Roger that. Hitler was ahead of the curve when it came to the Jews(
He once said: “I wish nothing on my gravestone other than my name.”
But will posterity be able to understand him fully? It is hard for contemporaries to pass judgment about someone of their own era, particularly if it is one as unique as Adolf Hitler. Posterity sees the great from a distance, reads his words, reads our words, but it cannot understand the world of our day in all of is breadth. One can only hope that they believe the great words of the great man. “One could give me whole parts of the earth, but I would rather remain the poorest citizen of this state. — I am not so crazy as to want war. — I was a worker in my youth, and have remained one in my inmost being. — We are not fighting for theories, nor for dogmas. It make no difference whether or not we live. The only thing that is important is that our people lives!”
I created this sub on poal after realizing that "white ns Ationalism" on voat was compromised (, and controlled by literal brownskins who believe that national socialism was "for them." Not that I preach ethnic hate, but it is absolutely ridiculous and an insult to the führer to brown wash the Reich and stifle white pride discussion. This is not a place of hate, but it is also not a place of "diversity" either. Even a jew could come here and see what his leadership is doing if he were so inclined.
Helpful links to get you started on your learning, manifesto in progress
What jews in israel really think of us, quoted by the talmud. Skip to 14:40 (
These are NOT the people of abraham in the bible (
"The angel of death" was an actual angel
No more wars for israel! (
The not-so-aryan "architect of the holocaust"
The jew unmasked in communist revolutionary and leadership activities (
Bolshevism was jewish, and Stalin was a kike! (
Redpill on "our greatest ally (
Resource for redpill videos (
Elie Wiesel, actually a Croatian fraud with no tattoo (
Modern "jews" actually deny the teachings of Abraham (
Carefully consider where Trump aka Mr. Joojoocum's loyalty lies (
How Netanyahu really views us, plus handsign of the beast revealed (
(post is archived)