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It's become apparent we'll never be able to overthrow either wallstreet or the corrupt judicial system or DC. They will always revert to their favored demographic with 'muh racism' to stay in power. It's always their goto, their final card. It's always the guard rail for them to keep people in line and divide the public. And the blacks will always be stupidly mislead against america in favor of socialism and communism as america circles the fucking drain and replacement of americans picks up speed.

The state asked for 'racism' so now they get racism. Because the only way around this final buffer they resort to is through it.

When you can't beat something, you push it so hard it breaks.

The jewish controlled news media pushes constant anti-white hatred. Constant attacks. "get whites", "hate whites", "whites are to blame for all blacks problems!", pushing violence, hysteria, and hatred on whites. Unabated. Unregulated. And they resort to 'muh antisemitism!' anytime they are called out for this race-baiting thinly veiled calls to violence. So now its time to correct the record.

I will be making one new post every hour for the next 120 days or so, sans the hours I'm asleep, to make the world aware of the anti-white war of hatred, propaganda, anti-white racism, subversion by politicians and journalists in the media who JUST HAPPEN to be jewish in massively disproportionate numbers, and the cowardly as shit GOP who enable this campaign of lies and genocide by the DNC-DC media complex against the american people to go unchallenged and unanswered.

Buckle up. I have no more shits to give about who has a problem with any of this.

As the left likes to say:


The Train goes CHOO CHOO MOTHERFUCKERS as it accelerates down the rails!

Full speed ahead.

It's become apparent we'll never be able to overthrow either wallstreet or the corrupt judicial system or DC. They will always revert to their favored demographic with 'muh racism' to stay in power. It's always their goto, their final card. It's always the guard rail for them to keep people in line and divide the public. And the blacks will always be stupidly mislead against america in favor of socialism and communism as america circles the fucking drain and replacement of americans picks up speed. The state asked for 'racism' so now they get racism. Because the only way around this final buffer they resort to is *through* it. When you can't beat something, you push it so hard it breaks. The jewish controlled news media pushes constant anti-white hatred. Constant attacks. "get whites", "hate whites", "whites are to blame for all blacks problems!", pushing violence, hysteria, and hatred on whites. Unabated. Unregulated. And they resort to 'muh antisemitism!' anytime they are called out for this race-baiting thinly veiled calls to violence. So now its time to correct the record. I will be making one new post every hour for the next **120 days** or so, sans the hours I'm asleep, to make the world aware of the anti-white war of hatred, propaganda, anti-white racism, subversion by politicians and journalists in the media who JUST HAPPEN to be jewish in *massively disproportionate numbers*, and the cowardly as shit GOP who enable this campaign of lies and genocide by the DNC-DC media complex against the american people to go unchallenged and unanswered. Buckle up. I have no more shits to give about who has a problem with any of this. As the left likes to say: TRUTH TO POWER. The Train goes CHOO CHOO MOTHERFUCKERS as it accelerates down the rails! Full speed ahead.

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 21 pts


2 Timothy 2:15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.

[–] 17 pts

True! : ...

a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.

THE TRUTH is relentless attacks on innocent Whites, and no punishment for the Blacks

BLACK ANIMALS attacking innocent Whites: videos:

blacks attacking Whites (recent clips) :

Riverside, CA Black George Floyd protesters brutally attack whites - one guy brain damaged (files.catbox.moe)

june 9 - two whites beaten horribly by black mobs - Ocean City, Maryland (files.catbox.moe)

2020.06 NYC blacks on motorcycle manhattan running over 76 year old white women.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

Caught On Ring White Man Gets Chased by Black & Shot Down in Street, blacks loot him while dying.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

2020.06 A 92 year old White woman head hits hydrant - Rashid Brimmage has over 65 prior adult arrests (103 total).mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

Deaf Black Woman Gives A White Babysitter A Beat Down For Invalid reason.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

I Didn't Call You That - White Woman Gets Jumped and Stomped Out By Sheboon.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

Black 6 Year Old to be a Brain Surgeon and operate on Racist White Brains to force them to worship blacks.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

banned video in UK - Irish boy being stabbed by black teenagers june 6 in Carrigaline, Co. Cork.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

5 Black Looters Savagely Beat two White Shop Owners in Rochester NY.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

Blacks attack White girl provoking her black man to get into beat down.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

Black teen babysitter of four kids provokes all the Black kids to terrorize and beat the sweet little Blonde Girl.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

White man arrested for DEFENDING himself! Man attacked by mob of highway rioters, pull his firearm in defense.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

White privilege - mother too white for shared park- white Baby concussion.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

White unarmed security guard attacked and head locked by black thugs.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

2019.09.20 Black helps kill White John Marvin Weed yet no prison - got only probation!.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

White Girl escapes peril, diving Behind a Counter just To escape feral negros.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

White teen beat up by blacks for merely saying N-word.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

2020.06 White Women in Santa Monica across the city, being pulled out of cars and savagely beaten by Black mobs.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

White pushed by racist black in subway - his 13th woman victim.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

