Expel all jews, nignogs, wigwogs, teepee rats, and shitskins.
Disband the Federal Reserve, IRS, FBI, CIA, Dept of Education...sheeeeit, the list goes on forever. And that's just the first day.
Forbid wahmen to vote, drive, or work outside the home, unless they live on afarm.
Require all men 16+ to be armed with at least one gun all the time...oh wait, I already expelled all the niggers. Your choice, Citizen. No firearm restrictions.
Turn gay bars, synagogues, and mosques into piggeries.
Death penalty for even tiny amounts of weed, coke, heroin, LSD, etc. Same for non-scrip possession or sales of 'meds'.
Same for alcohol spirits. 3% beer and wine is allowed. Public drunkenness is now afelony.
Tobacco in all forms is banned. Vapes too. Nicotine patches and gum provided free at all Walmarts, no limit.
All foreign aid is stopped. All foreign debts must be settled within 90 days, or diplomatic relations are severed, accounts frozen.
Immediate withdrawal from NATO, WHO, and UN.
Mexican border closed permanently. US military stationed on border with shoot to kill orders.
Puerto Rico is no longer aprotectorate. No more gibs, nothing, nada. Sink or swim. They are now aresort for US citizens. Everyone must work.
Cuba's military and government destroyed from the air. Island will be used as a US resort.
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Expel all jews, nignogs, wigwogs, teepee rats, and shitskins.
Disband the Federal Reserve, IRS, FBI, CIA, Dept of Education...sheeeeit, the list goes on forever. And that's just the first day.
Forbid wahmen to vote, drive, or work outside the home, unless they live on a farm.
Require all men 16+ to be armed with at least one gun all the time...oh wait, I already expelled all the niggers. Your choice, Citizen. No firearm restrictions.
Turn gay bars, synagogues, and mosques into piggeries.
Death penalty for even tiny amounts of weed, coke, heroin, LSD, etc. Same for non-scrip possession or sales of 'meds'.
Same for alcohol spirits. 3% beer and wine is allowed. Public drunkenness is now a felony.
Tobacco in all forms is banned. Vapes too. Nicotine patches and gum provided free at all Walmarts, no limit.
All foreign aid is stopped. All foreign debts must be settled within 90 days, or diplomatic relations are severed, accounts frozen.
Immediate withdrawal from NATO, WHO, and UN.
Mexican border closed permanently. US military stationed on border with shoot to kill orders.
Puerto Rico is no longer a protectorate. No more gibs, nothing, nada. Sink or swim. They are now a resort for US citizens. Everyone must work.
Cuba's military and government destroyed from the air. Island will be used as a US resort.
I created this sub on poal after realizing that "white ns
Ationalism" on voat was compromised (pic8.co), and controlled by literal brownskins who believe that national socialism was "for them." Not that I preach ethnic hate, but it is absolutely ridiculous and an insult to the führer to brown wash the Reich and stifle white pride discussion. This is not a place of hate, but it is also not a place of "diversity" either. Even a jew could come here and see what his leadership is doing if he were so inclined.
Helpful links to get you started on your learning, manifesto in progress
(post is archived)