Article full of bullshit, don't waste your time
seeding with silver iodide is not new, it's not secret and it's nothing to do with HAARP
The goal of HAARP is to understand the physics of the ionosphere, because solar flares occasionally disrupt communications and the electrical grid. It hasn't even been active since 2014
Haarp isn't bullshit. Some of the crap in the lower half of the article is wacko, but everything up past the extremely low frequencies shifting brain patterns is accurate.
If they wants to frig with brain patterns then they wouldn't have dumped this site in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, they would put it in Detroit where they had a bunch of zoo animals that needed controlling.
Presumably if you are just going to study the ionosphere then putting it an area of peak solar effects would be relevant
It doesn't need to be anywhere near a place to work, and it needs a massive amount of power. Hence the direct feed from the natural gas pipeline.
Lol. Shlomo, pls.
(post is archived)