2020.06 Black man savagely attacks innocent White Macy's employee in Flint MI, calling White man a Nigger (files.catbox.moe)

2020.06 Six Blacks Brutally assault a man who earlier asked them to not cut in front of him. Klein Food Mart store Texas.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

2020.06 Black man mugs NYC white 80 year old, one of over 90 similar crimes that day (files.catbox.moe)

2020.06.18 Black mob tries to pull White woman out of car Downtown Louisville, Kentucky to kill or assault her! She runs one over and lives.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

2020.06 Thirteen black kids savagely attack a White man for no reason (files.catbox.moe)

2017 Flashback: Black Namibian paid baby sitter only got 4.5 years for brain damaging Whitey's baby.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

Why didn't anyone at all help the White Mother other than her toddler.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

2020.07.04 Black CJ Moore attacks blonde 12-Year-Old Ethan, Cape Girardeau, MO - hospital concussion.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

2020.07.07 Six Blacks Savagely attack White Man and hispanic step-Daughter - 911 calls prevented by blacks- NYC - Washington Heights - no arrests after 3 weeks.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)
2020.07.07 Six Blacks Savagely attack White Man and hispanic step-Daughter - TV news coverage.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

2020.07.11 Black on NYC Subway 7-train savagely attacks many White Trump voters.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

2020.07 Black Woman harasses old White Woman for being White then uses a contact Taser to torture Whitey.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

2020.07.23 Elderly White Man sucker punched for being White in Chicago - no arrests yet in a month.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

2020 White man knocked out with possible brain damage on subway in country banning handguns (England).mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

2020.08.29 Baltimore - Blacks laugh watching a White man killed by large brick from behind for being white, unknown if merely brain dead (files.catbox.moe)

2020.08 A White Democrat tranny women HATES whites archiving Black felony murder attempts - Liberal Karen (files.catbox.moe)

2020.09 unedited longer video of felon Black suckerpunching White Trump voter using race-card Lie.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

2020.08 - White kid Savagely Attacked by 4 older thug Blacks, merely for being White.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

2020.09.04 - Joshua James King beating up Andrea Puerta on Miami’s Metromover and 2 more whites - granted $150 bail.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

2020.10.01 Black Man Punches White Employee Woman for being White in South Carolina at This Is It Video.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

2020.11.09 Chicago blacks saying FUCK TRUMP, beat random White woman, lighting her car on fire and ram it with stolen vehicle with her husband still inside!.mp4 (files.catbox.moe)

more June 2020 misc riot attacks on Whites are buried in here : https://mega.nz/folder/PgwzkDgT#HpdDx0nfULKPO1eUXS-edA

Truth is important. "a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth."

[–] 8 pts

I won't even look at all those videos because it just enrages me. The left continually pumps the anti white hysteria and condones violence against whites.

Then the racists come in and further try to stir up whites to hate blacks. . They are working us from both sides. Inflame the blacks to hate whites and then spew anti black stuff to further rile up whites while giving ammunition to blax. Throwing gasoline on a well stoked fire is a perfect metaphor.

[–] 7 pts

Thats kinda it. But it just goes to show how often it occurs between races. Make a list of Whites attacking niggers.

Different species.

[–] 4 pts

This is a conflict they will force on society whether or not you you want it.

There were people on both sides who called for peace and reconciliation in south africa too. Didn't matter in the end.

Therefore the only way to fuck up their plan is fuck up their timing by accelerating.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Well there goes your 120 days the kike know how to ruffle your feathers

[–] 5 pts (edited )

Nope. Gonna keep posting.

"Oh no, the israelis and five eyes britfag shitposters will try and stop it by posting it all beforehand!"

LOL. That's just doing the work for me.

That's how you use enemies to magnify the message.

[–] 1 pt

Doing God's work Dr. Know!

[–] 4 pts

As if I needed another reason to hate niggers.

[–] 3 pts

Thank you neolithic.

Timothy is full of good passages.

[–] 10 pts

Lest not forget with knowledge comes sorrow. It is eye opening but also horrific to the point that you will never run out of material. Your post is spot on and to be honest.. I am so torn inside to the point that I can't watch the videos of what they do to our people and can really only read the headlines. Even so, Come Lord Jesus.

[–] 7 pts

I am so torn inside to the point that I can't watch the videos

Yeah, it stays with you.

Cannon Hinnants death replays in my dreams sometimes so I know first hand.

[–] 7 pts

Yeah. I can't watch the videos anymore. It makes my blood boil so much, I literally have to talkyself out of going to the hood and and start shooting every fucker in a hoodie.

[–] 1 pt

He who increases in knowledge increases in sorrow...

Interestingly enough, listening to a conference right now. "Rejoice" has been the topic through the week.

[–] 6 pts

Although depressing, your work is inspired by God. Too bad this site is almost unknown..

[–] 14 pts (edited )

Although depressing, your work is inspired by God. Too bad this site is almost unknown..

I will be automating it and expanding to other sites as soon as possible.

And I'm working on burners for the automation, so even if one account goes down, I'm just gonna keep on posting.

