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The world will never know...

The world will never know...
[–] 1 pt

Ah ha, I see. I'm not a discord enjoyer, so I wouldn't know.

Used it for a short time but once they went around with that furry pedo, I noped on the nope rope and noped my way out.

[–] 1 pt

I use it for game talk mostly, but since I saw that and thought it was funny I decided to share here. Big mistake apparently. I miss the good old days of Voat where stuff could just be funny and you didn't get a purity spiral.

[–] 0 pt

But in reality, it doesn't really matter because dickord is about as woke as they come. For the short time I used it, I probably had no more than 3 accounts banned because of posts I made.

The last one, about the same time as the allthefoxes mess, was in a private channel on a private server where you had to verify with your IGN on the game server itself before you were allowed even to see it. We were talking about the weimar and the effects it had, and I posted the picture of the mother/daughter prostitute pair. Nothing nasty with it, just "It drove a lot of people to do things they didn't like." Got perabanned on that account, noped the fuck out of there.

Why woketard is saying "No NSDAP imagery" is just virtue signaling on their part because dickord would ban you quicker than you could say "Oh Lawd whar muh pancakes!" if you even posted anything relating to the National Socialists with a thoughtful comment behind it.

As far as Old Voat goes, the kind of thing you're describing is why the place became so toxic and shit up like it did towards the end. You don't have a reputation here yet, so you should refrain from posting that kind of stuff before you do.

[–] 1 pt

Oh, I agree that Discord is trash overall. I assume that anything over there just gets sent directly to the SPLC or ADL. No personal anything getting shared there.

I appreciate the advice, really I do, but I will just go back to lurking. I am an adult and I don't need people spurging out on me (not talking about you here).

[–] 0 pt

If it helps I can call you a NiggerFaggotKike