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Arguments: The only value gold has is dollars and vanity. There was NEVER a NEED for gold. There are better/cheaper materials that can replace gold in almost all scenarios.

Gold goes up cause dollars are worth less. So is gold really worth more than it ever was?

In a real collapse I would not trade food for gold. Would you?

There are a million things that would be much more valuable than gold in a collapse.

Seeds Coffee Tobacco Food Water Tools Skills Etc...

Arguments: The only value gold has is dollars and vanity. There was NEVER a NEED for gold. There are better/cheaper materials that can replace gold in almost all scenarios. Gold goes up cause dollars are worth less. So is gold really worth more than it ever was? In a real collapse I would not trade food for gold. Would you? There are a million things that would be much more valuable than gold in a collapse. Seeds Coffee Tobacco Food Water Tools Skills Etc...

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt

All currency is fiat, you cannot prove me wrong. Goods are the only true currency, time and energy translated into metal, 0’s and 1’s, or paper means nothing to me, for those that do nothing with their time except concocting swindle tactics will always throw currency off-balance. Build a super computer that calculates value by means of efficiency, time, and effort exerted by humans, and maybe things will even out. Bill Gates already patented the outcome of what I described, but not the tech.

I foresee a lot of our system of today will be nullified shortly, and paper money, gold, and crypto will become value-free. Food, Aquaponics systems, electric transportation, guns & ammo, solar, etc. will trend to the most valuable things one can own for a period of time. Once taxation ceases, things will go awry for a period until the anarchy balances itself out, whereby we the people cull the carcinogenic individuals and take back our power and sovereignty. Even the various world militaries will bring up arms against their own given orders to protect the wrong-doers, hence the influx of bunker production and ‘anti-lynching’ laws coming about in 2022. Lynching of the 21st century is humanity’s way of fighting it’s flu, it’s going to get ugly, but 99.9999% of humans don’t have to worry about anything, just the bloodlines that have enslaved the rest.

No man has authority over another man, we may believe what we want but that is a universal law, exercising this fallacy is a result of being brainwashed. The people are the authority, not persons, and in the future if that natural law is broken, the people will regulate and keep balance. Anarchy is absence of rulers, not absence of rules (an = against, archon = master), as such immorality and evil will be easily purged at the slightest hint of wrong-doing, without resistance from inefficient current ‘due process’. There will be less ‘due’ and more ‘process’.

Where people with no or negative value exist, have numbered days, no amount of their money or assets will save them, the rich will be the first to go (the leeches), then the dumb & unskilled. Energy will be the first currency to replace everything, so fuels and electric production/storage are safe investments. I imagine wealthy people hoarding these now will likely be robbed and lynched, but at what threshold are people safe? I think the honest millionaires may be allowed to stick around, and the dishonest will be culled, we the people will know when the times comes.

No one is talking about revolution because if they do, they’ll be targeted first by their defense, and there will be defense. It will happen suddenly, with zero warning, and collectively, without any words said. The action of typing or verbally saying words incriminates, and the honest moral prudent citizens of the world are not criminals but have been pushed to this point. It’s like a sane woman that ‘out of nowhere’ kills her abusive husband, we all look at the woman as a criminal after the fact, but something pushed her to that point. The mob of garbage men ‘taking out the trash’ will be revered and will definitely have a spot in the gene pool, females throw themselves at men willing to die for the sake of humanity, that’s a known, unspoken law amongst humans.

Perhaps untainted, unvaxxed sperm will become a currency amongst females, decades of time will tell. Imagine unvaxxed household impregnation services where goods are exchanged for a good dicking until conception, it’s entirely possible if the whole ‘vaccine eugenics’ proves true.

I’m personally fully willing to go temporarily full-communist with zero pay of any kind if it means humanity can right itself. I say this as I sit in my off-grid homestead, so I know I’m a small minority in that department. My pops was right everyday I worked with him, “Skills are the most valuable thing on Earth.” Aligns with ‘knowledge is power’, and the true meaning of ‘money’ (one eye, or the mind’s eye), skills in swindling and theft are worth something today, but will mean nothing, or even death, in the future. The West will probably adopt the Middle East’s hand amputation practices, or perhaps a forehead branding technique. Talk about ‘social credit’, lawyers everywhere will be branded and no one will deal or barter with them. A Jury wouldn’t listen to a lawyer with a black-marked forehead. Tattoos on fingers only last a few years, but could temporarily brand a thief into social oblivion, tattoo removal would become illegal or ultra-controlled, there are so many possibilities for protecting future honest-earned currencies.

If you can swing a hammer and use a measuring tape, I imagine you don’t have anything to worry about, maybe unless you’re a (((carpenter))).