Yes. Push the people with guns to their breaking point. Antagonize. Harass. Ridicule. Threaten. Provoke. Just do everything you can until they use those guns against you. Then once they do that you’ll have an excuse to take them away... “for everyone’s safety”. ... “ for the good of the whole”... “see they’re too dangerous to own”
That’s their plan.
What do you want guns for if you are never going to use them because it would give them an excuse to disarm you? Airsoft is good enough for larping if that's all you want.
Let them ban everything, try to disarm everyone and go full-blown tyrannical. Use the COVID-momentum in your favor now that people are pissed and locked down. That's the only way to gain enough support to remove them from power. Otherwise you'll continue slowly cooking the frog.
Yep, eventually cops are going to not want to get shot. Nor the military, nor the blue helmets.
That or hopefully there’s a deadly virus that actually starts killing everyone one, fingers crossed
Pro tip: ZOGbots will automatically surrender when they find out that the green papers in their pocket doesn't mean anything anymore.
*Irish approved
Remember, if you kill your enemy you lose. Their entire plan relies on driving half the population to such lengths that they pick up weapons and go on ape shit so they can then do what? After the right is so mad it's outright open warfare they are just going to hand in their weapons because they were told too and a re shamed? Who's going to make them. The military will be outnumbered 20 to one if even a fraction of the right is serious. They wont have safe supply lines nor the advantage of their main logistics being thousands of miles away on a different continent. Sounds like a losing strategy. The US military has lost every engagement of this type that has occurred in the last 60 years against far smaller foes with far less advantages than the the domestic population of the US has.
The only way the democrats win is if the right does nothing and hands in all their weapons which they will be asked to do regaurdless of if they get violent or not.
if you kill your enemy you lose.
this bullshit spits on the grave of every war fought since the dawn of time. The dead tell no tales. This is why real warriors do not hesitate at killing every last man woman and child.
this weakness is why you will never fight for anything you believe in. They verbally castrated your spirit.
If just two or three people get killed, all it's going to be is another defamation and rights removal excuse.
If the right/conservative crowd is willing to fully commit, then it won't matter. The media has been constantly lying about them and defaming them anyway. The whole perception people were fed that conservatives are just a bunch of ignorant hicks was created by the media lie machine.
Actually, I'm sure a large part of the military is on the Trump train and thinks this was an illegitimate election.
I concur, which is why Pelosi got the “nice try” response when she tried to involve the military to remove Trump. The military planned this shit, not Trump.
I have mixed feelings about this. Some contingents will breakaway but by and large most of it will remain semi functional or at least as functional as it normally is as its heavily comprised of immigrants, minorities and women now. More importantly the command structure has been hollowed out with most commanders and officers being loyal to the party.
Yeah after being called losers and suckers . . .pretty sure you hit the nail on the head. HaHaHa
The problem lies in the fact that no centrist or traditionalist group(whites or blacks or whatever) is allowed to exist after it reach a certain number it gets shut down on cuck book or wherever. What we have to do is friend each other on mewe or whatever the facebook alternative is, so that our friends # grow to be the size what I've seen on some inbred blacks on Facebook.
... This is how they freaking flash mob theft of stores and flash mob riots etc. It's not a group per se but when one fucking brain dead colored inbred lefty puts out a message 'be at this spot at 1700, we Gunna wrek some shit', well even if only 10% answer the heed there's fucking 500 braindead dumb fucks showing up to cause neighborly mayhem, while the fucking worthless sons of britches glofegs sit there watching the posts with their oversized fucking thumbs fully inserted into their gonnharhead anuses.
.. Fuck the groups now they get shut down
You're right. America has a terrible record when it comes to guerilla warfare - the American people have EVERYTHING on their side. They COULD win this if they did it right.
The problem: They'll pick off anybody who looks like they organize our side. They'll pick off the loudest in the middle of the night. By the time the rest wake up, anybody that could lead or has balls will already be in jail. It'll be too late by then. Hell, it's already too late. We ain't gonna do shit.
People will do nothing with their guns. Like the Jews who took train rides when Hitler said so. You faggot Q tards will be the first to work camps. But you can always Meme them to a death little Glow Niggers
yews in the trains... hahaha... you mean the Germans that were killed AFTER the war? The MILLIONS of men, women and children raped and killed by the Bolsheviks and Americans? Ya go away glownigger Timeisnow.
Jews didnt tale any train rides. But if they did.. It's because they were disarmed
Many armed jews did resist Hitler's attempts to send them to labor camps. Kikes are willing to risk death to avoid having to do real work for a living.
Just like how the right will never march on the Capitol?
Right got their asses kicked, arrested, loss jobs, no fly list. Now, because they are beyond idiots , they are being tracked thanks to the AI data collected. Right being hunted like sheep. So what say you QTard? i call that an huge Fail! Fucking Pathetic - Patriots my ass. You think the 1776 crowd would have ended up like the Right.
fuck off fat boy.
(post is archived)