I'm very confident that: 1. There are going to be new lockdowns, more draconian than last time. 2. Most people will comply just like they did last time. 3. The media will continue to promote the tactics of the tyrants and lie directly and lie by omission, just like last time. 4. The criminals will use shame and a system to rat out non compliers to coerce the public, just like last time. 5. The very same political tools that closed down their towns and used the police to control the public last time, will do it again.
I am confident they will try. Their success is in serious question though. If 60+% of the population does not conform, what can they do with their guidance and mandates? Shove'em.
I seriously doubt you'd ever get close to 60%... Nothing in the past lockdowns indicated that that many people were willing to revolt. In fact the only reason we're out of this mess is because the overlords "allowed" the sheep to go back to living normal lives. We didn't "go back to normal" because people were fed up, we went back because it was permitted and most people were ready to gulag sectors of the population out of retardation and compliance.
I get the 60% from the poll of % of population that belives Trump won in 2020 - people who now mistrust the government. There was a lot of pushback in the courts and more but it took months or a year plus after the cities/states tried to make people conform to their guidelines and mandates. We have a lot of confirmed/peer reviewed info now, masks are useless, social distancing is bullshit, closing schools unnecessary and detrimental to childhood development etc. Anons knew all of this, now many normies know too.
Bottom line, TPTB will have a very hard time pulling that shit again.
Nothing in the past lockdowns indicated that that many people were willing to revolt
Their reaction with the covid bulldhit 2020-2022 was back when many still trusted govt and media, ate the fear porn and lies. Now many more are awake and learning/seeing the truth.
Even 40% public noncompliance is untenable.
(post is archived)