleman and a scholar. Well, actually, I'm not too sure about either of those things, but I fully support this endeavor.
Thank you, appreciate it
(post is archived)