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because no one else seems to

because no one else seems to

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

One time my stoner GF caught the neighbors cat (he came to us, we petted him and gave him some milk) and somehow a green marker got involved (we were shitheads back then, her especially so) and basically the white and black longhair cat became a punk rocker.

No animals were harmed, the cat didnt mind, it was a shit thing to do but mildly amusing.

Thats not the funny part. We lived on 2nd floor and had a view into the backyard of the owners of the cat, who we knew and eventually told later, so we actually got to hear and see the moment when the parents realized that the cat had been markered green. Of course only one person could have possibly done this.... their son.... lol months later we apologized to the kid for the beating he got, still was pretty goddamn hilarious... at that later date he, the parents and likely even the cat, had a great laugh... but on the day it happened, only we were laughing, hard.

Ironically enough, the kid.... dindu nuffin

[–] 0 pt

That's hilarious, except for the part about the kid getting a beating. Good thing you guys didn't have a can of day glo orange marker paint. Come to think of it, I wouldn't mind spraying some bright frosting on stray cats around here. Kind of make them stand out better.