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Age group of 5 to 10 years. Hospital called it "probably a congenital qtc abnormality". I sent my family this link (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov).

Age group of 5 to 10 years. Hospital called it "probably a congenital qtc abnormality". I sent my family [this link](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC4816921/).

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts (edited )

That's within the timeframe that almost all adverse vaccine reactions to occur.

Life-threatening arrhythmia can legit be a congenital issue. Has to be specifically monitored for, though.

But this occurring within the first two weeks should be a major red flag. Falls right in line with what we know.

Edit - Look for adverse reactions like this to occur within two weeks because that's when most occur. If you do get vaccinated (some of you may have to bite the bullet for work and are not in a position to quit - understandable), pay very careful attention to your health and any strange things happening for at least 6 weeks.


CDC has a nice list of these events occurring over the decades:


[–] 3 pts (edited )

That may or may not be the case. Do you have any Long Term Clinical trial data that substantiates that for these entirely new to market RNA therapy 'vaccines' ??. Because as everyone should know (despite your continual erroneous claims otherwise) Full Long term Clinical trial data isn't completed or due till end of 2022, beginning 2023, so any claim made without full Clinical trial data is short-sighted. Has any of this data you've seen taken into account possible/ potential cumulative effects of continual boosters every 6 months .... otherwise its missing pertinent parameters for analysis. Regardless, we do know Japan recently added Labels to the Pfizer and Moderna 'vaccines' warning of an increased risk (40x) of myocarditis/ pericarditis in young males after vaccination.

EDIT: OH i see you edited your comment. Shame you didn't include the increased risk (40x) of myocarditis/ pericarditis in young males after Pfizer/ Moderna vaccination, rather than continue the 'official hospital line' of that poor little goyim probably already had a bad heart. How do they know 'vaccines are unlikely to cause side effects long after getting shot' ??. The Full Long term clinical trial data hasn't even been completed yet, so any determination about long term effects before the data is in, is simply premature and bad science. Do you have any CDC vaccine safety data that translates to the entirely new to mass market m-RNA therapies marketed as vaccines, which use a completely different method of delivery and action to all the vaccine data you cited ?? - so new in fact they had to be granted EUA as no m-RNA covid19 vaccines have ever been fully approved and marketed to an unsuspecting public before. You still dogmatically shill that these m-RNA therapy vaccines are 'safe and effective' and the 'benefit outweighs the risks' or have you changed your mind now.

[–] 0 pt

Sorry dude but your info is out of date. The definition of vaccine was changed to include mRNA. That means they've been transubstantiated with all the properties of normal vaccines, including safety.

Vaccines save millions of lives every day so if you question any of this you're a bad person.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

I don't disagree entirely, but where did i say the definition hadn't been changed to include mRNA ??. Many of us know that to be the case and have been saying that very thing. Nor is my info out of date it actually concurs that m-RNA 'vaccines are a Gene therapy marketed to the public as a vaccine. As how Chimeric antigen receptor T-cell Gene therapy's were already marketed to the public as a 'Cancer vaccine'. So really the argument is kinda moot now as that RNA Gene therapies are being marketed as a 'Vaccine' to disrupt public perception that the 'vaccine' they are injecting is a Gene therapy treatment for a disease they don't have, and boosting themselves every 6 months to spike their T-cells and B-cells through the roof in the hope this somehow prevents serious disease of Covid 19 resulting in hospitalisation and death.

EDIT 'Vaccines save millions of lives every day so if you question any of this you're a bad person.' LOl, Can't tell if this is sarcasm or not. Any hoo if one doesn't question these entirely new to market 'vaccines' that have no Long Term data yet, and willfully inject themselves and their children every 6 months and in the process continually and permanently disrupting their innate immune system function, then i'd say that one is a complete munt.

[–] 1 pt

I have 4 people who have died within 7-10 weeks after getting the covid shots. All four were healthy with ZERO underlying conditions. Ranging ages from 24 to 91.

[–] 0 pt

Holy moly. Sorry to hear that. Wonder if they were at least reported to VAERS etc. Not that it changes anything but going forward, everything around these 'vaccines' needs to be Officially documented in some way.