Anti-circumcision activism
Because circumcision is genital mutilation.
Discuss and share everything related to:
- Foreskin
- Genital integrity
- Circumcision
- Anti-circumcision activism
Share experiences, links, quotes, resources, videos and discuss with others.
Sending invitations to @GG3301, @Anarchy99, @LurkedForever!
# → **/s/Intactivism** ←
### **Anti-circumcision activism**
^(Because circumcision is genital mutilation.)
Discuss and share everything related to:
* Foreskin
* Genital integrity
* Circumcision
* Anti-circumcision activism
Share experiences, links, quotes, resources, videos and discuss with others.
Sending invitations to @GG3301, @Anarchy99, @LurkedForever!
(post is archived)