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Were there any others?

The similar timing of the bans and amount of time they'd been allowed to spam Poal without being banned makes me think there was a change in thinking about how Poal is going to operate.

I can't say I disagree with either ban (except that one is clearly going to keep making alts and coming back, so it's basically ineffective). But I also can't really put my finger on why I agree with either ban. They're annoying niggers, but @PuttIt0ut was pretty much just posting in his designated subs (unless @AOU was moving them) and @the_old_ones for now seemed content to try to boost his points and restore/clean his reputation and remove the account tag, by posting anti-pedo (hmm) news and only occasionally autistically threatening people in comment sections.

So bring us in on it, admins. What is on your minds?

Were there any others? The similar timing of the bans and amount of time they'd been allowed to spam Poal without being banned makes me think there was a change in thinking about how Poal is going to operate. I can't say I disagree with either ban (except that one is clearly going to keep making alts and coming back, so it's basically ineffective). But I also can't really put my finger on why I agree with either ban. They're annoying niggers, but @PuttIt0ut was pretty much just posting in his designated subs (unless @AOU was moving them) and @the_old_ones for now seemed content to try to boost his points and restore/clean his reputation and remove the account tag, by posting anti-pedo (hmm) news and only occasionally autistically threatening people in comment sections. So bring us in on it, admins. What is on your minds?

(post is archived)

[–] 17 pts

idea: "site-banned" users are restricted to posting in 1 designated sub (/s/jail), easily blocked, but then they can't reeeeee about being muzzled (muh free speech). We could charge admission, like a zoo, to see the alts

[–] 10 pts

the thing with these people is no matter what you do they reee

[–] 7 pts

a built-in funding solution. I like it.

[–] 3 pts

This is the solution let’s do it!

i like this idea, but i think it would just create a cesspool and they could organize.

[–] 1 pt

A cesspool yes, but how would they "organise"? Anything they'd plan would be right there out in the open for all to see.

[–] 10 pts

Who cares. They where obviously up to no good. We have lost multiple good users over drama and bulshit. I say bring on the helicopter rides and purge the shit heads

[–] 5 pts (edited )

Who is to say the good users left bc of the drama and not other reasons?

Unless I missed a post/comment where someone said they were leaving because of the drama, which is perfectly possible.

The results of the action are mixed anyway. One of the banned users is probably going to go away now; the other one probably isn't.

[–] 9 pts

They told me. Thats how I know.

[–] 4 pts

Oh, I see. Is they're a chance they'll come back if the situation improves?

[–] 1 pt

Hm... is that where owl flew off to?

I feel sort of bad all of a sudden, I guess about disparaging him. Did you put a spell on me, boobs?

[–] 0 pt


[–] 9 pts

It all seems very jewy, to me. A bunch of jewish niggers trying to push the limits to see how much the goyim will take, before proverbially throwing the jew down the well so they can cry anti-semitism. It's all D&C shit, and we all fall for it all the damn time. Honestly? Fuck their "rights." Anyone who's actively trying to harm the community has willingly given up their citizenship, IMO, and should be reclassified as an enemy combatant. Enemy combatants get the rope.

[–] 6 pts

So who gets to determine who is harming the community? Are there any criteria they should follow in making the determination?

[–] 9 pts

I knew this would be the next question in said train of thought. My response to that is to do a proverbial cost-benefit analysis (infogalactic.com). Is a user's behaviour a net-positive, negative, or neutral. Would banning them be a net-positive, negative, or neutral. "Negative" behaviour, overall, is of little importance— it's the causes of their effects that you need to look at. Is someone's "negative" behaviour driving traffic and enabling lively discussion? Cool. Is someone's negative behaviour shitting up the front page, disrupting everyone's experience and generally pissing all the other users off? Off with his head!

We're all human, and nothing is perfect. 100% of the users won't be on-board with every decision, and every action will piss someone off. Any solution we can conceivably come up with will never be totally just and ideal, because of this. Ignoring an obvious problem, however, is not a solution.

[–] 6 pts

Cool. Thank you for the well thought out response.

Initially the potential problem I see with this is that it's completely arbitrary. The 'damage done' and 'good it brings' scales are totally subjective, and would probably even vary day-to-day depending on the decision-makers' moods. I think there is also the potential that over the long term the goalposts could shift, to the point where just generally being a prick is 'doing more harm than good' in the decisoon-maker's eyes.

That said, it seems judgement calls have to be made. And by extension, poor judgement calls have to be tolerated to some extent by the userbase. I believe this has already happened, as the admins are not perfect.

This is an incomplete answer to your proposition. I'll have to think it over a bit more.

[–] 5 pts

Unless someone is trying to hurt the site I don't think anyone should be banned. What's the old trope? I don't like what you say but I'll defend it to the death?

[–] 6 pts

Yeah, I hear that. I guess one thing you could argue is if they aren't actually saying anything but posting constantly, then their presence is just some slide/filibuster tactic that makes it harder for the rest of us to engage with each other.

But who can repeatedly make that call correctly? I confess I checked a couple other accounts this morning that I thought might be banned because these two suddenly were.

[–] 5 pts

Time to add the new ban-ees to the helicopter meme.

[–] 3 pts

See, you say that, but these people actively propped up a shittier and censorious version of the sub people like me brought to voat.

I have absolutely no say in any of this; I won't shy away from admitting that. However, you lot deserve to know what Crensch and unscathedviolet do, as well as what kevdude does. It looks like vindic8tor is apart of their group too. They all network to coordinate things very vividly. It's hilarious seeing them fervently deny their being so organized, too.


[–] 5 pts

(except that one is clearly going to keep making alts and coming back, so it's basically ineffective).

Exactly, so why bother banning them?

