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[–] 12 pts

They should have spaced her. I'm not kidding. Lose the tether while she was doing her photo op "repair" spacewalk.

[–] 12 pts

Does anyone remember the astronaut who drove across the country in a diaper to confront a romantic rival?

[–] 6 pts

And guess what? It will never will be held accountable for its actions. It will probably have a long comfortable life while being paid a handsome retirement by the US taxpayers.

[–] 5 pts

The globohomo ideology is so bad and so dysfunctional that they can't win and won't win.

Even if we nationalists lose, they still won't win.

It would just mean that everyone loses.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

Their plan is pretty transparent and I don't see them losing at all with the current trajectory.

1) Maintain control of Aryan governments, corporations, media, academic institutions, and non-profits 2) Overwhelm Aryan countries with foreigners, making Aryans a minority in their own countries. 3) Encourage the Aryan women to race mix and/or delay childbirth, ending their line. 4) Poison Aryans with chemicals and "vaccines" making them infertile when possible. 5) Program the non-Aryans to hate Aryans. Program Aryans to hate themselves. 6) Build a military and police force made up of non-Aryans and self-hating Aryans who want to "punch nazis" 7) Eventually the Aryans who won't race mix and are still breeding are exterminated by the non-Aryans and shabbos goy Aryans leveraging the military/police from step 6 and hate from step 5 (see bolsheviks in Russia and DEI propaganda today). 7) Rule over the low-IQ mocha colored slave race globally.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

That is hilarious if all true. What a psychopath, the idea of letting a woman only group go to Mars is absolutely laughable. Especially since those woke assholes would have to include a tranny which would undoubtedly lead to further disasters.

[–] 2 pts

All this because she wanted to be ground side so she could get in a knife fight with the woman who 'stole her man.' (Crazy bitch probably drove him off.)

[–] 2 pts

Space is fake and gay. So is the station.

[–] 7 pts (edited )

You fell for a Jewish psyop.

Space is real. It's also the ultimate high ground.

GPS, communications, and satellite imagery are essential for modern warfare.

There's also an unimaginable amount of mineral resources and energy up there. It should be ours but instead you want to jack off about the firmament.

I'm disappointed in you. Knock it off.

[–] 0 pt

You are a jewish psyops. Space "is" fake and gay. GPS are ground based towers and satellites are a balloon program.

[–] 4 pts

Spread your bullshit somewhere else you nigger IQ retard.

[–] 1 pt
[–] 3 pts

Company I worked for has some equipment on the ISS. As long as I don't have to go there to service the shit.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

Edit: nevermind site works ok without google js.

[–] 4 pts

Here's an archive:


Here's the Twitter post (but you'll have to be signed in for it to display correctly):


[–] 1 pt

Thanks that's way more intelligible.

[–] 1 pt

first crew mission to Mars should be all-female

I have no objection. Let them sabotage themselves and be on a one-way mission to Mars, help work out the bugs before men go.

[–] 2 pts

That won't work, we won't learn anything. How will they find any hazards that aren't self-inflicted?

[–] 1 pt

If I was an actual astronaut and was there, NASA would be giving enough money for my entire life and retirement after I sued the shit out of them for putting a diversity hire with no qualifications on the space station.

Although, the entire presidency is composed of diversity hires and so is basically every corporation (the White House is a literal corporation as well as NASA), so it probably wouldn't pan out well when I met their panels of lawyers all non White men; just trannies, shitskins, nignogs and some angry White libtard dykes.

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