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I used to love this show and now I have to agree with you. The whole arc with Riker during the Pegasus episodes was just too much to bear.

So for those of you who didn't go to Star Trek conventions when you were young: Riker served on the Pegasus as a lieutenant under Captain Pressman. The crew mutinied under Pressman and Riker aided Pressman's escape from the Pegasus. Now, Riker is a commander serving on board the Enterprise and Pressman is an Admiral that has top secret orders to find the Pegasus because there was a phase-cloaking device on board that was being tested by Start Fleet intelligence. Apparently, this is illegal because the cuckolds in the Federation have some treaty with the Romulans that allows Romulans to use cloaking technology, but disallows the Federation from using the same technology. Shock ensues as the audience finds out that the crew of the Pegasus mutinied because they're good little dindu nuffins that never hurt a fly in their life and Pressman is an evil, deep state asset, greedy for power. So what does Picard do upon discovering this? Why he turns everything over to the Romulans of course and apologizes for the breech of trust and tells the Romulans not to worry about it, the Federation will arrest and try it's own Admiral to make the space Israelites feel better. Truly a fuckikg commie cuck.

Now in Deep Space Nine, they promoted Sisco to Catain and gave him command of the Defiant so he could go to the Gamma Quadrant through the worm hole to gather reconnaisance information on the Dominion Empire, the changeling race that employs drug slave marauders known as the Jem'Hadar. Well how are they going to survive reconnaisance in such a manner, being vastly overpowered? Well they'll use a cloaking device on the Defiant and everything will be okay because a Romulan liaison will supervise the operation on board as one of the crew! This lasts for about an episode until that entire premise is cast into the wind and memory holed. So all of the cuckold bulshit Picard pulled during the events surrounding the recovery of the Pegasus were completely trivial, and tantamount to commie propaganda.

TL;DR: The Federation's handling of cloaking devices was the most retarded, self-sabatoging shit I've ever seen and I hate my self for having wasted a part of my life in acquiring this knowledge and summarily rehashing it in this extensively pathetic and haphazard sperg out.