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community. that's the number one most important thing of any website like reddit, or any website where lots of different people make accounts and post about whatever they want.

Reddit lost tons and tons of users by banning wrongthink during the fiasco where Ellen Pao took over. several times, waves of people ditched reddit and went to voat. voat went from a tiny, barren, dead website to a buzzing community where loads of different people with different interests came over to talk, share photos, links to articles on other websites, etc.

after a while, regular users completely ditched Voat and i have no idea where they went. only Fatpeoplehate, Coontown, shitposting circlejerk boxes, and infinity links to music videos, tired old jokes, and infinity news articles about world news, state news, and tech news remained.

Poal is getting people who ditched Voat due to some website drama. honestly, sincerely it looks like voat used to about a year ago over here. I bet you guys want a thriving website with users with different interests. some good real genuine diversity.

voat seems to think "free speech" is just screeching niggerfaggotkike, but there are "wrongthink" topics that get you dv brigaded and hounded nonstop over there. the obnoxious power users. don't want that to happen here.

best recommendation i got, is to post general hobby and interest things to various little subs until people who are just Googling will find it and come over here.

because people who left Reddit initially, eventually went back and just didn't talk about anything that would get them shadowbanned. they'd enjoy their interests and discussions but were afraid to actually speak their minds lest aaaaaaallll of their content be removed.

a good website would allow people to enjoy their interests and share their opinions. they could enjoy both their hobbies and worldviews, rather than only one and nothing else.

community. that's the number one most important thing of any website like reddit, or any website where lots of different people make accounts and post about whatever they want. Reddit lost tons and tons of users by banning wrongthink during the fiasco where Ellen Pao took over. several times, waves of people ditched reddit and went to voat. voat went from a tiny, barren, dead website to a buzzing community where loads of different people with different interests came over to talk, share photos, links to articles on other websites, etc. after a while, regular users completely ditched Voat and i have no idea where they went. only Fatpeoplehate, Coontown, shitposting circlejerk boxes, and infinity links to music videos, tired old jokes, and infinity news articles about world news, state news, and tech news remained. Poal is getting people who ditched Voat due to some website drama. honestly, sincerely it looks like voat used to about a year ago over here. I bet you guys want a thriving website with users with different interests. some good real genuine diversity. voat seems to think "free speech" is just screeching niggerfaggotkike, but there are "wrongthink" topics that get you dv brigaded and hounded nonstop over there. the obnoxious power users. don't want that to happen here. best recommendation i got, is to post general hobby and interest things to various little subs until people who are just Googling will find it and come over here. because people who left Reddit initially, eventually went back and just didn't talk about anything that would get them shadowbanned. they'd enjoy their interests and discussions but were afraid to actually speak their minds lest aaaaaaallll of their content be removed. a good website would allow people to enjoy their interests and share their opinions. they could enjoy both their hobbies and worldviews, rather than only one and nothing else.

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts

>sincerely it looks like voat used to about a year ago

Try 4years ago. Voat has been shit for a while now

[–] 1 pt

Also numbers wise it's 4 years or more.

[–] 1 pt

yeah but i recall it was shit before reddit banned FPH, then it was great for like a year... then i guess the regular users went back to reddit but didn't talk about wrongthink opinions. voat didn't recover from that.

[–] 1 pt

I’ve spent a lot of time on community building on poal, I’ve enjoyed every minute of it, I actually talk to the users and get to know them. I think that’s part of it making sure the communities that pop up here people have opportunity to get to know each other. Just my 2 cents as a user.

[–] 0 pt

and that's awesome! but Poal's still young. and the year is... well halfway over. but if different people find this place through googling their interests, things could really take off. i'll think of what i could contribute. i don't have much of that sort of thing at this time.

[–] 1 pt

Poal is a whole year old! I know that is young but we have made it a year.

[–] 1 pt

I came from Voat and was never a Redditor, save for a brief flyby, where it took me just moments to determine it wasn't for me. I did exactly what you speak of on Voat, and do the same here now. I left Voat over a year ago now, because it was becoming too toxic. In fact, the same is true of most our core user base, many of whom defected here when pmyb2 created this alternative and aou made it even better.

My question is simple though, how do you do what you ask for. We already have quality posters doing small subs containing non-political things that interest them. As a free speech forum, all are welcome and can post generally what they please, within our ToS guidelines. As we grow, the culture may change, that is inevitable. We will evolve, but we can't have free speech on one hand, and say, but not you on the other.

[–] 1 pt

how do you do what you ask for.

well as for me personally, i've actually been in a slump for a long time... but i'm planning on getting back to my older hobbies and interests, gonna look for some other people who share my interests. i'm really not active on any other website at all right now, but i'm thinking about what i'm going to do irl, and maybe post some of that to here and see who else wants to join me.

it's too early to see a change right now, anyhow. i noticed things tend to have to exist for 2 years on the internet before a whole lot of people notice it exists.

[–] 1 pt

Reddit clone isn't the best way to put it, but other than that, I mostly agree.

[–] 1 pt

well, maybe not for marketing purposes, but what do voat, poal, and phuks all have in common.

[–] 1 pt

Animal mascots and cheeky spelling!

[–] 0 pt

i remember livejournal and its derivatives. loads of them. dreamwidth, journalfen, others i forgot the name of... damn the internet felt so different back then.

[–] 0 pt

One of the issues I have with reddit is their limiting content, be it by mod removal or by the vote manipulation, upvoting what they "like" and "downvoting" what they don't want seen. However, it's their site, they can do what they want. I just limit my time and do what I like there, nothing more, nothing less. No sense bitching about it. This is why I don't watch/pay for tv, movies or sporting events. I don't want to donate my money for the "entertainment" they provide.

I have no issues with voat because again, I just browse and do what I want, that's all. That said, the whole "Look at me, I can say nigger! faggot! fucking burn kike!" never interested me in the least. Yes, I tell offensive jokes, but I put them in the jokes section. I believe putting things in categories is fine, not censorship. Some people don't like crude jokes, so they can block them, I'm good with that. The decision to block should be left up to the individual, not governments or self righteous folks.

[–] 1 pt

oh i forgot to mention- of course reddit's frontpage is shit and manipulated garbage. the good stuff is in very particular niche subs. the niche stuff is great. and of course never listed on the surface.

this place could use some more niche stuff. i looked at the subs here, many are deactivated or inactive.

[–] 1 pt

oh i forgot to mention- of course reddit's frontpage is shit and manipulated garbage.

The numbers are all fake, be it reddit or facebook. Didn't really think about it when I was a kid, but I'd wager the tv numbers, the Nielsen ratings, are all a sham too. It's all just PR, people telling you what's popular and what isn't.

[–] 1 pt

oh there are waaaay more fake numbers than just that! companies lie about the numbers of units they sell, people they serve, loads of fake numbers.

[–] 1 pt

this place could use some more niche stuff. i looked at the subs here, many are deactivated or inactive.

That's why I started up /s/Hawaii. I'm probably the only person on O'ahu here, but that's fine. I'm sure there's more than a few who've traveled here and the thing is, you have to make the place first. Make the sub, fill it with content and people will come, or not, it's ok. Make a sub or subs that interest YOU!!!!

[–] 1 pt

gotta power up a bit more before the next sub. and i haven't thought of any short stories for the sub i already got...