I've got dozens of OC Reich videos I've done under commission, for a couple of production companies, and hundreds I've done out of boredom. Some are set to music, some to narrators, some are from my earlier skill sets (amateur), and some are of extremely high production value with help from cgi editors. Now, they just sit unused/unwatched in my storage, but I would like a place for them to be enjoyed by others.
I can upload the HD versions of the videos as well, but I have always had problems as my average file size before compression is around 250MB per 5 minutes of video.
I haven't been able to access vid8 to post there, but I can post through catbox until I figure that out.
Of note. I do know who authored this particular song, but the point is moot to me since this work was so early in my attempts at becoming proficient at editing.
I've heard some of his sermons while digging for filler material, for an online church, I edit things for. Good stuff. Thank you and I'll listen in whole, later.
I created this sub on poal after realizing that "white ns Ationalism" on voat was compromised (pic8.co), and controlled by literal brownskins who believe that national socialism was "for them." Not that I preach ethnic hate, but it is absolutely ridiculous and an insult to the führer to brown wash the Reich and stifle white pride discussion. This is not a place of hate, but it is also not a place of "diversity" either. Even a jew could come here and see what his leadership is doing if he were so inclined.
Helpful links to get you started on your learning, manifesto in progress
What jews in israel really think of us, quoted by the talmud. Skip to 14:40 (youtu.be)
These are NOT the people of abraham in the bible (pic8.co)
"The angel of death" was an actual angel
No more wars for israel! (files.catbox.moe)
The not-so-aryan "architect of the holocaust"
The jew unmasked in communist revolutionary and leadership activities (communismblog.wordpress.com)
Bolshevism was jewish, and Stalin was a kike! (deathofcommunism.com)
Redpill on "our greatest ally (pic8.co)
Resource for redpill videos (theimpartialtruth.com)
Elie Wiesel, actually a Croatian fraud with no tattoo (eliewieseltattoo.com)
Modern "jews" actually deny the teachings of Abraham (pic8.co)
Carefully consider where Trump aka Mr. Joojoocum's loyalty lies (files.catbox.moe)
How Netanyahu really views us, plus handsign of the beast revealed (files.catbox.moe)
(post is archived)