Never forget that Palpatine wasn't even going to be the real villian in the Prequels.
Jarjar was going to be Darth Plageus. But the (((audience))) didn't like him enough. Would have been a big redpill at the time of the Bush Administration for people to find out that the "clown" was actually pulling the strings the whole time. Plenty of evidence too, I love this video that talks about it (
Remember that all his animation was done on purpose, so why was he mouthing exactly what people were saying (Sith Mind Trick). This is just one example. Also he was pretty much solely responsible for making Palpatine dictator among other things.
If that guy making Mandalorian had any balls he'd make it canon.
Otherwise I fucking love all of Episodes 1-6. Probably one of the greatest film anthology that will ever be made. Lord of the Rings doesn't count, the films are great but their source material the books are better. Lots of subtle redpills and normies that like the Sith and the Empire actually make it easier for us to win them over to more National Socialist/Fascist political leanings too.
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