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Strangely enough, it is on a page with Society Charms - 1912 Sears Roebuck And Co Catalog page 816

Page in catalog: https://archive.org/details/catalogno12400sear_201907/page/n823/mode/2up

Strangely enough, it is on a page with Society Charms - 1912 Sears Roebuck And Co Catalog page 816 Page in catalog: https://archive.org/details/catalogno12400sear_201907/page/n823/mode/2up

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

pretty sure it meant the same thing at the nazi adoption--it is that adoption that stigmatized it

[–] 0 pt

Was around for thousands of years before

Meant good fortune, luck, or love in almost every culture in the world.

Phoenician Sun-god Bel or Bil. That is why it looks like a sun or fire.

Swastika comes from the Sanskrit word, svasti, which means well-being.

And the Reich did not use the swastika, they used the Hakenkreuz.