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[–] 0 pt

Again, it is not my model/theory. Of course you can't imagine or mentally picture or understand it. You want answers to make you feel comfortable. The thought of a being or a civilization of beings that are so out of our understanding that we may just be on a shelf in a petri dish in a line of others is unsettling to you. So you seek science for answers to the unanswerable. Energy, water doesn't matter, we still can't explain it https://www.bitchute.com/video/mgJbXneEwaz1/ How about government documents talking about it https://www.bitchute.com/video/vuOJzWgejDEd/

[–] 0 pt (edited )

No, hold on. You did not propose something unanswerable. You said there is a dome of energy 70 or so KM up. And that is what holds in our atmosphere. That is directly verifiable. However so far, for all of mankind's recorded science and atmospheric testing since 1800, every experiment conducted has not supported your theory. Again, is your energy dome made up of energy that we know of (i.e. electromagnetic energy) or is it magic energy? It's ok if you say it's magic energy, at least then it relieves you from needing to provide any evidence whatsoever of its existence and it can magically assume any property you wish to assign to it.

[–] 0 pt

How would I know what kind? Our "rulers" will not let that info out. Did you watch the government documents video yet? These are their claims in private while pushing the opposite to the public. You keep saying "hold in our atmosphere" but I never said that, you did. You are putting theories from the ball theory into the flat theory, you assume if the dome wasn't there the air would be sucked out into space, but in the flat model, there is no space so your line of thinking is flawed. The only references we have, which are from lots of ancient civs as well as the bible say the waters above. Is it all water outside the dome? I don't know. Would that mean the creatures that created everything are actually aquatic? No idea.

[–] 0 pt

No, hold on. I assumed a "dome" would do what the common definition of "dome" would do - act as a "container" over the flat Earth. In such a common definition, it would then be "holding in" the atmosphere". I did not say anything about space or what would happen on the other side of the energy dome. If your flat Earth magic energy dome is permeable, is it really then a dome at all? But you are right, we did not discuss the permeability of the magic energy dome and I assumed it would be impermeable. I am sorry for assuming an incorrect property of your magic energy dome. Is it bidirectionally permeable? If so, what of its properties makes you call it a "dome"? Why is it not a magic energy cylinder around our wonderful flat Earth? Or a magic energy pyramid? Wouldn't a magic energy pyramid have a certain Hollywood theatric quality that the magic energy dome lacks?