I liked both of them. I disagreed with them on most things, but that's what made them interesting.

[–] 4 pts

https://voat .co/v/ProtectVoat/3427788

[–] 4 pts (edited )

Break the terms for a few months, then IP ban and move on. Ban accounts by IP, and ban new creation by IP on a timer, say 3 months or whatever.

The amount of brain power that has gone into this problem over the last 20 years you would think it was DARPA.

You can of course baby them and hand hold each one which was done already. But if you get 100 at once, or 10s of them per day starting, actual different people trying to start doing similar things, it's too much.

Once it's clear it's not favoritism and not political, but it could happen for real, 99% of them will stop, or become disinterested in posting here to begin with. Problem with Voat is it looks like favitorism and is done erratically. People try to constantly play "in-crowd" games, and it's beyond stupid.

[–] 2 pts

These platforms invite ego.

Why do you think we've frequented anonymous message boards for so long? Namefags are detestable for this obvious reason.

[–] 1 pt

That's a good point, that I've probably never thought of that way before.

[–] 2 pts

The hurtbox destroys your ego.

See, chans do something that can't be done otherwise. It removes what you know, strips it down, meticulously analyzes it and shoves it in your face. You get to a point where you don't get to look away. The truth is stripped out of you, so much so that after a certain amount of time, your only option is to be perfectly honest while you're anonymous.

The hard part is balancing that understanding with people around you. We commonly refer to slipping up as "revealing your power level". Hopefully the reason is now transparent: we're talking about invoking ego again, despite it having been stripped of you. Personally, I hardly have any self-awareness anymore. It comes with a cost.

[–] 2 pts

The reason a lot of time goes into it is because while you think it’s simple, in reality it is not.

So you IP ban. That’s easy to circumvent. Unplug your gateway or router device, wait 30m, plug it back in.

BAM! New IP address and whomever is unlucky enough to get your old IP is blocked.

Word of advice; NCIS and CSI: Short Bus are not good sources of technical information, so please stop parroting the stupid they push out. There’s a reason it’s called “programming”.....

[–] 3 pts (edited )

You are wrong about nearly everything you said.

My info comes from my own industry experience and real implementations, and on top 100 sites, over a multi-decade career.

[–] 2 pts

You are wrong. My info comes from my own industry experience and real implementations, and on top 100 sites, over a multi-decade career.

I don’t have to acknowledge an appeal to an authority that is lesser than me, and your career penis is much, much smaller than mine.

Providers use DHCP, and VPNs with cycling endpoints exist for a reason. If you don’t understand those very basic concepts about the internet, I feel sorry for your customers....

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

i dont like to see anyone banned, because when i was on voat i had close to 20 accounts banned because i would stop downvote brigades and people couldnt be touched. I was always open about it. not to mention, probably around 100 (no joke) locked out accounts and brigaded accounts.

as much as i despise the two faced fucking whore *real puttitout, I hate people who try to impersonate.

@PuttIt0ut was pretty much just posting in his designated subs

naw he wasnt, he was spamming subs with stupid shit.

i dont even believe that was the same theoldones from voat... I just ignore them both. I know the Crensch here is legit him.

idk where i'm going with this, but I'm sure they had reasons

[–] 4 pts (edited )

Well, theoldones on Voat complained about being banned on PV.

I didn't pay much attention to fake putts it's entirely possible he was spamming.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts (edited )

that shows how little i pay attention to voat now. i just stalk friends accounts, or if poal get slow i check out /new/.... and its funny because they (not friends) know im on here so i know they talking about me in some extent.

it's entirely possible he was spamming.

he was, he would submit shit in different subs, would ping me (which makes me think i know who it was) I even commented on it "this is borderline spam" Its one thing I really like about this place, you dont shit in your pool

i dont out alts, i aint no fucking rat. but if was who i think it was.... it makes sense infact, im about 80% sure im correct now

[–] 2 pts

i dont even believe that was the same theoldones from voat

https://voat .co/v/BloodOfEurope/3244150/18851700

[–] 2 pts

I'm a month and some change late but @the_old_ones is a notorious troll and one of the most hated users across both poal and voat, he is the reason the ban wave occurred on voat and he was trying to stir up his shit here too.

Your opinion on his "pedo hunts" doesn't really matter because he never cared about hunting pedos, he cared about branding people who criticized, downvoted and disagreed with him as pedos and then stalking them from his parent's basement for months on end, he actively doxxed and attempted to dox users and he was so obsessive that he followed his critics to poal when his witch hunts and manipulations directed at Putt got them banned for his personal twisted definition of "vote manipulation" which caused a user uprising even in putt's top ranks and he had to reverse his decision and be shamed in front of the whole community.

He wanted admin to enforce his personal rules which weren't board or site rules, he wanted admin to give him all the default subs to manage, he wanted power that's why he created more subs than all of the other voat drama fags, more than even the top minds of SBBH, he's just a power hungry man baby that can't cope with his own failure and ineptitude and lives his sad NEET life online trying to impress strangers and get the power to ban people who don't coddle him and his low IQ schemes to steal power.

[–] 1 pt

Month late or not, welcome to the party. Before his coming to Poal I was holding out that maybe he was just a narcissistic or very autistic guy that occasionally went off the rails. But after his display here I think he may actually be some kind of shill. Idk if you were picking up what I was implying in my post, but I also thought there was something a little conspicuous about his being an outspoken "anti-pedo".

[–] 1 pt

Oh I remember The old ones, he continually reposted my stuff as his own on VOAT and when I challenged him, he told me to fuck off. A real charmer. But he's probably still here with an alt, like Dial and Zyklon, the alcoholic and the meth head paedo.

[–] 0 pt

Shilling isn't free speech.

[–] 1 pt

Oh, but it is...