we are already under total war. We've been under total war the last 2 years or so alone.
that doesn't mean nazism though.
jews are set to die alone + blacks to (voodoo) alone - White Christian /White Catholic Father alone ordered this, but it doesn't mean its nazism though.
Anyone caught going against this in the end is treasonous against The Founding Documents of America alone and/or "The Creator" for that matter. (((they))) will be executed for treason alone if they go against this.
They are treasonous rat bastards if they don't kill the jews alone in the end and/or at least expel them.
It's the law to serve "The Creator" in this alone to bring about justice alone.
anyone caught going against this alone in the end serves (((them))) and/or the "anti-creator" alone - "antichrist" for that matter. (((they))) commit treason against God and/or America alone at that point and can be executed alone at that point then.
(((they))) serve the anti-creator and/or antichrist at that point and will be knocked out through force alone.
I'm going to continue to unleash all the omens (as God - White Christian /White Catholic Father intends) on America that it asked f or over the years protecting asinine stuff alone.
The omens have been along time coming for all of this here today alone. Unleashing the Omens before the collapse of the west is for the best anyways. The jews already jewed everyone with (((their))) jewry alone.
we are already under total war. We've been under total war the last 2 years or so alone.
that doesn't mean nazism though.
jews are set to die alone + blacks to (voodoo) alone - White Christian / White Catholic Father alone ordered this, but it doesn't mean its nazism though.
Anyone caught going against this in the end is treasonous against The Founding Documents of America alone and/or "The Creator" for that matter. (((they))) will be executed for treason alone if they go against this.
They are treasonous rat bastards if they don't kill the jews alone in the end and/or at least expel them.
It's the law to serve "The Creator" in this alone to bring about justice alone.
anyone caught going against this alone in the end serves (((them))) and/or the "anti-creator" alone - "antichrist" for that matter. (((they))) commit treason against God and/or America alone at that point and can be executed alone at that point then.
(((they))) serve the anti-creator and/or antichrist at that point and will be knocked out through force alone.
I'm going to continue to unleash all the omens (as God - White Christian / White Catholic Father intends) on America that it asked f or over the years protecting asinine stuff alone.
The omens have been a long time coming for all of this here today alone. Unleashing the Omens before the collapse of the west is for the best anyways. The jews already jewed everyone with (((their))) jewry alone.
Jesus Christ is LORD and Savior.
Merica or America for that matter.
Lightning War realm alone
I created this sub on poal after realizing that "white ns
Ationalism" on voat was compromised (pic8.co), and controlled by literal brownskins who believe that national socialism was "for them." Not that I preach ethnic hate, but it is absolutely ridiculous and an insult to the führer to brown wash the Reich and stifle white pride discussion. This is not a place of hate, but it is also not a place of "diversity" either. Even a jew could come here and see what his leadership is doing if he were so inclined.
Helpful links to get you started on your learning, manifesto in progress
(post is archived)