Great and important steps. Thanks
Many of the same things the Nazis implemented:
Kick out Jewish bankers and banking cabal End Usury End Fiat Currency (Set to gold standard) Discourage "Bible" and Judaic myths Encourage Cultural Stories Discourage Vaccines Encourage Natural health, exercise, and diet No abrahamic religious people could hold office No police, every neighborhood has voluntary neighborhood watch
Good list. Thanks.
Anything the NSDAP did that we should avoid, or do differently?
That's difficult. Maybe ultimately my wet dream would be a blend of the American Revolution and the Nazis. Maybe, expand the movement to apply broadly to humanity at large and humanity's love of Freedom. Something simple many people can get behind and fight for, so that there is never a shortage of fighters.
Yes. There is a distinct difference between European power changes and the American model.
No interest, no strip clubs, no brothels, no gay bars. Implement a tax elect system. We still pay taxes, but you get to choose what percentage of your tax goes to what i.e. infrastructure, military, agriculture aid and so on. Implement a Führer lottery system. Anybody with an IQ over 108 get put into a lottery to become the next Führer after 6 years. Same goes for members of Congress, senators, and so on. Any media figure that spreads lies in a broadcast will be hanged until dead. We do not lie to each other. Instant death penalty by firing squad if you ever have been found guilty of child porn or molestation. Blacks are allowed free college only in the course of economics and agriculture if they accept a free ticket back to Africa. Teach them to go home and build their "woke anda" or shut the fuck up. This is just a small start if you vote 2loot3boot for president/Führer
I like these. Especially the 6-year term
fully forensic financial audit of every person that has ever held office in DC and the lobbyists that funded them
Destroy every politician of the old regime.
Get specific. Anyone and everyone who ever held office within the past X years? etc.
(post is archived)