Jewish bolsheviks in the media love to celebrate blacks, jewish judges love to give them slaps on the wrists for rapes, robberies, butchery, and murder of the innocent. Jewish advocates love to spread vile anti-white hatred and calls for violence against us through antifa and BLM. They love to come out and cry a river "hes innocent!" when a violent black butchers an old lady or kid.

They are animals, and so are the blacks they support.

And the world will be made to know their violence and treachery against innocents everywhere.

[–] 7 pts

I will do my small part by upgoating everything you post, Patriot. 'HE DINDU NUFFIN!' shall become a thing of the past.

[–] 3 pts

I will be automating it and expanding to other sites as soon as possible.

Good because you are preaching to the choir here.

[–] 4 pts

Good because you are preaching to the choir here.

This is the warm up is all.

[–] 1 pt

Rock on, man. I'm excited to see your work show up elsewhere.

[–] 4 pts

Not my work, the pictures themselves are made by a guy called Gorf I think. Someone else posted the link elsewhere. Thank you though.

[–] 4 pts

My thought when seeing your title is that these instances of black on White crime have always been there. It's the jews and their lapdogs in the media/government that either ignore or actively deny there is any violence in that direction in the first place. They'll bang cymbals and highlight the comparatively miniscule instances of White on black crime.

Kudos to you for shining a light on these forgotten injustices that more should be aware of.

damn spellchecker wanting me to capitalize jews. Fuck that. They don't deserve it.

[–] 1 pt

damn spellchecker wanting me to capitalize jews. Fuck that.

the jEW is sneaky, we must always be vigilant

[–] 3 pts

Taking time off for sleep isn't allowed!

[–] 2 pts

Why not make a sub that only posts that content. Then we could pass out links to the sub to those on the fence. When it's sprinkled on the main feed it's not as powerful a tool.

[–] 6 pts

Why not make a sub that only posts that content. When it's sprinkled on the main feed it's not as powerful a tool.

I disagree. I want a semi-steady stream of exposure. I want people to log in to poal and the other sites I'll be posting to and not know, at any given moment, if they are going to stumble on yet one more rape/torture/murder committed by blacks. Relying on others to spread it? Counting on others to spread the message? Thats useless, first because our people and our message are artificially stifled, and second because just about everyone I've talked to will do fuck all for these victims, let alone for themselves. Everyone is either 1. fucking lazy, 2. paranoid about federal agents (and the glowies encourage this coercive politically suppressive bullshit), and thus 3. "too fucking important" to stick their own necks out for anyone.

So I'm doing it myself.

Also a centrallized location makes it easy to shut down. I don't want people scanning a wall of posts and being able to say "nope, thats too much for me", I don't want them to be able to be able to make the decision in one go to look away from it, to turn a blind eye.

I want it to haunt the fucking dreams of everyone who has to continually face it, until every one of them decide they aren't too fucking special to be arrested, too fucking important to be doxxed, or too fucking powerless to grow some fucking balls.

[+] [deleted] 2 pts
[–] 0 pt

disagree, i tried that on voat and no one bit. all the curious fellows have already picked a side.

youve got to get it in front of their faces.

[–] 2 pts

keep up the good work Sir!

[–] 3 pts

Thank you con. Means a lot coming from an old goat like you.

[–] 1 pt

now the nigger Sec Def is launching a witch hunt in the ranks. They will scapegoat a number of white soldiers to get the headline they want. Interesting fact. There are almost no blacks in Special Forces of any kind.

[–] 2 pts

I feel for those soldiers who just wanted to be left alone and do their jobs.

[–] 1 pt

I want to add to this.

A lot of us have that redpill. That moment that made something go click where you kind of realize "oh shit". It doesn't have to be sudden-clarity-clarence level, or seizure level.

For me it was when I stumbled into r/coontown right before it closed. It was an imgur album with just 200-300 pages of news reports of blacks committing vicious and heinous crimes against whites. Taking it all in at once and together made it sort of go click in my head. I couldn't argue with it. Not even in the context of "oh it's a big country and this is just an example of the worst of the worst". No. It was overwhelming.

Keep up the work. Keep it going. Find someone else to randomly stumble across a link with undeniable proof of the violence of black people.

[–] 1 pt

Thank you.

I want to wear people out on the "well thats just one example", mentally burn that reflex right out of peoples heads until it doesn't work any more. And all they're left with is to confront the truth about what blacks do to everyone, and who the media are, and what the media supports.

[–] 1 pt

Thank you for posting them. I have a twatter and share this stuff on there. There is a good account called Exposing White Privilege that posts this stuff and it gets a lot of traction.

[–] 1 pt

Thank you for posting them. I have a twatter and share this stuff on there.

Thank you for taking the time to do that and I hope you continue to long into the future.

If you are going to go through all this effort, why not direct it at the chosen people who are responsible for it all.

[–] 0 pt

Never appeal to our enemies. They made it pretty clear their intent is to subvert us, keep us idle and "standing by" while they slowly destroy us and america, and annihilate everything we hold dear, at the hands of their idealogical footsoldiers.

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