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Mount Aratat, where Noah landed with his arc is the same place where the white people, caucasusoids, come frome from, the Caucasus

Mount Aratat, where Noah landed with his arc is the same place where the white people, caucasusoids, come frome from, the Caucasus

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 2 pts (edited )

This is a good question. Thanks for asking.

I guess it's best to start out by defining what a "Heroic-Epic" is, exactly.

It's the story we tell ourselves that...

  1. Define ourselves as a cohesive people.
  2. Defines our objectives as a peoples.
  3. Defines the past accomplishments of our peoples.
  4. Usually has a deity figure(s) that serves as a flag we salute to show allegiance to our peoples and our commitment to our purpose.

The (((Bible))) is a (((Heroic-Epic))) of the (((Jews))) and the (((Covenant))) given to (((Abraham))). This covers the objectives of the Heroic-Epic. However, (((Christianity))) kind of fucked things up, because it started to spread beyond the original intention of (((Abraham's))) descendants. This is why (((Christians))) are so desperate to insiste that the (((Jews))) in the (((Bible))) are (((Fellow-Whites))). Because, if they don't, the Heroic-Epic of the (((Bible))) loses power. So, they must lie to themselves.

The Iliad is interesting, because at the end the Greek Gods give up on their peoples and war with each other. Ending the Heroic-Era of the Greeks. It's sad because without a future defined by the Heroic-Epic, it left the Greeks culturally weakened. It was easy for (((Christianity))) to infect them.

Now, to answer your question.

The Æsir, the "White Gods" created the Germanic Peoples. They are deities of order and wish to build and despise entropy.

The Jötunn created the other races. They are deities of chaos and wish to destroy. Notable Jötunn are Loki. But (((Jehovah))) is also a Jötunn. It's thought that (((Loki))) and (((Jesus))) may be the same Jötunn, but I don't have a strong opinion on that.

Part of the Germainic Heroic-Epic is the "Prophecy of Ragnarok". The Prophecy basically states that the Jötunn will instigate a war and the Gods, ALL THE GODS, will be destroyed by entropy. But, a future race of Übermensch will survive to create a new civilization.

To whatever extent you want to take this literally or figuratively is up to you. But realize, WE, The White Race are the ancestors of the Übermensch.

The Heroic-Epic of the (((Christian))) is to enslave himself to a (((Foreign-Jew-God))) in a purgatory called Heaven until he is destroyed by entropy along with his (((Foreign-Jew-God))).

The Heroic-Epic of the Germanic Peoples is to create the Übermensch and supersede the Gods after the Gods are destroyed by entropy. Our story is the story of a primitive people who started out as the "Battle Axe Culture" in Northern Europe and became the most successful people on the planet, and soon the Solar System, next the Universe, and finally, MASTERS OF REALITY ITSELF

Now THAT is a Heroic-Epic I can get behind!

I hope that is sufficient, but when people ask the question, they usually have more. This is an abridged version, so please ask.

Thanks for the reply.

I do have a couple of questions... First, what would be considered foundational reading? Second, what communities/churches embrace what you posted?


[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

Heathens weren't a highly bureaucratic society. So, there isn't much in the way of writing.

You can read the Sagas, which are worth a read. But be warned, they were written post-Christianity. So, there is some truth in the histories, and there is some propaganda, and there is some myth. Take the Sagas with a grain of salt. Read them and use your best judgement.

Dr. Jackson Crawford (youtube.com) has some good videos. He mostly focuses on Old Norse linguistics, but to do that he talks a lot about the Sagas. It's good stuff.

Modern Heathenry relies more on instinct rather than a priesthood. When you remember you are White, you will remember your instinct and you will figure out how to use your instinct to improve your life.

Modern understanding says that when the Gods were adopting their peoples, they embedded into their people's genomes the qualities of those Gods.

The "Covenant" the Æsir gave us was the instinct for Personal-Responsibility. This has a few effects.

  1. We know not to do stupid things. It's the reason you don't see us throwing tables and chairs at each other in fast food restaurants.
  2. We don't need "Commandments" from Gods. Commandments are for people who lack the instinct for Personal-Responsibility.
  3. We have High-Trust societies. When everyone who is related to you has a high probability of being Personalty-Responsible, The need for door locks is diminished.
  4. We have a compulsion to build. Look around you. White people did this.
  5. We have a capacity for Personal-Freedom. Lowering the necessity for high bureaucracy.

This instinct for Personal-Responsibility is also the reason why we don't have a priestly caste. We actually don't spend a great deal of time "Worshiping" the Gods. That is not our purpose. We aren't meant to serve the Gods. We are meant to create the future race of Übermensch.

There are some "churches", but I'm not involved with any and can't speak to them personally. I mostly rely on my instinct.

My main motivation for my question it to find like-minded folks. No man is an island -- particularly in times like these -- and one man will be cut down quickly regardless of his religious convictions.

Good luck out there.