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[–] 3 pts

look up the red haired giant in Iran that soldiers found. That was actually announced on the news circa 2001 the giant was found in a cave while soldiers were searching for missing comrades. Smithsonian had a big campaign after that looking for evidence of giants, any evidence that was found was confiscated then later denied by the Smithsonian. Theres a documentry about them covering stuff up that people found.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

It was Afghanistan, not Iran. I think they called it the giant of Kandahar.

Allegedly, US spec ops killed it. A chinook was brought in to exfil it. It was then flown by C-130 out of country to god knows where.

[–] 1 pt

Shit I just explained that to you in a comment above, you already knew.

What do you think of the story? Personally, I believe it. I have military experience, I read all of the documents related to this incident and the interview with the anonymous soldier. There are too many details that are just right based on my experience in the service. The lack of photos, the lack of US government addressing it (this is usually out of embarrassment or for something sinister), and all of the evidence of "missing links" and branching evolution.

I think there is some offshoot of ape living in that area. I think there are several regions around the world where things that would fit the description of "bigfoot" live. I don't think they're very intelligent. I don't believe in "Bigfoot" as he is typically presented- hyperintelligent to the point where he somehow knows how to avoid motion detecting cameras in the middle of a dark Pacific Northwest forest. I think they're like infant-level intelligence and Chad level instincts.

The Kandahar one stands out though, because of the use of a spear to kill a US soldier. I'm trying to imagine a scene where that happens. These men were likely wearing body armor, they're supposed to be "the best" of our forces. But this 13' tall barbarian berserker not only gets the drop on them, but manages to fucking spear one of them to death before they all shot the piss out of it? It's a hard scenario to imagine. Think about the size of a spear that a 13' tall man would use.

Despite my doubts and general skepticism, I believe this one. There are a few "paranormal" incidents that happened where militaries have been involved. These are worth a look, because there's usually something to it. There's at least a kernel of truth to a lot of these reports, I think.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Well, this may be a long reply..so buckle up.

That particular story may or may not be true, I don’t know. The short feature I saw about it was by a guy named L.A. Marzuli or something like that. He apparently had testimony from more than that one soldier, including the pilot of the C-130 if I remember correctly.

Anyhow, as for what they are or where they come from, I take the biblical position on it, 100%.

This was described fairly well in Genesis 6 and there’s mention of it here and there in other parts of the Bible.

What rocked my world was when I realized that basically our entire existence on this planet and the war between God and Satan is based around earthly proxies..those being us humans and “them”, the seed of Satan.

I’ve posted elsewhere on Poal about this in great depth and it can get pretty long because there’s a lot to cover to fully articulate it all. But I’ll try to condense it.

The giants are a hybrid race. Part human, part something else. That “something else” is a matter of debate in Christian theology, but there are generally two interpretations. One is that they are the unholy offspring of fallen angels and humans. The other is that they are the unholy offspring of humans from Seth’s line and those of Cain’s line. In this theory, Cain’s line is genetically polluted or something like that. In either case, God refers to the “seed of the serpent” being at odds with the seed of man. So, the serpent has seed, according to God himself. But for some reason this gets glossed over in most churches. Few pastors know this, and even fewer who do know even talk about it.

Then you fast forward a bit in Genesis to Noah and the flood. The Bible says that Noah and his family - a total of 8 people - were “perfect in their generations” and that “all other flesh was corrupt”.

For many years that bothered me because I didn’t understand what it meant. But it meant in the most literal, genetic sense, all flesh but Noah and his family was corrupt: there were only 8 fully human beings on the planet by the time the flood came, everything else was an unholy offspring/hybrid.

Ok so now it all dovetails to Christ and the Hebrew line. See, for man to be redeemed would require Christ to come specifically as a man, live a perfect life, and then be sacrificed. But, if there was no 100% pure human stock left, then there was no human through which Christ could be born as a 100%, fully man, fully god.

Satan’s plan from the very beginning was to prevent Christ from even having the opportunity to come as a human! And thus, short circuiting the plan for human redemption. But God foiled the plan with the flood, and started the human race over with Noah and his family. And btw, what we call “demons” actually means “disembodied spirits” in the actual translation. They aren’t fallen angels (IE Lucifer and his original crew), they are distinct. “Disembodied” implies that they at one time had bodies. And they did. They were the ones wiped out in the flood. But because they aren’t exactly human, they don’t qualify for heaven or hell upon death. And so they roam about causing trouble until the end where they’ll go to their final destination as described in the Bible. Once I understood that, so many other things made sense, both within the Bible and in general life.

Apparently, some kind of fuckery took place on the ark or shortly thereafter..and so the giants eventually reappears on the other side of the flood.

It’s interesting to note that Satan had them propositioned in the holy land to keep the Israelites out. Eventually the Israelites went in with Joshua as their leader and routed them. But this battle persisted even until the time of King David, obviously..since you know, the whole David and Goliath thing.

Another sidebar, but this also explains what atheists or lesser informed Christians considered to be a “mean Old Testament god” vs a “nice and forgiving New Testament god.” “If god is so loving and just, how could he tell the Israelites to commit genocide against other humans?” That’s always the argument. But the problem is that the premise of that question is incorrect to begin with. He wasn’t telling them to kill off other humans. He was telling them to kill off tribes of evil, demonic hybrid giants. So it’s not that the god of the Old Testament is different than the one of the new. He’s the same. It’s the situation on the ground which changed.

Moving on..

So why would the governments of the world, which at best are agnostic and at worst anti-god of the Bible, hide the evidence of these beings? BECAUSE TO DO OTHERWISE WOULD REINFORCE (or dare I say PROVE) THE BIBLICAL NARRATIVE. That’s why.

Now back to Afghanistan. I would think that if there are still any of these things left on the planet, that would be a good place for them. Think about it. Huge country. Brutal terrain. They would be able to subsist with very little, if any, substantial outside interference. A goat farmer here and there, maybe. But for all practical purposes, there are plenty of places for them to be and remain left alone..at least until a modern military force shows up. So yeah, perhaps it’s true. Either way, it is a really good story.

As to your mention of the account. The testimony states that they had to empty several mags into this thing to even get it to react, much less kill it. That’s several mags per person. A 13’ hominid could close a big gap very quickly I would think. I’m over 6’ and I can move triple my height horizontally in probably 2-3 seconds tops. And so if it takes several mags to drop it, then that thing has plenty of time to run up and spear a guy. And yeah I’d bet it’s a big ass spear. God only knows how strong they are. I don’t know the body armor rating that those guys would have been wearing. But if it wasn’t the plates, then who knows man..perhaps something that big is strong enough to pierce it?