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[–] 6 pts

Well said.

I was just thinking about this. This is the perpetual evil that is always with us. Every idology that gains this level of power wants to extinguish all competing ideologies.

We have to figure out how to destroy liberalism and communism forever. We have to figure out how to get the economics of choice such that this can never happen again.

[–] 2 pts

The only way you can destroy an idea is to destroy every one who holds (((believes))) that idea. Hard choices will be required.

[–] 2 pts

Dude, this idea is driving the whole fiasco.

The solution is not to abolish ideas, any ideas. The solution is to perpetuate moderate-ism, and to create places where people are free to talk about controversial things. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, tolerating ideas that we consider obviously false is super important.

The problem is how unreasonable libs have become. They are no longer willing to engage in difficult conversations. Libs have proven that they are willing to abuse and manipulate the american narrative. We have to get them to see reason or else there will be seriously bad consequences.

[–] 2 pts

We have the 1st amendment, but I've noticed both the left and the right becoming less and less respectful of it.

Americans don't understand freedom or the importance of the constitution and especially the bill of rights. America isn't America anymore. The people have lost their way.

A prime example of this is how no one mentions "Independence day" anymore, instead its just another day.. the 4th of july. We may still cookout and shoot fireworks (less though in recent years), but its always "Hey are you going to Bobs 4th of july cookout" or "Happy forth of july." You ask people what the 4th of July commemorates, and you'll mostly get blank stares, maybe the occasional freedom, but hardly ever any mention of the American revolution or the signing of the declaration of independence.

[–] 1 pt

It's difficult to argue that we should respect boundaries that they don't.

I think we should respect boundaries because it's the right thing to do. Someone has to be the adult and hold the other to the higher standard.

We should find more patriotic togetherness, and observe our holidays in a more educated and respectful manner. Perhaps we can model the world we'd like to live in, and find a few more like us.

[–] 0 pt

This is ideological masturbation for white people. White people are the ONLY genetic group on the planet that believes in abstract and noble ideas such as free speech and self sacrifice and that sort of thing.

Here is why you (and this ideology) is wrong: THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS IS SURVIVAL.

The only ideas and ideologies that have any value are those that help us thrive and survive. Any ideology that gives even an inch to those not of our white race is an ideology of our enemies. These ideologies must be discarded along with the "containers" of those ideologies.

Stop valuing ideologies and words. Only your genetics matter. Words and ideologies mean nothing if you don't have children and grandchildren to carry your genes forward.

Words and ideologies are just tools.

[–] 0 pt

It's Independence Day in my house.

[–] 1 pt

I used to believe this too, but the economics of ideology do not allow for this to ever be true.

The 1st amendment and the american experiment ONLY worked because the country was genetically uniform ... america was white with a smallish black population effectively segregated even after slavery ended. You can only have freedom of thought in genetically uniform societies because genetic uniformity is kinship and kinship mechanisms are control mechanisms that keep things mostly in check.

At the end of the 60s the Jews (who have been working on this since the first one immigrated over a 100 years ago) managed to pry open the immigration gates and take control of our medium and therefore our children and our culture. You cannot have free speech in a multicultural society. This is because every genetic group will always be striving to wipe the other genetic groups out of existence, which is happening to us now in the west.

So, how do you inegrate the need for freedom of thought and the above?

The only way that I have found is to realize the belief systems are not an ideal to strive for. Belief systems are merely a tool to help genetic groups survive. In other words, it doesn't matter what the beleif system is, all that matters is does the beleif system help us survive.

In other words, liberalism and communism are belief systems used to FIRST palacate the host genetic group and SECOND prepare the host genetic population for extinction.

You are right only if you ignore that the ONLY thing that matters is the survival of our white race.

There is no way around this. Once you see this, you understand what the democrats, republicans and all of the traitors have been doing for the last 60 years to us.

[–] 0 pt

Thank you for your thoughtful comment.

I think your idea about uniformity providing a canvas for freedom of speech is worth thought. It's obvious that people tend to uniformly group themselves by nature. It's also obvious that these groups form ideas that they only share between themselves. It would be very easy for an outsider to misunderstand an "inside idea". of course you could point to sites like this but there are more less obvious examples in our every day lives.

Just because something was easier in the past doesn't mean that it's impossible today. It isn't controversial for people on this site to recognize and respect boundaries, but it is difficult for people on that other site. If we want freedom of speech we need to create boundaries and respect them. We means everyone who participates in our society.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to preserve your kind. You aren't crazy, there is a trend towards multi-culturalism which is needlessly alienating a significant number of people, myself included.

I had a coal burning cousin who paid the toll, i kept my mouth shut, but grandma didn't. Perhaps that's the liberalism creeping into our lives little by little. Perhaps we should be a bit more outspoken. There is no reason why my white babies should be more controversial than her black babies. It shouldn't be controversial to point out that my children are more likely to be successful than hers because I made smart personal sacrifices which include picking a more fit partner.

Here we are, thank you for your thoughts!

[–] 1 pt

"They are no longer willing to engage in difficult conversations. "

This is because theirs is a failed ideology. They cannot answer the simple questions logically because the answers don't stand up to scrutiny. So they scream and stomp their feet and refuse to discuss things reasonably. Then they say ours is a failed ideology and convince one another in their echo chambers. CNNMSNBCFOXABCBS

[–] 1 pt (edited )

the ideology is false. It is jewish foreplay jewish distraction. This ideology is simply to usher in the rule of the jew globally....and that is the only real ideology here... you dont debate communists...you kill jews...thats how communism dies...killing jews. The final solution is the only solution.

[–] 0 pt

Somehow daycare has crept into our workplaces and politics. I hope gen z wakes up and kicks their elders in the butt.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

>They are no longer willing to engage in difficult conversations. Libs have proven that they are willing to abuse and manipulate the american narrative.

So you will not be able to perpetuate "moderat-ism" When does it sink in? lol

>We have to get them to see reason or else there will be seriously bad consequences.

Bad consequences, as if murdering and fucking babies and raping women by the hundreds of thousands wasn't enough. Now, with no other option available, kicking and screaming, we'll have to fulfill our role as men, that's the real bad. Boohoo.

What do you think a men are for, to mow lawns in black socks? lol

[–] 0 pt

I agree that it's time for us to use dirty tactics, but not to impose our will. It's time to use dirty tactics to get them to come back to a negotiating phase.

These princesses are fucking scared. A handful of non violent, functionally unarmed, constituents threw them into a tailspin. What chickens. Let's use dirty tactics to spook them, to get them back in line.

It would have been wiped clean from the face of the earth had the right side won ww2...

[–] 1 pt

We are all paying for the sins of our fathers. Patton woke up only after destroying Germany. My great grandpa used to cry when I asked him about the war. I now know why. But I wish the cowards had turned their guns on the kikes once they knew the truth.

[–] 0 pt

the evil is within us, and the symptoms of letting evil rule you are the same as everything The jew loves. Everything good about a man, the jew despises. This means you personally need to kill 20 jews efor you die. Gl hf.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

Why were weapons invented?

Talk about forgetting the lessons of the past. lol

[–] 0 pt

to hunt.


[–] [deleted] 1 pt (edited )

Funny how you understand how the world works only when it comes to helpless animals. Then you understand dominance and hierarchy, the use of force.

Once there is the possibly of blowback, you want no part of it. That is simple cowardice.

Don't complain now that you are someone else's bitch, that ain't my fault.

Think mirror. lol